The current COVID-19 pandemic, as a powerful information weapon, is well on its way, if not already, to take the character of a religion. According to us, it is a false religion, because everything has become very pragmatic and prosaic. If the matter ended like that, it would be a kind of “biblical flood”. It is possible that the “supreme” has decided to exterminate a part of the world’s population by flood, certainly not all, but the question is, why is it so complicated and why does everything take so long. Has any “new” Noah already prepared the raft, and how much space is there on it! The objective question is, for how long, where,and to whom does this “rotten” humanism, which manifests itself in a couple of free “needle”stings, work? State donation!On the other hand, the uncertainty that comes with the time of an increasingly intense digital future produces different interpretations of where we are and what will happen. And while usually only a small number in an organization can clearly recognize a “burning platform”,for others it is, at best, just a little bit of smoke on the horizon.In this paper, given the many unknowns related to the corona crisis, we discuss more than we actually offer solutions on how to start the development spiral of the economies of less developed countries. As can be seen from the title of the paper, our starting position indicates that it is possible, but on a new paradigmatic basis, to trigger the momentum of digital transformation.The initial question is whether there is any hope that these economies, squeezed by the “yoke” of globalization, will turn the accumulated crisis into a real opportunity for their own economic revival that will deliberately, continuously and realistically increase GDP, living and working standards. For now, apparently, we have not predicted that the old Chinese curse “may we live in interesting times” will reach us.