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The article investigates the methods of teaching geography in school. The basic components and organization of the teaching of geography in the methods of explaining the concept, Venn diagram, the insert. Non-traditional educational technologies enhance learning motivation and interest of the student to the school, brought up in children’s self-esteem and respect, give them a sense of creative freedom.
The article approaches the subject of the human body, and particularly the female nude, focusing on current artistic experiences. We were interested in whether the French avant-garde artists that put at the center plastic body experiments(particularly the female body) have influenced the twentieth century artistic thinking. In this context we briefly follow the evolution and metamorphosis of nude image in the work of Pablo Picasso and Yves Klein, trying to determine which artistic concepts promoted by these artists left for future generations of creators questions still to be answered today.
The article deals with one of the major aspects of the old believers’ polemics – the traditions of liturgical pronunciation. The study analyses some old-believers’treatises on the issue and reveals the key reasons for the topicality of the polemics, as well as the arguments and counter-evidence presented by the defenders of “khomovoye” and “istinnorechnoye” singing.
The generation born between the 80's and the first 90’s in Italy,has lived under the media and institutional bombing against immigrants. The only fault of this generation was the expectation for a better standard of living that their countries gave them. Therefore, they chose the cities of the West as destination, which found itself in a very difficult moment. For example, the first oil crisis, on 1973, incited the governments in rebuilding the economic system, transforming it in a neoliberal economic system, which decreased the prices to disadvantage the common workers. In this contest, migrant workers have covered an essential role in the western economy, because of the particular juridical position of themselves.The political and juridical position of the strangers, constituted by the lack of rights and privileges, allowed the exploitation of the immigrants by the factories, without consequences. This essay analyzes the continue decreasing of migrant’s rights in history. For this purpose, analyzing the important legislative decrees that have been adopted in Italy in the last twenty years, is evident the attitude to criminalize the immigrants. The first aim of this essay is the demystification of the political process and of the media, in order to observe facts from a neutral and incisive perspective. The goal is to release from the mood of hate against immigrants, a mood sadly familiar for the 90's generation. All that is against democracy, the same democracy that western countries are proud of. These countries have forgotten all of this,remembering us some aspects of absolutism, and even totalitarianism.
This study examines journalism which was written by Paul Goma during his tumultuous life of a writer and anticommunist opponent. Collected in three large volumes, it reveals a large number of texts that have been partially or never published in Romanian, but enjoying broadcast at Western radio stations. Articles from press, collected in the two volumes, are arranged in chronological order and what we surely find out is that the author has become a declared opponent of the communist regime even while it was still in force. He wrote about communist camps while in Romania and continued to expose the Ceausescu regime in exile in Paris after the final departure. Even after the 1989 revolution the publicist does not diminish his accusations against those who maintained the evils of communism, covering them with speeches about democracy. The writer’s focus is language which, beyond the social message, has obvious literary features.
Panait Istrati’s book, Spovedanie pentru învinşi, can beconsidered the “novel” of the relations of the author with theSoviet Union, being also the “card” of the citizen writer, fighterfor freedom and social justice. The authenticity of the reportderives from the reconstruction based on the author’s memory,returned to Paris after sixteen months in the U.S.S.R., and alsofrom the sincerity of his tone. Written in French language andbuilt on the European report size, Spovedanie pentru învinşi can be interpreted as a pretty random connection between thejournal and pamphlet.
This paper aims at analysing the common nouns hiding underthe proper nouns with instructive and at the same time pleasantcomments for each example. We have taken into considerationcommon nouns which sometimes have a complex andinteresting story and we also defined each of them. Thus, everycommon noun borrowed from the world’s patrimony lives asecond life through common nouns. We also aim at studyingnames of cities, people, and countries, together with those ofmythological characters whose reputation went beyond genders,thus passing into the common language.
Le but essentiel de notre recherche est de baliser la liaison de lacatégorie de la voix avec le processus de la connaissance et demontrer d’une façon générale comment la nature même de cettecatégorie est exprimée dans la langue. Outre cela, comme la voixest une catégorie appartenant à la bonne majorité des languesindo-européennes et comme toutes ces langues connaissent unedichotomie fondamentale (actif/passif) qui met en valeur un seultype de relations sémantico-syntaxiques, ce fait même doit êtrepris pour principe d’analyse de cette catégorie, car elle peut nousaider à comprendre certaines particularités de la pensée,spécifiques pour toute la communauté linguistique indoeuropéenne.
By means of implicit or explicit illocutionary acts, as well assome pseudo-questions, advertisement makers create the illusionof interactivity between the two poles of communication inadvertising. But in reality this communication is the monopolyof the sender, and mainly has a monologue structure.
The French media has experienced a soaring evolution in the lastdecades, with an impressive stylistic diversity of somespecialized forms of discourse. As an example, this paperexplores a journalistic species with a glorious tradition whichnowadays undergoes an amazing stylistic refinement. Theconcept of stylistic variation (in an extensive sense) refers tovarious forms of sequential structuring of the text as found intoday’s standard legal review. This paper uses texts by StéphaneDurand-Souffland, a Le Figaro legal columnist.