Co znaczy straszyć? Próba analizy semantycznej
The predominant goal of this article is to offer a semantic analysis of the conceptof frightening/scaring. To begin with, lexical units incorporating the verb straszyć aredistinguished and listed as follows: ktoś/coś straszy czymś, coś straszy gdzieś I, coś straszygdzieś II, ktoś straszy kogoś czymś and ktoś straszy kogoś, że_. Afterwards, two of the selectedunits are discussed in detail, namely – ktoś straszy kogoś czymś and ktoś straszy kogoś, że_. Theconducted analysis has shown that they describe two different types of fear – the literal feelingof being in danger, as well as the thought that something bad may happen. Furthermore,it has been discovered that despite the presence of the verb grozić (threaten) in a dictionarydefinition of the verb straszyć (scare), phrases ktoś straszy kogoś, że_ and ktoś grozi komuś, że_are not synonymous but rather hyponymous in nature. The aforementioned considerationsare followed by an attempt to define the examined sequences.