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Market towns’ privileges and their system of self-government and administration were similar to the free royal cities. In the late 14th century, Miskolc doubled in size, besides the „Old Town“, the „New Town“ was first mentioned in 1376, with its own weekly fairs and administration, even with a separate parish. The parish church of the New Town, first mentioned in one of the Pope’s deeds in 1445, bore the name of the Holy Virgin Mary as its title. The fact that a cotters’ street or quarter came into being next to the church of the New Town indicates the independence of the New Town and its parish, similarly to the Old Town. The separation of the Old Town and the New Town was a medieval phenomenon, however the dual centres did not survive the Middle Ages, as Miskolc was burnt down by the Turkish troops in 1544. On the ruins of the former parish, a new baroque monastery of the Conventual Franciscans (Minorites) was built in 1720s, and a Minorite scribe made a small drawing in the protocol of the convent showing the outline of the medieval church.
„La buona figliuola” („The Accomplish’d Maid”) is an opera buffa in three acts by Niccolò Piccinni and Carlo Goldoni. The librettist based his text on Samuel Richardson’s novel „Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded”. It was performed for the first time at the Teatro delle Dame, Rome on 6th February 1760 with an all male cast. It was a big success and „La buona figliuola” took Europe by storm. Every European opera house had this opera in its repertoire. The performances were in: Barcelona, Prague, Vien, Dresden, London, Berlin, Mannheim and Paris. This opera was probably performed even in Beijing by Jesuits in 1778. „La buona figliuola” was so popular in Europe that Stanisław August Poniatowski, the King of Poland, wished it for his coronation ceremony. The performance took place at the National Theatre on 7th August 1765, just five years after the world premiere. This opera was also very popular in Warsaw. People loved the story of a simple and good maid Cecchina. Seventeen years later, Wojciech Bogusławski, the director of the National Theater, translated and adapted Goldoni’s opera and named it „Czekina albo cnotliwa panienka” („Czekina or a Virtuous Maid”). He performed it in 1782 with big success. First of all, the article describes the historical context of the creation of libretto – the Carlo Goldoni’s biography. Next, it presents the story of maid Cecchina and the phenomenon of the description of the Polish theories of translation from the 18th century, the Polish version of the opera – „Czekina or a Virtuous Maid”, is presented. Finally, two versions of the libretto – the Goldoni’s and the Bogusławski’s, are compared.
This study presents a biography of one of the burgherois origin officials – Marek Walticher. He was a son of a merchant born in Pressburg. Marek Walticher came from vicinity of Pressburg Catholic patricians, mainly through his mother‘s family. Marek Walticher´s career had three periods. Initially he was employed in the Hungarian Chamber. Later he moved to the Mikuláš Esterhazy palatine barnyard, where he worked as his accountant and then he worked in important position of palatine office clerk. On the top of his career he worked as a main royal customs officer in Magyaróvár and he was appointed by monarch as a royal counselor. The study also presents detailed genealogical analysis of his family and social contacts of his wider kinship.
This contribution describes and evaluates four wells explored or documented in 1990s in the streets of Košice. Two of the wells were investigated in Hlavná Street – one of them is located in the Lower Gate area and the other is near the Immaculata. The third well was researched in Dominikánske Square. The well in front of Kováčska Street 26, damaged by a sewer trench, was documented only. Profile of the wells is round, narrowing towards the bottom. Their construction character is identical as well – stone walls built on a wooden base construction. The maximum difference between the bottoms’ levels is 1.5 m. It was impossible to measure the depth and identify the construction method of the well in Kováčska Street – in front of Kováčska 25, as it was situated under the bottom of the sewer trench backfill. Despite the fact that dating of the wells was not possible, it is undoubtable that they were used in the modern era. They disappeared when the city water supply was built in the beginning of the 20th century.
The presented paper deals with the organization of municipal economy administration in Košice in 16th and 17th century. The study is based on the analysis of the lists of elected municipal officials, the account books of city and individual officials from the particular period, which are located in Košice City Archives. It presents and evaluates transfers in the structure of municipal economy administration and its competences in the period of municipal economic and political bloom as well as in the period of its gradual stagnation.
The history of Košice in the 16th century exemplifies a Micro History of the Reformation including all local particularities. The three persons from the church background in the town represent three characteristic types and three developmental phases of initial period of the Reformation in Košice. During this time the initiative shifted from clergy to the city council, which unprecedentedly extended his competence into theology and mainly liturgy. At the same time, contact with other towns in the region and also with Wittenberg was reinforced due to the correct interpretation of reformation teachings. At that time, the city council presented itself as a competent institution with the right and the duty to uphold the responsibility for religious issues also in theological meaning.
The paper deals with issues pertaining to the relations and communication between the representatives of the town administrations in Košice, Bardejov and Prešov in the 15th century. The reflection of these relations may be found in correspondence preserved in the archives of these towns. These documents have made the author to note that mutual cooperation was developed among the towns, especially in the field of the town diplomacy by sending common town delegates to the Royal court and high dignitaries of the Kingdom and to the common consultations of the towns. Military aff airs and espionage were another area of cooperation between the towns. If the towns were not directly threatened, in many areas (economy, trade) they acted like rivals. One example is the cause between Bardejov and Prešov because of bleaching linen, lasting for the whole 15th century.
The European Union (EU) has faced one of its biggest crises with the rise of population inflows through its Eastern and Southern neighbours as well as movements within the Union. In 2016, the main debate that dominated Europe was on restricting migration within and into the EU along with concerns and objections to the refugee quota systems and the sharing of the burden among member states. Turkey emerged as a ‘gate keeper’ in this crisis and has since been at the centre of debates because of the large Syrian refugee population in the country and billions of Euros it was promised to prevent refugees travelling to Europe. The Syrian crisis produced over 4.8 million refugees with over 2.8 million were based in Turkey by the end of 2016. Turkey with its generous support for Syrian refugees has been confirmed as a ‘country of security’. This shadows the darker side of affairs as the very same country has also produced millions of asylum seekers since the 1980 military coup. Current circumstances and fresh evidence indicate that there will be more EU bound refugees coming through and from Turkey.
Josip Broz TİTO’nun 1980’de ölümünden sonra, Yugoslavya içinde 20 yıl sürecek olan dağılma sürecinin başladığı tarihtir. Tito tarafından oluşturulan Sosyalist Federatif Yugoslavya Cumhuriyetleri içinde tırmanan etnik milliyetçilik, başta dini,siyasi ekonomik görüş ayrılıkları dağılma sürecinin kanlı bir biçimde tamamlanmasına neden olmuştur. Dağılma sürecinde ilk olarak Slovenya ve Hırvatistan Milletvekillerinin Belgrad’ta Yugoslavya Parlamentosunu protesto ederek terk ettiklerinde Yugoslavya’da tansiyonun birdaha düşürülemediği kanlı savaşların başladığının en büyük işaretiydi. Sırplar ise bütün bu gelişmelere rağmen Yugoslavya’nın tek varisi oldukların ve SFYC temsil ettiklerini idda etmekteydiler ve Yugoslavyanın bölünmesine asla izin vermeyeceklerinin federasyonu oluşturan herhangi Yugoslav devleti tarafından federasyondan ayrılma talebinde bulunulursa buna karşı gerekirse JNA-Yugoslavya Halk Ordusu tarafından müdahele edeceklerinin belirtiyorlardı. JNA-Yugoslavya Halk Ordusunun % 75 Sırp subay ve askerleri oluşturuyordu.Bu bakıma JNA Sırpların kontrolü içindeydi.20 yıl sürecek olan dağılma süreci içinde 1980-1999 Yugoslavya içinde gerçekleşen Slovenya, Hırvatistan, Bosna ve Hersek, Kosova Savaşlarında bizzat JNA-Yugoslavya Halk Ordusunun silahlarıyla donatılmış olan Sırplar girdikleri köy kasabaları yerlebir etmişlerdir.
Throughout the world cities after the fall of the totalitarian regimes deal with numerous issues that affect the everyday life of their inhabitants. The cities, which benefited from the economic direction of the totalitarian regime concerning selected sectors of the economy, may become sites on the periphery of events after several years. Conversely, the democratization of post-totalitarian societies associated with the opening of borders, free movement of persons, knowledge and technologies in a short time can affect the development of cities and towns stagnating in the previous era.
The transformations of the North Atlantic Alliance in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and its mission in Afghanistan have proceeded hand in hand with the redefining of security interests in individual member states. Poland and Germany have also been affected by a polarization of views, particularly on the nature, place and role of NATO in today's world. The countries’ geopolitics and their varying visions of European security have significantly affected their positions.
The involvement of Poland in the activities of the international community for strengthening peace, security and stability in conflict-prone states and regions was one of significant elements of the foreign policy pursued after 1989. It assumed various forms, from diplomatic initiatives and activities, to the direct participation in international peacekeeping operations and stabilisation missions. The involvement of Poland in the activities of the international community for strengthening peace, security and stability in conflict-prone states and regions was one of significant elements of the foreign policy pursued after 1989. It assumed various forms, from diplomatic initiatives and activities, to the direct participation in international peacekeeping operations and stabilisation missions.
This article examines the role of Karimov regime and his opponents in influencing Turkish-Uzbekistani relations in the 1990s and its consequences for later developments. Following the description of the characteristics of Turkish-Uzbekistani relations, it will be discussed how far had the opposition leaders such as Abdürrahim Polat and Muhammad Salih an impact on the worsening of the bilateral ties between Turkey and Uzbekistan. This article then stresses Turkey’s attitude towards Uzbek opposition leaders which finally addresses the reasons for worsening of Turkish-Uzbekistani relations such as the bombings of Tashkent, Uzbek students in Turkey, Gülen Movement as well as the ideology of Pan-Turkism.
No matter what the reasons are for providing development aid, the “how and where” of the countries doing it influences their image in international relations and testifies to the intelligent power of a country. Helping a country such as Tajikistan is difficult, and not only because of its geographic location or high level of poverty. It is hard to make some changes there (especially in the field of democracy) when a donor country has to face the despotic presidency of Rachmon and the high level of support for Putin's policies. Since 2004 Poland has been providing aid to this country (mainly with the participation of Polish NGOs), regardless of the fact as to whether it was on the list of priority countries or not. What are the main areas of Polish aid there? And what does Poland want and expect to achieve by helping the Tajiks? In this research and analysis the author looks for answers to these two questions.
Marcel Mauss’ works on the social facts of sacrifice, gift and pray formed the fundamental concepts and theories for anthropological studies about the reciprocity between humans and gods and the contract principal in gift exchange. This paper will focus on a sacrificial ritual to mountain god in a Tibetan tribe and discuss the relations between the three concepts, to illustrate that in this kind of ritual, although sacrificesare nonliving beings rather than animals, the intensity of other steps still stay at asimilar level with classical sacrificial ritual with animal sacrifices; and in the ethics of reciprocal principal, the form of gift exchange in this sacrificial ritual shows obvious „merit“ and „karma“ values which has representativeness in Buddhist societies.
This article discusses the role of gifts and hospitality in Bulgarian peasant tradition in the context of peasant society structure: small and middle size family households organized to overcome difficulties and constraints of an underdeveloped society of „communal capitalism“ where most of the young people could not enter labor market outside villages. Overpopulation results in specific strategies of economic behavior: family members worked to make their households most productive through their efforts, mutual aid between village families in critical moments of agricultural cycle, as well as intensive social interaction in the most important social events in peasant communities: birth, wedding, rites of passage, funerals, calendar customs, rites and holidays, etc. All of them contained gifts exchanges and hospitality that reflect relative social equality and regular exchange of services between families. Most archaic gifts – oral blessings and actions, presented by ritual groups („koledari“, „survakari“, „kukeri“, etc) are directed to positive influence on actual and future fruits of nature and humans health. They are exchanged for material gifts and hospitality. Collective participation in gift exchange and hospitality includes rites aimed to overcome critical moment in the families and villages: long illness or epidemics. All the collective rituals expressed unity against social and natural crises.
The article is dedicated to one of the important moments in the wedding custom inBulgaria – the offering. It traces the ways in which since the second half of the 20thcentury the authorities try to influence the traditional forms of offering. The researchshows the differences in offering in the towns and villages and presents the reasonsfor them. It outlines the main trends in the last tree decades in the exchange of giftsbetween the newly-married couple and the guests which are characterized by theintensive penetration of foreign models.
The article presents in chronological order the donations which have come in thespecialized ethnographic archive of the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studieswith Ethnographic Museum. It analyzes the dynamics of the donations, their thematiccontent, territorial range, and the motivation of the donors as well as traces the processof transformation of the personal documents into public socially significant culturalfacts.