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In the text Modernist artists as a minority G. Matuszek tries to apply the category of minorities to artistic groups, focusing primarily on the situation of artists of early modernism captured in broader contexts. The author shows that artistic environments are often in a “minority situation”, although this minority fulfills only some elements of the ‘hard’ definitions. Psychological dimension plays a significant role here — the subjective feeling of ‘being a minority’ and the expression of distinctiveness, and the linking factors include recognizing the world in the state of crisis, alienation and (self)exclusion, anthropological similarity (theories of higher evolutionary development) etc
This article presents two cabaret artists, admittedly living in a different historical times, presenting different cabaret styles, whose fate, however, puts them to the similar test. Both Maria Krysińska (Polish Jewess, who successfully joins the life of Parisian bohemian of the late 19th century, the poet of the Club of Hydropathes and the femme chansonnier in the cabaret Chat Noir) and Fryderyk Járosy (arrived from Austria, the legendary conférencier in the cabaret Qui Pro Quo, and in other Warsaw cabarets of the interwar period) experienced the effects of deterritorialization: on the one hand can no longer identify themselves with the cultural order of their old homeland, on the other hand — they cannot fully participate in the artistic life of their new homeland. They both were trapped in the gap of time, between the two different models of life, which did not allow their full assimilation nor full exclusion..
The article explores the problem of hate speech targeted at various minority groups in Poland, along with the motivations behind it and the implications it has for the social perception of the Other. Adopting a sociological perspective on intercultural relations in the globalized world and mediatized public sphere, and examining Poland’s national and ethnic composition over the centuries, the authors identify the causes of hostility towards culturally different groups. They also discuss the role of the Internet in facilitating the spread of hateful and radical messages, in particular those exploiting religious, ethnic and cultural differences, as well as definitions and legal provisions concerning hate speech and its particular instances in the Polish context. Some of the findings presented here are based on the analyses conducted within the European project C.O.N.T.A.C.T. exploring various aspects of hate speech and hate crime in ten EU countries.
Rhetoric is not only a methodology of the humanities; it is the most important science given to us by ancient philosophers. It defines the methods of argumentation from the uncertain, the theory of texts, but more importantly – it is a tool for organizing our thoughts and preparing works which aim for persuasion – getting the knowledge, not the opinion (Kant). However, as we know, the language we use is extremely unreliable. Plato and Aristotle warned us against that. At the same time, they built the foundations of techne rhetorike, which systemic shape we owe to Quintilianus. Rhetoric, as both – ancient and modern scholars have claimed, is not a grammar dictionary; it is rather an analogue of logic (Volkmann). As Wilhelm Windelband says: “thanks to grammar and rhetoric we have learned the correct rules of thinking”. The author draws not only from the tradition of research on rhetoric, but also from language theory – mainly referring to the tradition of the Viennese Circle (Der Wiener Kreis). As far as the achievements of contemporary linguistics and contemporary research on the philosophical foundations of language research are taken into account – the perspective set by both Immanuel Kant and researchers from the Der Wiener Kreis circle is dominant here. The purpose of this study is not only to remind Windelbad’s thesis, but also to prove it wholistically.
The paper applies rhetorical framework of three styles (genera dicendi) to highlight some of the communicative practices within the academic discourse. By using persuasive resources of the low style, the authors focus on the rhetorical goal of docere/probare, i.e. to teach/to prove. Ascetic sobriety of the low style suggests no stylization to the readers, which further implies that the content mirrors reality without any rhetorical mediation. In opting for the persuasive resources of the medium style, researchers combine epistemic and aesthetic goals – trying to achieve the rhetorical aim of delectare, i.e. to delight. This intriguing style attracts reader’s attention to the intellectual complexities of the academic text. The high style suits best rhetorical goal of movere, i.e. to move, to ‘call to action’. It presents scientific research as a useful resource and it helps readers while making decisions; hence it is likely to be used by engaged scholars and public intellectuals.
The article focuses on persuasion techniques used by media broadcasters in selfpromotional activities. These techniques are a specific way, in which the broadcaster acts in the communication process. Certain elements of this process can be emphasized or modified in order to increase its impact. The starting point of this article was an assumption, that the selection of persuasive techniques is derivatized from such rhetorical determinants, as the context of functioning of the media (ex. The effects of technological changes: the unification of media products, the exponential increase in the amount of information, the increasing global competition). Also, planned target groups and objective of the broadcaster. The research material allows to distinct persuasion techniques implemented at three levels in self-promotional activities of media broadcasters: 1) ways of transmitting the information (ex. Repetition and targeting audiences), 2) content (ex. positive selection technique, fragmentation, use of the unavailability rule, displaying the benefits from interacting with the medium, increasing the attractiveness of the communication by referring to broadly respected authorities) and 3) the forms of communication (uniqueness technique).
The article discusses activities of the Nazi propaganda in Litzmannstadt (Nazi name for Lodz, Poland). Said propaganda promoted central concepts of fascist ideology such as Volk, land and leadership in battle. The goal of political and military action was to restore and maintain the cultural domination over other nations. The Nazi state was ethnically, linguistically and racially uniform – it lacked the concept of tolerance towards ethnic minorities. An important feature of this propaganda was its impact on the activities of administrative organs.
An interview as a form of journalistic genre was created in the first half of 19th century. The authoress is researching how this form was constructed in the first century of its existence. The material used in the article is based on the anthology Press Interviews of All Times by Ch. Silvester. Genre analysis shows that from the beginning interlocutors were people chosen on the basis of having something interesting to say on the subject. From the structural point of view one may say that first interviews had been formed as a dialogue between two people presenting pragmatic quantities: a journalist and a person worth to be published in the newspaper. A form parallel to these were interviews with narrative element, similar to the form of report. The authoress is pointing out the similarities between interview and a report.
The article has been conceived as an attempt to characterize a particular press publication in the shape of a genre collection. It is an extra to „Tygodnik Powszechny” (No. 29, 2018) under the title “Festiwal Stolica Języka Polskiego” (“Festival the Capital of the Polish Language)”. The publication reproduces a form of press magazine, since apart from the festival program, it includes: an editorial, interviews, reviews, commentaries and silhouettes of selected participants of the festival. Therefore, we deal with a co-occurrence of particular utterances at a specific place and time, typical for a collection. The function of notification about a cultural event (the festival) and the function of promoting the event can be ascribed to the whole issue. The author analyzes the abovementioned publication in the discursive perspective, and so she draws attention to specified communication practices, typical of contemporary press that create a complicated network of strategies, goals and forms of communication, contributing to the shape of contemporary journalism. The analytic purpose of the article is to present a communication polymorphism of a particular set of press utterances that interpret a specified reality and aim at convincing the readers to this interpretation. Particular utterances are treated as voices, i.e. communicatively (pragmatically) and formally shaped types of language activities.
The article “Initiation of the artistic message” is an attempt to answer the question: When and for what reason does the initiation of the artistic message appear? The analysis leading to the final conclusion was carried out on the basis of autoethnographic analysis from the process of creating the „Monument to the Origins of the City of Lodz”. The main theme was the search for the border between the procreative state and the creative one during the artist’s work on the work. The analysis shows that: „Regardless of whether I’m working on a sculpture that was commissioned or sculpted only for myself, the process of initiating pre-creative and creative states looks similar. I always start my work from collecting materials. I proceed as the constructivists want, I carry out the recognition of elements relating to various differential systems. […] I am aware t that the expected state of transition from pre-creative to creative state can occur at any time. Today, after many years, I know that it is not worth assessing the value of the collected materials, the initiation of the creative state will come by itself ”. The essence of initiating a creative attitude is to develop the skill of observing the reality surrounding the artist, and what is more important to develop the skills of extracting from it what already in all this complicated process is what we used to call – inspiration. The boundary of the pre-creative and creative state arises at the moment when the artist makes the decision to transfer the noticed fragment of reality to the work being created. The evaluation of the value of a work of art is a separate issue that has been omitted in the article
The article’s goal is to distinct and characterize both – “Radio Chat” and “Literary Chat”, as well as discuss various genres of “variety shows”, recalling examples of radio pieces created by Zygmunt Nowakowski, Alfred Zbyszewski, Tadeusz Nowakowski, as well as TV programs by Jerzy Waldorf and Bogusław Kaczynski.
The article discusses a series of radio documentaries produced by Evangelical Voice (Głos Ewangelii) Foundation. Life is Beautiful has been analyzed and interpreted in categories of subject, use of acoustic elements and themes of religion and god. Moreover, the selected radio programs allowed to indicate a general style of Evangelical Voice Foundation feature documentaries.
Following its latest intensification in 2015, the migrant crisis has become one of the most prevalent topics in media. Over the months, the overflow of reports led to public indifference towards refugees’ struggles. The migrants – stereotypically perceived as aliens – were to be treated as expendable and useless, which resulted in growing tensions and social division on the subject. The author of this article intends to prove that a feature, especially a radio one can be one of the ways to encourage dialogue between cultures. Following the thoughts of Ryszard Kapuściński and Emmanuel Levinas, the author claims that encountering “The Other” is amongst the most important challenges of the 21st century. The three radio features analyzed in the article seem to validate the medium of radio as one that may be a way to fight ‘globalized passivity’.