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Noun phrases in Croatian can differ in the degree of correlation between its constituents. Some constituents form a descriptive free word combinations (velik stol ʽlarge table’, sunčan dan ʽsunny day’, slatka kava ʽsweet coffee’, hladne ruke ʽcold hands’), while others form multiword units which concretize extra-linguistic content that can not be ex-pressed in one word (crna kava ʽblack coffee’, krevet na kat ‘bunk bed’, kreditna kartica ‘credit card’, radno mjesto ‘workplace’). Dependent constituents can be adjectives, which are congruent with a noun (velika soba ‘big room’, radno mjesto ‘working place’), or they can be adverb phrase or prepositional phrase (korak naprijed ‘step ahead’, mnogo ljudi ‘many people’, malo prijatelja ‘a few friends’, četkica za zube ‘toothbrush’, roba s greškom ‘faulty good’). This paper will analyze noun mreža (with reach syntagmatic and semantic potential) and its co-occurrences – they can either form a collocation or a free combination of words. The lexicographic description will be compared with the corpus-data. The analyses will take into consideration a list of computationally obtained collocates (collocation candidates) of a node noun. The frequency and the strength between the words occurring within a particular span can differ. The list of collocates obtained from the corpus will be taken into account and we will examine how it coincides with the existing lexicographic description and with theoretical principles of word combination interpretations in Croatian. The aim of the study is to determine how the corpus analysis can improve the treatment of word-combination entries in lexicographic work.
In the third century one part of elite of the ancient Japanese society adopted Chinese writing and began to learn it. It is assumed that at the beginning Japanese read Chinese characters following the sound patterns of the ancient Japanese language approximating the Chinese sounds. However, Japanese sounds applied the Chinese characters, and at the same time the word order was changed into Japanese word order. This was the beginning of kanbun kundoku, or Chinese writing with Japanese readings. The term ‘Japanese readings’ is used here in the sense of both: to read each individual character as a Chinese character, or, to read them replacing the word order of Chinese writing into a Japanese translation. When Chinese characters were adopted for use in Japan, they were at first read as Chinese sounds with a Japanese pronunciation approximating that of the Chinese reading. Thereafter, this type of Japanese translation for individual readings of Chinese characters known as ‘kundoku’ began. ‘Kundoku’ (reading characters with their Chinese pronunciations) is still used today along with ‘ondoku’ for reading Chinese characters used in Japanese, i.e. in ‘kanbun kundoku’. This first reading is important in the history of modern Japanese translation. The reason is that when Japanese first encountered western languages, this method of Chinese translation readings was used for English translation, French translation, and so on. In short, Japanese people created another style of written Japanese for translation, dating back to Chinese writing system, apart from the traditional ancient Japanese language system. In Japan, however, after Chinese characters were introduced from China, Japanese created a style of native Japanese readings. Japanese translators have translated naturally according to their own logic and style.
Knowledge of people’s health information needs and information behaviour can be used in planning health interventions in a way that they would meet people’s needs as accurately as possible and reflect how health information is acquired and processed. Aim. The aim of the study presented in this paper was to analyze the usefulness of online forums as a source of scientific knowledge about people’s health needs and information behaviour, which could then be actively used in the area of public health. Method. The content, a total of 1,575 entries, derived from two open forums devoted to depression in the years 2012–2015 was analysed using a set of mixed methods, including: a formal (quantitative) analysis of the material using the tools of computational linguistics (QDAMiner Simsat), inductive theme analysis EMIC, in the so-called hard variety, reinforced by elements of Awdiejew’s conversational grammar, and comparative method. Results. Both health information needs and behaviour can be identified on Internet forums dedicated to health problems. Linguistic analysis of online forums can give very interesting results and clues that cannot be obtained using questionnaires or personal interviews. It seems, however, that it should never be the only method used in investigating this matter. Since there are several intervening factors that may distort reliability of findings, determining whether we are dealing with real or created needs or behaviour requires confirming the results of the linguistic analysis of the forums using other methods.
The importance of terminology in the era of globalisation stems from the fact that nowadays the rapid growth of scientific and technological knowledge is practically impossible without paying attention to the state of terminology. Special lexical units comprise more than 90 percent of the new words in modern langtrages. The growth of scientific and technical vocabularies is much faster than that of the everyday speech vocabulary, so at present the number of terms in some sciences (for e,rample chemistry or biology) exceeds the number of common words. We can compare the following figures: the full, unabridged version of the Webster's dictionary contains about 700,000 English words; the largest Russian 17-volume dictionary treats some 120,000 words (though already there are dictionaries containing ca. 200,000 words); at the same time Russian construction terminology numbers more than 150,000 words, modern biological terminology exceeds a million names for varieties of living beings, in chemistry we know more than 1,5 million substances. In industry already at the beginning of the 1980s more than 20 million types of various products were manufactured, each of them having its own special name.
In my article I will present the language situation in Sweden and the Swedish centre of Terminology TNc, the „hub“ in Swedish terminology work for more than 65 years. Terminology work in Sweden is also performed in a systematic way by others: some public agencies and private companies handle their own terminology needs, but still in close contact with TNc. however, a new terminology market has evolved where other consultants than TNc are offering terminology services, and this will also be mentioned.
The article deals with Genus-Species and Whole-Part relations between terms of linguistics as evidenced by their definitions in one of the most habitual student’s books on linguistics. A procedure of Genus-Species analysis is specified to parse Definiens wording into Genus wording and Differentia Specifica wording(s). The resulting data of Genus-Species and Whole-part analysis have been entered into computer Terminology Knowledge Base to present the Genus-Species and Whole-Part structure of linguistic terminology in computer form which enables the Knowledge Base consumer to navigate in the respective structures and to find every particular term at its own level of these structures.
The English verbal construction fail to x allows two interpretations: in the first, the verb has the full lexical meaning of not being successful in what you are trying to achieve, whereas in the second, it shows signs of semantic bleaching, and is thus interpreted as a grammaticalized marker of negation. Taking into account the syntactic and semantic properties of the construction fail to x, the present analysis examines its distribution in two types of corpora. General corpora (the British National Corpus and the Corpus of Contemporary American English) are used to examine the distribution of both – the non-bleached and bleached – meanings in English. To further elaborate the findings and contrast them on a cross-linguistic level, the parallel English-Slovenian corpus (European Commission’s DGT Translation Memory) is used to observe the translations of the construction fail to x into Slovenian. The parallel corpus of legislative language demonstrates the impact of register on the use of fail to x, and addresses the claims that the bleached fail is characteristically found in more formal reg-isters.
Corpus studies show that in some languages, English being a case in point, verbal idioms exhibit the greatest degree of variation, with the verb being the most variable component. Unsurprisingly, monolingual dictionaries of English and other languages tend to list verb substitutions. Croatian dictionaries adopt the same practice with variable consistency: they list all the lexical variants in certain entries, and only some variants in others. In the latter case, abbreviations such as i sl. ‘and similar’ and itd. ‘etc.’ are used. Moreover, in cases where verb variability is indicated in the entry, no illustrations of the use of the other verbs are provided. All this may present difficulties for users, with the use of itd. ‘etc.’ being particularly problematic, because it signals that the variable verb may be replaced by (presumably any) semantically unrelated verb. The conventionality/innovativeness of idiom variants may also present a problem for dictionary users, because the dictionaries are not consistent in providing examples of use, or indicating creative uses.The aim of this paper is to show that the number of verb substitutions in idioms is limited, which is not signalled by abbreviations such as i sl. ‘and similar’. Furthermore, we will show that the choice of verb substitutions is not completely free, but depends on conceptual motivation, which has important consequences for their lexicographic treatment. We extracted 187 verbal idioms containing the abbreviations i sl. and itd. from the Croatian Dictionary of Idioms (2014) and tested their use in the hrWaC corpus. The results show that there are significant differences between variant forms in frequency and use, and that some idioms occur in forms and meanings which are not listed in the dictionary. Based on this, we argue that conventionalized lexical variants should be listed in the dictionary to enhance users’ idiom comprehension and confidence of use. Based on our data and current lexicographic practice in other languages, we propose several possibilities of treating idioms with variable verbal components in monolingual dictionaries of Croatian.
The main objective of this article is to present the way in which digital literature announces its literariness: the first part includes a definition of digital literature, followed by several reflection questions (which, however, do not necessarily require unequivocal answers). The second part of the article mentions current methods of defining literariness and its inclusion criteria. The third part focuses on reasons why the term is being blurred, with reference to digital literature, and presents a number of notions from within the artistic and literary culture which indicate that the borders between media and those domains are being erased. The final part of the article determines the factors that identify digital works as piece of literature.
This paper explores inter-lingual equivalence from the perspective of linking two large lexico-semantic databases, namely the Princeton WordNet of English and the plWordnet (pl. Słowosieć) of Polish. Wordnets are built as networks of lexico-semantic relations between words and their meanings, and constitute a type of monolingual dictionary cum thesaurus. The development of wordnets for different languages has given rise to many wordnet linking projects (e.g. EuroWordNet, Vossen, 2002). Regardless of a linking method used, these projects require defining rules for establishing equivalence links between wordnet building blocks, known as synsets (sets of synonymous lexical units, i.e., lemma-sense pairs). In this paper an analysis is carried out of a set of inter-wordnet relations used in the mapping of the plWordNet onto the Princeton WordNet, and an attempt is made to relate them to equivalence taxonomies described in specialist literature on bilingual lexicography and translation.
This article looks into tendencies of the last decade in computational paralinguistics: ascertaining of speaker traits and states in voice, and the requirements set for the related speech corpora. It introduces the Estonian voice corpus and the ability to acoustically characterize voice likability and identify it automatically, using the expanded Geneva Minimalistic Acoustic Parameter Set (eGeMAPS) for voice research and affective computing.
The article provides an impression of the impact of digitalization on society, politics and economics, and especially on communication and translation. A short recollection of some memories of the life in Western Germany and Denmark at the end of the last century is meant to emphasize the changes. Digitalization has quickly developed into a digital revolution. Regarding communication, focus is on the dominant position of the English language and the significant improvements of Machine Translation (MT) via Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT). MT may change the translation profession from Human Translation (HT) into Post-editing. In the end of the article, advantages and disadvantages of digitalization are shortly discussed.
LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) is widely used word-level content analysis software. It was used in large number of studies in the fields of clinical, social and personality psychology, and it is adapted for text analysis in 11 world languages. The aim of this research was to validate empirically newly constructed adaptation of LIWC software for Serbian language (LIWCser). The sample of the texts consisted of 384 texts in Serbian and 141 texts in English. It included scientific paper abstracts, newspaper articles, movie subtitles, short stories and essays. Comparative analysis of Serbian and English version of the software demonstrated acceptable level of equivalence (ICCM=.70). Average coverage of the texts with LIWCser dictionary was 69.93%, and variability of this measure in different types of texts is in line with expected. Adaptation of LIWC software for Serbian opens entirely new possibilities of assessment of spontaneous verbal behaviour that is highly relevant for different fields of psychology.
According to the CARIN theory of Gagné and Shoben (1997), conceptual relations play an important role in compound interpretation. This study develops three measures gauging the role of conceptual relations, and pits these measures against measures based on latent semantic analysis (Landauer & Dumais, 1997). The CARIN measures successfully predict response latencies in a familiarity categorization task, in a semantic transparency task, and in visual lexical decision. Of the measures based on latent semantic analysis, only a measure orthogonal to the conceptual relations, which instead gauges the extent to which the concepts for the compound’s head and the compound itself are discriminated, also reached significance. Results further indicate that in tasks requiring careful assesment of the meaning of the compound, general knowledge of conceptual relations plays a central role, whereas in the lexical decision task, attention shifts to co-activated meanings and the specifics of the conceptual relations realized in the compound’s modifier family.
In this work, we explored cognitive status of suffix allomorphy of the masculine nouns in instrumental singular in Serbian language (eg. mišom-mišem; pužom-pužem). Allomorphy represents distinct variations in form of the morpheme which does not influence it’s function and meaning (cf. Lyons, 1968). Despite it’s frequent appearance in speech and language production, it has rarely been a subject of psycholinguistic explorations. First goal of this research was to determine whether the cognitive processing of allomorphic nouns has it’s specificities and second goal was to create the base for making and testing hypothesis regarding morphological and/or phonological factors that influence suffix alternation in forming of instrumental singular of masculine nouns. We conducted visual lexical decision experiment and applied a questionnaire created for the needs of investigating allomorphy in language production. Results showed that at least two processes influence cognitive processing of masculine nouns in instrumental singular: (a) certain morpho-phonological restrictions that influence appearance of the suffix –em, and (b) allomorphy - variations in suffix in instrumental singular. In addition, the findings indicate that allomorphy could be the consequence of the tendency to use more frequent suffix (-om), that eases the processing, and blocks the influence of the morpho-phonological restrictions.
Daiktų internetui skirtų mokslinių tyrimų ir technologinės plėtros progresas labai spartus. Daiktų internetas gali technologiškai sujungti daugmaž visas elektroninių paslaugų teikimo sritis, įskaitant e. sveikatos, e. verslo ir prekybos, e. valdymo, net e. švietimo ir kitas paslaugas, o kur dar junginiais su žodžiu „išmanus“ ar „pažangus“ įvardijami projektai (tokie kaip išmanieji miestai, išmanusis transportas, išmaniosios ligoninės). Turint omenyje šiuos dalykus, vis labiau ryškėja žiūrėjimo į sąveikumą pirmiausia per technologijų prizmę (techninis sąveikumas), taip pat tam tikru mastu ir per semantikos prizmę (semantinis sąveikumas) trūkumai. Internetinių turinio platformų, vartotojams siūlančių vieną ar daugelį išteklių, gausa iš pirmo žvilgsnio atrodo pribloškianti. Atidžiau pažiūrėjus į šių išteklių turinio sąveikumą ir kokybę matyti, kad jiems dažnai trūksta teorinio-metodologinio pagrindo. Situacija tampa dar sudėtingesnė, kai turinys – ypač įvairių rūšių mikroturinys – yra kuriamas, prižiūrimas ir siejamas su kitu turiniu interneto naudojimu pagrįstais metodais. Kai daiktų interneto daiktų „sukurti“ duomenys turi būti interpretuojami, kad taptų informacija ir žiniomis, nebepakanka paprasto objektų (fizinio pasaulio objektų ar virtualių dalykų) identifikavimo ir žodinio ar nežodinio vardo priskyrimo, neatsižvelgiant į atitinkamas sąvokas. Kai daiktus turi atspindėti skirtingų kalbų žodžiai ar nežodiniai ženklai esant kitoms jutiminio suvokimo formoms, semantika turi remtis sąvokomis. Kaip viena pamatinė idėja ar sąvoka, pasiekiama per atskirą universalųjį adresą ar pastoviąją nuorodą, apibrėžtas mikroturinys apima daugelį įvairių turinio rūšių – galiausiai net joms apibūdinti naudojamus metaduomenis. Kyla klausimas, ar šios įvairios mikroturinio rūšys, įskaitant leksikografinius ir terminologinius duomenis (taip pat ir mokslines nomenklatūras), valdomuosius žodynus (tezaurus ir kitas žinių tvarkybos sistemas), žinių struktūrinimo sistemas (ontologijas, temų žemėlapius ir kt.) ir atitinkamus metaduomenis, gali būti plėtojamos ir valdomos, remiantis viena plačios aprėpties metodologija – terminologijos metodologija. Žinoma, reikia atsižvelgti į skirtingų mikroturinio rūšių skirtingus vaidmenis.
The paper approaches the temporal limitative subordinate clauses headed by asta/fin ke (no), the Judeo-Spanish equivalent to ‘while (not)/until (not)’ clauses. Having joined the Balkan linguistic area, Judeo-Spanish adopted the Balkan areal pattern of increased use of the expletive negation and indicative, unlike the Spanish pattern of subjunctive and positive verbs in the regarded clauses. In conative situations (mainly verbs expressing effort, try and attempt) the presence or omission of expletive negation in the subordinate clause allows for showing bias towards the proposition (presenting it as the desired goal or risk to be avoided). Furthermore, the expletive negation is found to be highly transmittable in situations of language contact and areal change.
This article is devoted to studying of the economic discourse and its lexical components by means of a cognitive discursive analysis. Lexical units play a special role in accumulation, modification and transfer of knowledge which are result of cognitive activity, in our case – activity of participants of interactive communication in computer forums on economics. The analysis of communication’s lexical components in economic forums within a cognitive discursive methodology allows to consider experience of other approaches in linguistics and to represent the vision of communication’s components. In our research we consider an economic forum (electronic conference) as a macrounit. The forum as a macro-unit consists of sub-forums which reflect the most actual components of a concrete macro-unit. Sub-forums are represented by discussion of subjects. The subject, as a rule, is a conceptual core of discussion and is realized in statements/messages. The method of cognitive discursive analysis includes the text analysis, identifications of the electronic text’s units and its analysis, identification of concepts and the background knowledge relating to the discourse. The conceptual analysis lets us to study the conceptual structure of a macro-concept, to trace in what way it represents the reality and what concepts are dominant at the moment. Such method enables to estimate and to analyse an overall picture of the studied discourse that assumes for example, a search of subjects, keynotes and images. Such revealed subjects help to form special frame models and to demonstrate the integrated character of a discourse.
Straipsnyje pristatomi deskriptyviosios terminologijos tyrimo principai bei empirinis daugiažodžių terminų su žodžiu rizika tyrimas, kurio tikslas – taikant tekstynų lingvistikos metodus, surinkti terminus iš ES finansų srities dokumentų tekstynų ir atlikti jų formaliosios sandaros analizę. Tyrimo tikslams buvo sukaupti keturi tekstynai: finansų srities dokumentų anglų kalba (802 933 žodžiai), prancūzų kalba (940 655 žodžiai) ir lietuvių kalba (639 279 žodžiai) bei lygiagretusis anglų–prancūzų–lietuvių kalbų tekstynas. Iš tekstynų surinkta 210 terminų, kuriuose žodis rizika eina pagrindiniu dėmeniu: 70 angliškų terminų ir po tiek pat jų atitikmenų prancūzų ir lietuvių kalbomis. Žodžio rizika pasirinkimą lėmė tai, kad šis žodis buvo dažniausias visų trijų kalbų tekstynuose. Terminų atpažinimui ir surinkimui buvo naudojamos dvi kompiuterinės programos – AntConc ir AntPConc. Dirbta tokiais etapais: • dažniausių žodžių, galinčių būti terminų branduoliu, angliškame, prancūziškame ir lietuviškame tekstynuose nustatymas ir vieno iš jų (žodžio rizika) atrinkimas tolesnei analizei; • žodžio rizika kolokacijų ir daiktavardinių junginių su pagrindiniu dėmeniu rizika ir jo kairiaisiais bei dešiniaisiais kolokatais nustatymas angliškame tekstyne; • daiktavardinių junginių, laikytinų daugiažodžiais terminais, atrinkimas; • atrinktų angliškų terminų prancūziškų ir lietuviškų atitikmenų nustatymas. Pritaikyta metodologija leido rezultatyviai surinkti daugiažodžius terminus iš daugiakalbių tekstynų. Tai duoda pagrindą teigti, kad ji gali būti taikoma terminų kaupimui bei tyrimams. Surinktų terminų formaliosios sandaros analizė atskleidė keletą svarbių terminų darybos tendencijų tiriamose kalbose: • vyraujantis terminų tipas pagal dėmenų skaičių visose trijose tiriamose kalbose yra dvižodžiai terminai; tai rodo, kad ES terminų kūrėjai laikosi kalbos ekonomijos principo ir stengiasi kurti kuo trumpesnius daugiažodžius terminus; • tik keletas angliškų ir prancūziškų terminų turi daugiau kaip 2–3 dėmenis; tuo tarpu lietuviški terminai, susidedantys iš 4 ir daugiau dėmenų, sudaro beveik ketvirtadalį surinktų terminų; • anglų ir lietuvių kalbų terminų darybos modeliuose vyrauja prepozicinė ir postpozicinė modifikacija, o prancūzų kalbos – postpozicinė modifikacija; • daugumos anglų ir lietuvių kalbų terminų priklausomieji dėmenys yra daiktavardžiai ir būdvardžiai, o prancūzų kalboje – prielinksninės konstrukcijos. Formaliosios sandaros analizės rezultatai suteikia informacijos, kuri gali būti naudinga terminų kūrėjams ir vertėjams. Tyrimo metu nustatyti sintaksinių struktūrų modeliai gali būti taikomi, kuriant kompiuterinius lingvistinius metodus automatiniam terminų atpažinimui be iš anksto pasirinktų raktinių žodžių.