O znaku językowym z perspektywy lingwistyki tekstu
The aim of this article is to investigate the relations between the language sign (as one of the sign categories) and three categories: thought, word and work. Since each of the is object of permanent interest of the semiotics, it appears of justified to ask about their (eventual) place among the sign elements, which are in the peircean string of semiotics traditionally depicted as a trias. The conducted analysis proves that the thought and word cannot be identified with any element of sign. They can be instead either its cause or result – in case of the thought – or (against the structuralistic concept) a component of the significate – in case of the word. The work can be yet considered as the significate, regardless its specifics resulting from the aesthetic function. The conclusion is based on the one side on the semiotics concept of Umberto Eco (as an example of a concept belonging to the peircean string of semiotics), and on the other side – on the linguistics, especially the text linguistics, as a semiotic subdiscipline responsible for investigating language signs. This viewpoint demonstrates a far-reaching consistency of these both perspectives and therefore confirms the status of text linguistics as a semiotic subdiscipline, which is in position of investigating language signs in a way which is entirely consistent with the assumptions of the modern semiotics.