Европейският съюз в световната икономика. Перспективи за развитие на ЕС в световните икономически и политически организации
In the last 40 years, the world has gone through many dynamic economic processes. The division of the world into two opposing economic and military camps led to a definite change in the understanding of progress in the socialist form of economic development. The transition from one policy of governance to another gave prospects and freedom of choice to the new, young economies. The idea of the EC grew into the unification of the countries of continental Europe into one economic and political union in order to compete with the economies of countries such as the USA, China and various other economic and political unions. Participating in alliances is an old practice that, on a micro scale, has happened relatively easily until today. When we talk about the unification of several countries in order to gain some competitive advantages or advantages in the economy, diplomatic relations or the security of a common territory or border, the conditions for such a process of negotiations and agreements are complicated. Nowadays, the EU competes with the economies and political interests of the US, BRICS, SCO, with some EU countries participating in other alliances such as NATO (not participating but EU members, Austria, Ireland, Malta, Sweden), WTO and others. The report traces the development of the EU and its prospects for development in cooperation with various political and economic unions.