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Architect Lajos Pákei (1853-1921) was an expert at documenting the architectural heritage of Kolozsvár, and his legacy consisting of plans and documents is kept in archives and collections in Kolozsvár and Budapest. This article highlights three diplomas from this rich heritage to recall certain episodes from the career of the architect. Pákei studied engineering, architecture and arts in Budapest, Munich, and Vienna between 1872 and 1880. Since he did not have any Hungarian “document” of his studies, he had to meet the expectations which have changed meanwhile. Seven years after the completion of his studies, as a practicing architect, honorary chief engineer of Kolozsvár, and institution manager, he passed the required examinations and obtained the architect diploma of the Royal Joseph University of Budapest. He recounted these events in his biography without any annoyance.
On the evening of December 21, 1923 the participants in the creation of the Macedonian Scientific Institute (MSI) departed from the hall № 10 of the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski with the thought that marked "the beginning of a great work".
Natural disasters have always been in the crosshairs of attention, and with the increasing access to press they have become so-called media-born events. From the birth of photography onwards, people endeavoured to capture the impact of natural disasters. The present study examines the earliest examples of disaster photography from Hungary, images of major floods in the 1870s. The photos of two Budapest floods (1875, 1876), as well as of those which devastated Miskolc (1878) and Szeged (1879), allow a comparison of the images created by the new technology with graphic depictions of previous eras. In order to draw a general picture of the perception of floods, the study also focuses on the representation of nature, city and people in photography.The photographs examined retain the previous era’s Classicist or Romantic approach to content and stylistic character, while offering unique and novel ways of disaster representation using the language of photography. On one hand, due to technological limitations, the flood narrative created by photography lacks the traditional dramatic style of earlier graphic representations using depictions of motion and emotions. As opposed to these, photographs communicate the silent drama of floods: similarly to post-battle images, the tragedy is encapsulated in the tension between the subject (the destruction) and the extreme serenity of its depiction. On the other hand, due to the – unintentional – departure from the previous dramatic narrative, floods depicted in photographs lose the primary reason that made them a disaster: the extraordinary. Floods are no longer catastropic – stripped of their extraordinariness, they become everyday phenomena, mere misfortune.
In the present study, based on a rich factual material, the author analyzes two types of historical sources for studying the demographic and socioeconomic issues of Bessarabia in the modern era – lists of the population (especially fiscal lists) and official Russian statistics. The author emphasizes that when investigating a particular issue, the historian / researcher uses various historical sources, and lists of the population and statistical documents are important sources for studying the history of Bessarabia.
Since the fall of the Constantinople in 1453, the question of the Turkish threat was especially serious in Europe. This fear became even graver among Europeans after the conquest of the Killia and Akkerman by Turkey in 1484. Sultan Bayezid II regarded Kilia as a door to Moldova and Hungary, and Akkerman as a door to Poland and Russia. This conquest gave them the possibilities to control the Polish and Hungarian trade in the Black Sea area and deprived Moldova of the huge part of their income. From that time, the fear in Europe of the Turkish invasion, as well as of the awareness of the necessity to defeat this enemy was great. The idea of the crusade against “unbelievers” became very popular among Europeans, and it was the Eastern Europe that was seen as the Antemurale christianitatis in the future war. The anti-Turkish ideology was growing very popular. Among the thinkers preaching this ideology were many well-known Renaissance humanists, Callimachus and Erasmus of Rotterdam at their head.
This article presents the remaining tangible legacy of Sámuel Brassai (1797/1800–1897) and memorabilia that commemorate the intellectual legacy of the “last polymath”. The paper first part assesses the subsisting personal objects of Sámuel Brassai, then moves on to list the fine art works dedicated to Brassai: busts, reliefs, memorial plaques, memorial columns. It next lists schools, associations, and streets bearing his name. The significance of the study is to honor those who have preserved Brassai’s legacy.
In 1961, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin became the first person in history to conduct a space flight. In May 1961, Gagarin visited Bulgaria. On 25th and 26th of May he arrives in Varna. He is welcomed by tens of thousands of people. He pronounces an emotional speech at the central square of the city. Gagarin is given the title Honorary Citizen of Varna. The cosmonaut also receives other material rewards for remembrance. On the 26th May Yuri Gagarin plants two trees in Varna Sea Garden in, laying the foundation of Astronauts' Alley.
The defeat of Michael the Brave in the autumn of 1600 had fatal consequences for whole Transylvania. The victory of the allied armies of István Csáki and Giorgio Basta at Mirăslău did not solve the issue of the Transylvanian dominium; the situation became even more complicated: (at least) three armies haunted the southern and south-eastern parts of the country, and along with them all the calamities of war. An unpublished document from the State Archives of Sibiu contains interesting details about the tactics used by the armies of Michael the Brave and by the militias of the Transylvanian-Saxon districts of Schäßburg / Sighişoara, Reps / Rupea and Schenk / Cincu; it also reveals the fatal consequences of the war on the civilians. The war, as a timeless phenomenon, invalidates the world order from times of peace and unleash all kind of abuses and social turmoils, while one has to suffer not only because of foreign armies but of his own countrymen too. Our article develops these details, which are critically analyzed based on historical sources and literature.
The article deals with the philological and historical aspects of Transylvaniangeography. Sources from the 17th and 18th centuries are examined regarding actualand imagined weather phenomena. Several difficulties are described that must beconsidered for extracting climatological relevant data. It shall not to be taken forgranted that any such event would have been unique for it is well known that humanmemory is deceptive. Obvious exaggerations, as reflected in unrealisticexaggerations of events, must be identified as such in the creation of databases. Inorder to be able to critically weigh the data, proven calibration procedures areneeded, as they have been used in historical climatology for about half a century.In addition to the purely descriptive information regarding the weather ofTransylvania, there are indirect data that can be used to obtain further statementsconcerning the climate. This includes written records of crop yields, notably those ofthe grain and also the quality of the wine. Through consequences for the society(inflation, famine, impairment of goods traffic, etc.) additional knowledge fromhistorical material can be gained. Weather catastrophes were repeatedly expressedin calls for more piety and penance, as well as in superstition and consequent blame,discrimination and persecution. Likewise, the occurrence of pests (such as the locustinfestations, once so common in Transylvania) and epidemics may, to some extent,indicate specific weather conditions.Sources range from handwritten papers and entries (in calendars) to chronicles,so-called cosmographies (such as the one published by Honterus in 1541) andsecond-hand compilations in which the underlying original sources are often nolonger available today.
P. Migne Collection Patrologia Graeca et Latinae Cursus Completus headworkedtogether for the Christianity and for the European spirituality, despite the limits anddifferences which separated us as Christians, after the big Schisma in 1054. They arenot introduced in alphabetical and chronological order, but due to the importance oftheir studies on the Dionysius opera. The abbot Jacques Paul Migne, broughttogether about 300 men, theologians, chronographers, editors, correctors andtopographers for this great accomplishment. As editors and “scoliators” (critics)were introduced in the two volumes in Migne collection Denys – Nicholas Le Nourry,Balthasar Cordier, Petri Lansselii, Petro Halloix, Bernardo de Rubeis from thecatholic side, Joannes Scythopolitanus from Jerusalim, Patriarch Germanus, Maximthe Confessor, Georgius Pachimeres, Simeon Metaphrast from the orthodox side,theologians and historians who wrote Prolegomenas, observations, dissertations,Scholias, Paraphrasis, epigrammata at each book: De Coelesti Hierarhia; DeEchlesiastica Hierarhia; De Divinis Nominibus; De Mystica Theologia and The TenEpistolae in Latin. Dionysus texts are printed in two columns, one in Greek and onein Latin, but the editor’s text are in latine with the exception of Maxim theConfessor’s text that is also in both Latin and Greek. In this article we will quotesome texts in Latin for „acrivia” – exactity.
The wide usage of different trade and legal forms in the trade activity of the Jews ensures the performance of trade deals and the increase of the acquired capital. The position that the Jews filled in the trade of the Balkan Peninsula to a great degree was due to the manner of organizing their trade. The Jewish merchants had completely arranged organization of trade. With their widespread branches, this organization was a trade network where the major merchants that lived in all the larger trade centers on the Balkan Peninsula were the main knot. The major merchants were a type of regulators of the entire trade, i. e. the exchange of the import and export goods was performed by them. The Jews traded with a large amount of different goods at the internal and external market. In order to successfully perform the trade activity, they had to know the consumer’s needs both of the external and the internal market. That was a close connection with the manufacturers of goods on one hand and an active stimulation of the production on the market on the other hand. In that way, the Jewish merchants indirectly helped the development of the commodity – monetary relations in the Ottoman Empire.
Um Samuel von Brukenthals Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Gartenkultur im 18. Jahrhundert in Siebenbürgen einschätzen und entsprechend würdigen zu können, erweist es sich als erforderlich, auch ältere Quellen vorangegangener Jahrhunderte zu berücksichtigen, in denen Hermannstadt bereits durch seine dem jeweiligen Zeitgeist entsprechend gestalteten Gärten bekannt war.
The reformed dioceses formed in Kraszna and Middle-Szolnok counties became part of the Tiszántúli Reformed Church District in the 16th century (until then their territories belonged to the Bishopric of Transylvania). Because legally it remained part of Transylvania, it was also under the effect of the ecclesiastical laws of Transylvania, and remained there in the 18th centuries, too, in the time of the Habsburg Gubernium. These laws created much favourable conditions for the Protestants in practicing their cult. For this, the whole 18th century was marked by the endeavours of the Protestants from Sălaj to become part of Transylvania not only legally, but in terms of ecclesiastical administration, too, a goal achieved only in the 19th century after a long period of struggles.
The Bornemisza family rose to be one of the old, traditional aristocratic families during a relatively recent era of the Transylvanian history, and they disappeared from this place after the second world war. The origins of the family are to be found at the Szeklerland and besides speaking about its origins, this study follows their rise through three generations up to János Bornemisza, the founder of the dynasty was made baron and chancellor. The author also speaks about the cultural–historical role and importance of the Bornemisza family.
У раду је приказана милитаризација Бање Луке од првих вијести о пушкарима са почетка XVI вијека, преко настанка „топхане” 1587. до коначне изградње артиљеријског „вобан” система и бањалучке битке 1737. године. Права милитаризација утврђења и града отпочела је 1587. изградњом тополивнице. Бања Лука је уз Самоков, мјесто Киги у Ерзуруму, затим Скадар у Албанији, те Правиште крај Кавале у Грчкој била од друге половине XVII вијека највећи произвођач топовских кугли. За вријеме инвазије Еугена Савојског нa Босну 1697. године Бањалука је већ била увелико позната као стара „османска ливница жељезне муниције” и тај успон трајаo је све до Бањалучке битке. Задње вијести из 1789. о слабој наоружаности утврђења јасно указуjy на слабљење војне моћи Бање Луке.