The Jewish community of Postoloprty and its status within the region of north-west Bohemia until the end of the 18th century
Židovská obec Postoloprty a její místo v regionu severozápadních Čech do konce 18. století
Keywords: Postoloprty; Jewish community; north-west Bohemia; 18th century;
The paper deals with the history of the Jewish community of Postoloprty (Postelberg) in the context of Jewish settlement in north-west Bohemia. This community is remarkable in that it is one of the few in Bohemia to have been established as a result of the expulsion of Jews from Vienna and from Lower Austria after 1669. A key role in the relocation of the Jews here was played by the owner of the Postoloprty domain, Georg Ludwig Graf von Sinzendorf (1616–1681), who took under his protection almost 20 Jewish families who had originally settled on his estates in Lower Austria. The character of the owner of the domain was generally crucial for the Jewish community. This is because he was in a position to alter their established way of life by rejecting their existing rights and obligations. After 1691, the new owners of the domain, the Schwarzenbergs, introduced stricter rules for the Jewish community, especially with regard to marriage permits and to their dealings with the Christian majority. The Jews were gradually segregated to a separate street in the north-east of the town. Towards the end of the 18th century, the community became heavily indebted and its population stagnated as a result of a combination of several unfavourable factors – notably, a sudden reduction in the number of families in 1711, high costs to be paid for the newly built synagogue, and a series of natural disasters.