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The article discusses the main threads of interest among historians publishing in the underground journal “Krytyka” during the years 1978–1989. It highlights the most important topics in contemporary history that, due to censorship reasons, either did not exist or were distorted in the official historiography of the People’s Republic of Poland (PRL). These topics included the history of the Polish armed anti-communist underground, the crimes of the security apparatus, the history of the Polish Socialist Party, Polish-Ukrainian, and Polish-Jewish relations, as well as key issues in post-war political history, such as the events of March 1968. The article devotes considerable attention to the authors of articles that aimed to restore memory and supplement knowledge about these issues. It also attempts to reflect on their involvement in the opposition movement in the context of their previous professional and political experiences.
Trybuna Ludu” – the main press organ of the PZPR – presented its official political line. It was supposed to be the voice of the party leadership – not a forum for discussion. However, at the end of the 1980s, alongside the previously existing columns presenting readers’ letters selected by the editors for printing or discussion (real or fictional – this is always difficult to tell in magazines with such a propagandist and ideological profile), other kinds of readers’ voices began to appear. They were meant to be a contribution to the discussion on the necessity and shape of the reform of both the PZPR and the state. This was a discussion controlled by an editorial board which was more conservative in the sphere of ideology than the party authorities. In the surviving internal “Trybuna Ludu” bulletins and letters to the editor-in-chief, we find an overview of authentic letters that were not printed because they were too critical towards the actions of the party leadership. It was only after the loss of power by the PZPR, when the real discussion began as to whether and in what form the party could still be saved. However, it could not in any way strengthen the credibility of the PZPR in society.
This article contributes to the history of the development of Polish United Workers Party university committees on the example of the Tricity academic community. The goal of the communist party’s actions at universities was to seize control over academic affairs while simultaneously bringing students into the political mainstream through ongoing ideological and instructional initiatives. As a result, higher education’s independence was reduced and subjugated to political agendas. Recruitment of students into the PZPR ranks was not given much importance at first; it wasn’t until the 1960s that it started to receive significant attention. As a result, duties delegated by higher authorities were formalized, and there was more control over how they were carried out. Despite intensive activities aimed at increasing youth participation in party life, until the end of the existence of the Polish People’s Republic, the scope of the PZPR’s influence among students was limited. The only measurable criterion of the party’s offensive in the academic community was quantitative, not qualitative.
The article deals with the perception of the tribe Papiria in the nomenclature of the Roman civics in two Trajanic colonies in Moesia Superior and Moesia Inferior—col(onia) Ulp(ia) Tra(iana) Rat(iariensium) and col(onia) Ulp(ia) Oescensium respectively. Although located close geographically and with a few common traits of their historical development, some discrepancies appeared in the topic which are discussed. The inscriptions provide, although scanty, some information on the tribe affiliation of the civic and religious colonial elite, augustales coloniae as well as the tribe affiliation as a part of a certain ornamenta. All this allows to establish the Roman tribe as an important social marker and for prestige in the Roman civic community, and can therefore serve in the Roman provinces as a sign of the progress of urbanization and Romanization. Certainly, the observations made are preliminary due to the scanty evidence available so far for various reasons.
This article examines the experiences of Count Luigi Ferdinando Marsili (1658–1730) during his nine-month captivity under the Turks, following his capture on the eve of the siege of Vienna in 1683. Translated into Bulgarian, parts of his major works on this subject – “Autobiography” and “Information on Slavery / Ragguaglio della schiavitu” – are presented and analyzed. These texts are compared with other documents and studies to explore the formation and development of Marsili’s ideas about slavery, the means of combating this phenomenon, and the forms of redemption. Above all, the analysis highlights the universal human values embedded in these examples of European memoir literature from the dawn of the eighteenth century.
The role of the Janissary corps in the history of the post-classical Ottoman Empire is one of the most debated themes in historiography. Undoubtedly, this role transcended its purely military functions and had much wider social, economic, and political repercussions, not only for the capital of the Empire but also for the provinces. This was particularly true in the context of the decentralization of the corps and their infiltration into local societies and economies in the eighteenth century. This paper aims to examine the local implications of these multi-layered processes in the town of Rusçuk (Ruse, on the Lower Danube), based on information from a rare, detailed mid-18th-century avarız defter. The source provides valuable information on the local society, with a key focus on the military strata in the town of Rusçuk, dominated almost entirely by the Janissaries. The information from the defter offers valuable details about their inner hierarchy, payment structures, and clustering along professional lines in the urban quarters. This exhaustive but generally statistical information will be correlated with data from the kadi court records of the local sharia judges of Rusçuk from approximately the same period (circa mid-18th century). Through a micro-historical approach, the study attempts to provide a more adequate context for understanding the demographic parameters, the degree of infiltration of the military into local society and economy, and their role in the everyday life of the province.
Review of: Przemysław Gawron - Monarchie und Diplomatie. Handlungsoptionen und Netzwerke am Hof Sigismunds III. Wasa, ed. Oliver Hegedüs and Kolja Lichy, Pader-born, 2023, Brill-Schöningh, Series: FOKUS, vol. 13, 375 pp. Oleksandr Pestrykov - Andrii Portnov, Dnipro: An Entangled History of a European City, Boston 2022, Academic Studies Press, 376 pp., 63 ills Tomasz Hen-Konarski - Fabian Baumann, Dynasty Divided: A Family History of Russian and Ukrainian Nationalism, Ithaca, NY, 2023, Cornell University Press, 348 pp. Sylwia Kuźma-Markowska - Adam Walaszek, Polish American History before 1939: Polish- -American History from 1854 to 2004, vol. 1, translated by Urszula Tempska, New York, 2024, Routledge, 449 pp., bibliography, index Anna Landau-Czajka - Joanna Degler, Agnieszka Jagodzińska, Marcin Wodziński, Literatura autobiograficzna Żydów polskich: tradycja, nowoczesność, płeć [Autobiographies of Polish Jews: Tradition, Modernity, Gender], Wrocław, 2024, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 206 pp. (Bibliotheca Judaica, 12)
The article analyzes the legal status and protection of natural heritage sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in Poland. The natural properties on the List include natural elements and cultural landscapes as objects accompanying the monuments. Legal protection of natural and landscape resources is regulated mainly in the provisions on nature protection, the protection of monuments and spatial planning and development acts. However, there is no clear distinction between the protection of natural assets under the UNESCO Convention and provisions concerning the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage in the Polish legal system, which causes many legal problems related to their protection, management and monitoring. A consequence of this situation may be the degradation of these elements, in particular unique natural habitats, where protection under criminal law is unsatisfactory. There are only two natural heritage sites in Poland – the Białowieża Primeval Forest and ancient beech forests in the Bieszczady National Park. Therefore, efforts should be made to extend this List. However, it is necessary to consider strengthening the legal protection of such objects in the Nature Conservation Act by distinguishing this form of heritage or establishing separate legal acts dedicated to these objects. Therefore, only legal protection at the national level will be most effective.
By the decree of the President of the Republic of Poland on November 15, 2023, the palace and park complex in Lubostron was recognized as a monument of history. The classical residence of Count Fryderyk Skórzewski, built in 1800 and inspired by Andrea Palladio’s Villa Rotonda near Vicenza, Italy, is surrounded by an English-style park and stands among the most valuable monuments in Poland. Until 1939, the property was owned by the Skórzewski family, who upheld patriotic values and national traditions during the country’s subjugation. After World War II, the palace was nationalized. Its inclusion on the list of monuments of history confirms the significant value of the palace and park complex, deeply intertwined with the history of Poland and its cultural heritage.
The article presents selected cases of criminal activity in 2022 based on statistics prepared by police, the National Revenue Administration and border police. The study is part of an annual series that aims to illustrate the trends and threats to monuments and cultural assets in a given year. The complementary presentation of collective information on risks to cultural heritage is essential for a research perspective and to develop a strategy for its protection. Criminal activity involving cultural heritage is influenced by specific events that affect the level of security in a State. Among the factors that should be taken into account when analyzing the phenomenon of crime against cultural heritage in 2022, threats arising from the Russian aggression on Ukraine should be considered.
Spacerując ulicami miast zdobionych zabytkowymi budynkami, czytając dzieła przodków, w których zawarte są dzieje świata i ludzkości, przestrzegając dawnych obyczajów, które na trwałe zagnieździły się w naszej kulturze, lub korzystając z technologicznych skarbów, które przez wieki ułatwiały ludziom życie, możemy dostrzec, że codziennie mamy do czynienia z dziedzictwem kulturowym. Co za tym idzie – wpływa ono na nas wszystkich, ubarwiając naszą przestrzeń, pomagając nam zrozumieć myślenie poprzednich pokoleń, a także polepszając jakość życia. Scheda pozostawiona nam przez naszych przodków nie jest niczyją własnością ze względu na jej ponadczasowy charakter. Pokazuje to, że poprzez swój wpływ na funkcjonowanie współczesnych ludzi, pomimo upływających lat dziedzictwo kulturowe jest naszym wspólnym dobrem – i w pełni się z tym zgadzam.
The Crimean Tatars, who have important commonalities with the Turkish region in terms of literary tradition, actually have an old tradition of lexicography and very valuable Crimean Tatar dictionaries have been published in the process. These dictionaries are mostly general in nature and also include glossaries of terms. Codex Kumanicus is accepted by Crimean Tatars as the first Crimean Tatar dictionary and work. Written in the 13-14th centuries, this work is one of the indispensable sources of Turkological studies. In the following years, valuable Crimean-Tatar dictionaries were prepared. Towards the end of the 19th century, another work titled Short RussianTatar Dictionary (Crimean dialect) was published. This dictionary was written especially for Russian tourists visiting Crimea and locals who did not know Crimean Tatar well. In the introduction of the work, various information about the dictionary is given: Approximately 2/3 of the words in the dictionary are composed of words used in spoken language. Apart from the dictionary, the main grammatical rules and phrases and sentences in Crimean Tatar are also included. In this dictionary Crimean Tatar words are written in Cyrillic alphabet. At a time when the Arabic alphabet was used among the Crimean Tatars, the publication of such a work in Cyrillic is very remarkable. However, the Cyrillic alphabet of Crimean Tatar words has made it difficult to express some sounds in Crimean Tatar language. In the end, the dictionary is a "guide dictionary". In our study, we will introduce this dictionary and examine it in terms of vocabulary.
Trade between the Republic of Ragusa and the Medieval Albanian lands was quite extensive and active and included most of the Albanian markets. Almost in every town with importance in trade, there was a community of Ragusan merchants. Their consuls represented those communities. Besides the consuls and merchants who were present in the cities and markets of Albania, the Ragusans had seized the customs of various products, which they rented and paid to the local rulers for the duties related to them. The Trade with Ragusa was of great importance because in Albania came wares from Western European areas and other countries. Reciprocally, Albanian products arrived not only in Ragusa. Albanian Merchants exported further their wares through Europe. In addition, trade relations with Ragusa affected the culture and mastery of the country, too, which benefited from techniques exchanged through trade. That was seen in the elaborating of gold and silver, tailoring, and other crafts. In conclusion, we can say that trade relations with Ragusa were of great importance to Albania. These relations were a key in the economic exchanges the Albanians had with other foreign countries during the Middle Ages. (1951-2020)
Review of: SALI KADRIA: NACIONALIZMI SHQIPTAR NË VITET 1912-1924, Tiranë: Kristalina-KH, 2019, 680 F.
During 1874, agricultural conditions in Montenegro gradually changed. The Princely Montenegrin Agricultural School in Danilovgrad was opened in 1875, but was closed the following year due to the outbreak of war (1876). Twenty students applied for the first school agricultural course. The following subjects were studied at the school: fruit growing, silkworm breeding, animal husbandry and farming. The lower princely Montenegrin agricultural school in Podgorica was opened in 1893, and ceased to operate in 1898. The focus of the classes was on plant production, animal husbandry, silkworm breeding and beekeeping, but also forestry. Twenty- five students who completed their education also received employment in the civil service.After the First world war, a very difficult situation prevailed in the whole kingdom regarding the teaching of schools. Some political parties (Montenegrin Party, Radical Party) had in their programs views on the establishment of vocational schools, especially craft and agricultural. Regarding the opening of an agricultural school in Montenegro, the biggest problem was the location of the future school. with a lot of problems, it was only in 1933 that the Special Agricultural School for Southern Cultures „Topolica” was opened, lasting one year, which in 1939 grew into a two-year one, and was called the Special Lower Agricultural School for Southern Cultures. The school was located in the building of King Nikola‘s castle in Topolica in Bar.
Në gjysmën e dytë të shek. XIX, në dokumente të ndryshme të diplomacisë europiane të kohës, e posaçërisht asaj austro-hungareze, gjendet një informacion me vlerë për situatën demografike, etnike, fetare, por edhe sociale, ekonomike, kulturore etj., të Ballkanit osman e në kuadër të saj edhe për botën shqiptare. Aty kemi gjetur të dhëna edhe për numrin, përbërjen etnike dhe besimet fetare të popullsisë së sanxhaqeve ose vilajeteve të quajtura shqiptare, gjithashtu për tiparet e banorëve, të çdo kombësie, për gjendjen e tyre ekonomike, sociale, kulturore etj. Interesimi i posaçëm i Perandorisë Habsburge për rajonin e Ballkanit, në konkurrencë veçanërisht të ashpër me Perandorinë Ruse, për pasojë ngritja e dendur e konsullatave në territorin e Ballkanit osman, kualifikimi përgjithësisht i lartë i personelit të tyre dhe, po kështu, burimet mjaft të besueshme zyrtare e jozyrtare të informacionit që ato siguronin, janë tregues për të krijuar bindjen se të dhënat arkivore të diplomacisë vjeneze të kësaj periudhe meritojnë vlerësim serioz dhe janë për t’u marrë në konsideratë
Krijimi i Monarkisë Shqiptare, kaloi nëpërmjet një rruge të studiuar mirë. Si një politikan që kishte arritur shpejt postet më të larta drejtuese të shtetit, Zogu ishte i vetëdijshëm se ndryshimi i sistemit politik, duhej bërë sa të ishte e mundur, nëpërmjet hapësirave ligjore, proces të cilin mund ta definonte Asambleja Kushtetuese. Pasi siguroi mbështetjen italiane dhe të grupimeve të caktuara të shoqërisë shqiptare, vëmendja u përqendrua në krijimin e kushteve që do të mundësonin kalimin e vendit në zgjedhje të reja. Ato më të afertat mund të bëheshin në pranverën e vitit 1929, dhe do të ishin për Dhomën e Deputetëve, pasi Statuti Themeltar i Republikës kishte përcaktuar se deputeti zgjidhej për katër vjet. Ndërsa ato për 2/3 e senatorëve, i takonte të bëheshin në vitin 1931, sepse ata zgjidheshin për 6 vjet.1 Kështu që mundësi e vetme, ishte krijimi i situatave konfliktuale mes dhomave të parlamentit, me qëllim shpërndarjen e tyre. Si pretekst për këtë shërbeu projektligji për krijimin e Këshillit të Shtetit dhe pikërisht klauzola, se kush do të kishte të drejtën e emërimit të anëtarëve të tij. Në nëntor 1927, Dhoma e Deputetëve gjatë diskutimit të bërë, saktësoi në pikën 1 se, “Këshilli i Shtetit përbëhet prej pesë anëtarësh, të emëruar drejtpërdrejtë me dekret të Kryetarit të Republikës, nga të cilët njëri dekretohet kryetar”.