Divkovićeva sintaksa u suvremenome i današnjemu kontekstu
Elements of Divkovićʼs syntax – primarily constructions expressing the relationship of possession – are analyzed and commented on with reference to the time when Divković created his work, and to standard Croatian syntax. This paper shows how in Divković’s texts (and in those of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Bosnian Franciscans in general ) there are several syntactic elements which more or less diverge from the general syntactic elements of the time in all variants of the Croatian literary language (occuring under Latin influence), and are more like those of modern Croatian syntax. For example, the possessive form of the name of God,and of living beings in general (formed from appellatives) are frequently expressed in the form of an adjective, while the use of the genitive for expressing possession (formed from apellatives) are rare and most frequently used in poetic expression. This use of the genitive and possessive adjective is confirmed for expressing possession with personal names in the works of Slavonian writers from the eighteenth-century (a century after Divković).It is interesting that although Bartol Kašić does not mention the correlation between the genitive possessive and the possessive adjective in his Institutionum linguae Illyricae libri duo, equivalent Croatian adjectives formed from names and appellatives are included with the Latin genitive possessives of personal names and appellatives which signify possession.