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The global economy now finds itself in its worst state since the Great Depression of 1929 – 1934. The current crisis, however, – unlike the financial crises of the 1990s in Asia, Russia or Latin America – is a global crisis. This factor means that problems are rapidly transferred from country to country. The majority of the European Union member states are in recession. Packages of stimulation measures are being adopted at historically unprecedented financial levels with the primary goal of stabilizing and restarting the frozen banking sector, reviving consumption, business and investments, maintaining employment rates, and thus creating the key nodes for future economic growth. Fundamental, and in many ways, non-standard measures are changing the architecture of financial market management as well as the rules governing international trade and business. The global economic and financial crisis is also determining the priorities of the foreign policy of the Slovak Republic – a country with an open, export-oriented economy with very limited natural resources and a small internal market, but, which has the comparative advantage of membership in the European Union (EU), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and other significant international institutions. Compared to the EU average, Slovakia’s situation is complicated by its higher energy consumption per unit of GDP and lower work productivity.
The report's objects of analysis is the traditional (classical or hybrid) organizational structures.The report’s objects of analysis is the traditional (classical and hybrid) organizational structures. The focus is on the evolution and transformation of organizational models in a high uncertainty environment.The functional, the divisional, the design-matrix structures and the new network organizational forms has been explored. The conclusion is that in a turbulent VUCA environment andconstant pressure for change it is impossible to achieve a competitive advantage in a static organizational structure. The main characteristics, respectively the strengths and weaknesses of the functional, the divisional, the matrix and the network structure, are analyzed based on seven key criteria – the efficiency, adaptability, timeliness, reliability, accountability, adequate external environment and strategy. The research models synthesize different solutions applied in social practice. The organizational form does not guarantee high results at any cost, but it is a necessary means to ensure the realization of strategic corporate goals, to shape cultural attitudes, the motivation process, the rational use of resources, and the adequacy of change. The main thesis of the author is that in terms of specific research and applications of the organizational structure, there are processes of evolution of concepts and a reassessment of common accepted truths and accumulated knowledge.
The integration of young people into the labor market is oneof the most serious problems of the modern society. Their inclusion insocial and economic life is essential for a number of strategies and programmesat European and national level. A transition from pan-Europeanto regional priorities is the creation, for the first time in our state,of specialized regional plans for prevention and reduction of youth unemploymentthrough cooperation and joint actions of the stakeholders.
Against the backdrop of the aging population of working age in Bulgaria and Europe, the problem of youth unemployment is becoming more and more serious. More and more young people find it difficult to make the transition from education to work. Job requirements and attitudes among youngsters up to 29 years of age prevent them from finding a job. The report will analyze data on youth unemployment in Bulgaria between 2014–2016 and the reasons for the low employment rates among young people. The prospects for tackling the problem will also be outlined.
The main exogenous factors that underlie the systematic risks to the systems of social protection of the population in modern countries are discussed. The coverage of these objective factors in the social security mechanisms predetermines the trends in their revision.
This paper discusses the greatest new trends in defining and upholding public interests through developing different kinds of national policies by different governmental institutions, under the circumstances of globalization and deglobalization, regional integration and disintegration of socio-economic life, and a tendency towards unifying political traditions. In brief, the relationship between public interests and economic priorities is under interpretation,based on analyzing the Bulgarian past experiences as a participant in the European economic and political integration. The aim is to specify an appropriate basis to drawing up national economic priorities to ensure the harmonization of public interests that arise at various levels of economic institutional structure – a local, territorial, national, and regional within a regional community
The report will look at different models of strategic partmentship between government, tourism management organizations and tourism businesses in leading tourist destinations. The theme of the strategic partnership between the subjects in tourism is quite current in the last years, given that a large number of international organizations (both governmental and non-governmental) in the field of tourism seek to integrate efforts and resources in order to develop sustainable industry. The majority of these models seek different approaches through which tourism contributes not only to the economic and cultural development of destinations but also to the general development of their inhabitantsas a whole.
The report presents the new conceptual model for tourism zoning, criteria for defining the tourist areas and the main approaches for their management. Based on existing experience in Bulgaria and some other countries, it is proposed that the concept of tourism zoning should serve as a tool for the marketing of destinations and the creation of regional tourist products.
The report presents the main aspects of building of the vision, politics and aims of „Industry 4.0“. Accent is placed on the adaptation to the modern paradigms and models for management in scope of the fourth „Industry 4.0“. The conclusions and suggestions are grounded in analysis of the state of the business environment in the European Union.
The speed at which we achieve the innovations in our business and life is extremely high. The Internet has reduced the barriers of time and distance. Production innovations appear on a daily basis, the future of human and business relationships is changing. The largest hotel business – Airbnb, not an owner of one single bed, Uber does not own a single car, Facebook is the largest social media in the world, and it does not create content itself. The Fourth Industrial Revolution has four main physical manifestations of technical trends – autonomous cars, additive production or so called 3D printing, robotization and creation of new types of materials. The main purpose of the report is not to showing what are the possible innovations in the business, but the problems that prevent them from entering and operating in the world of business and the everyday life of the people.
Franchising, in the economic sense, is a method of marketing expansion used on behalf of successful companies to expand their products or services through a network of retail units owned by independent entrepreneurs, sharing with them the brand, knowhow and marketing techniques in exchange for entrance fee and royalties by each of the retail units (Matthews, De Bolt and Percival, 2006: 6). Regardless of whether franchising is defined through its legal, economic or some other form, it is characterized by the fact that it is an entrepreneurial alliance of two independent entrepreneurs who aim to exploit a recognized opportunity to create growth through this alliance, so as to increase the chances of success (Timmons and Spinelli, 2003). Because franchising is a replication of success, it has been the subject of many of research studies, and some of them show that, regardless of economic interests or the legal form of franchising, the relationship between the two main parties is what contributes the most to success, and this relationship is much more than a legal or economic/business relationship. It is a personal relationship in the first place, and only when the personal relationship descends to the level of business relationship, that relationship is damaged. A further degradation of successful relationship from a business relationship to a legal one occurs when the business relationship is already heavily damaged because, despite the popular belief, the real, quality franchise relationship is not defined by the franchise agreement, but by common goals, mutual trust, respect and open communication (Matthews, De Bolt and Percival, 2006). Franchise on its own is not an instant success, what enables it, besides the above mentioned personal relationship, is know-how, innovation, quality product/service and standard procedures that stand in the centre of every franchise package.
Development policies are based on the country’s resources, which often remain insufficient. They are also based on technological progress realized in the developed countries. Algeria has gone through several policies on the subject and has historically faced several difficulties in its economic policy. Based on a rentier economy, it attempted to diversify its revenues by investing in various sectors and using FDI. However, the attractiveness of FDI does not seem to match the country’s ambitions. Algeria has interesting economic potential, particularly in the hydrocarbon sector, but does not yet have the technologies necessary for its development. The use of external technologies and their financing through FDI is part of the country’s strategic thinking. Moreover, the country advocates, in an unfavorable institutional framework, a certain form of protectionism in view of the large profits generated by foreign firms that often escape the direct control of the State. It appears from this analysis that the country needs to carry out several reforms, mainly in the land sector and in the management of financial institutions, unsuited to the requirements of foreign partners.
Artykuł poświęcony metodom pomiaru i porównywania ekonomicznej efektywności portów lotniczych oraz funkcjonalności tych metod. Autorzy prezentują następujące metody: metody wskaźnikowe, data envelopment analysis (DEA), metoda PCA (principal component analysis)-DEA, metoda total factor productivity (TFP), macierz BCG (Boston Consulting Group), współczynnik korelacji Spearmana.
Autorzy przedstawiają i konfrontują wyniki badań efektywności ekonomicznej portów lotniczych na świecie, przeprowadzonych przez organizacje rządowe, pozarządowe oraz podmioty indywidualne różnymi metodami: za pomocą analizy wskaźnikowej, metody DEA, metody TFP.
Autorzy na podstawie danych za lata 2007-2009 przeprowadzają badania efektywności ekonomicznej czterech największych polskich regionalnych portów lotniczych (bez portów Kraków-Balice i Warszawa-Okęcie). Wykorzystują dwie metody: analizę wskaźnikową i metodę DEA, by następnie porównać wyniki i przedstawić wnioski.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie obecnej pozycji Polski na tle pozostałych państw, które razem z nią przystępowały do Unii Europejskiej (Cypr, Czechy, Estonia, Litwa, Łotwa, Malta Słowacja, Słowenia i Węgry), pod względem spełniania „kryteriów z Maastricht”. Odpowiednie wskaźniki, zaczerpnięte z bazy danych Eurostatu, ukażą pełną charakterystykę tego zagadnienia. Konwergencja prawna nie została w przeprowadzonej analizie uwzględniona.
Zasadnicza część analizy, której wyniki przedstawiono w tym opracowaniu, dotyczy najważniejszych tendencji w rozwoju handlu wewnątrzgałęziowego Polski, w tym także głównych zmian pionowej i poziomej specjalizacji wewnątrzgałęziowej w relacji z państwami UE-15. Analizę intensywności wymiany wewnątrzgałęziowej przeprowadzono, wykorzystując zagregowany, multilateralny wskaźnik IIT, liczony na poziomie sześciocyfrowych kodów CN (Grubel i Lloyd 1975). Z kolei badanie typów specjalizacji wewnątrzgałęziowej (handel poziomy i pionowy) oparto na koncepcji przedstawionej w pracach Greenawaya i in. (1994) oraz Greenawaya i Milnera (1986).
Celem artykułu jest analiza zmiany pozycji Polski, Czech i Węgier jako partnerów handlowych dla państw Unii Europejskiej. Aby uzyskać porównywalne wyniki, skład Unii Europejskiej ograniczono do tzw. starych państw, tj. tych, które były jej członkami w momencie rozszerzenia w 2004 r. Dolną granicę czasową badania (1995 r.) wybrano z dwóch powodów: po pierwsze – z uwagi na wspomniane wcześniej zasady liberalizacji handlu, po wtóre – ze względu na dostępność porównywalnych danych statystycznych. Górna granica czasowa (2012 r.) wynika z dostępności danych.