The French writer and jornalist Jean Mauclère (1887–1951), who developed an interest in Lithuania in his youth, visited Lirhuania twice, and devoted much of his writing to it. His interest in Lithuania bloomed into books on history and literature, transcripts of folktales, travel books, a number of articles in French media. They received positive critical reception in France at time.The article discusses the image of Lithuania in Jean Mauclèreʾs travel books Sous le ciel pâle de Lithuanie (Paris, Plon-Nourrit, 1926) and Gens et routes de Lithuanie (Paris, A. Redier, Librairie de la Revue française, 1931).As the narrator travels through Lithuania, he meets politicians, public figures, writers, artists and so-called common people. He discusses the economic (industry, agriculture) and cultural (education, literature, art) developments in Lithuania, reflects on Lithuaniaʾs landscape, the physical type of its resident, and the features of the Lithuanian language.