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The article presents Polish research on the category of ‘space’, which influenced the shaping of the concept of geopoetics in Polish literary studies. Geopoetics is understood, according to Elżbieta Rybicka’s guidelines, as ‘concept-in-action’. The author of the article begins with theoretical considerations, then presents contemporary foreign theories and finally analyses theoretical works of Michał Głowiński, Henryk Markiewicz, and Janusz Sławiński. He also discusses the concept of ‘new regional studies’ in the context of the spatial turn. Using Stefania Skwarczyńska’s works, the author of the article claims ‘new regional studies’ to be one of the crucial elements of geopoetics.
This article attempts to reflect on the place of the Holocaust in school discourse in the Polish language course that constitutes part of three stages of education. While discussing — on the basis of particular texts — the evolution of one of the fundamental topoi of the Holocaust, namely a diary or journal, the authoress presents such ways of interpretation that will support the contemplation of the Shoah at school. However, the article does not offer any specific methodical solutions; it rather constitutes an invitation to a deeper reflection over the well-known literary texts, when enriched with new contexts.
In her article, the authoress proposes that — because of changes in both the contemporary society and the family model — contemporary children’s literature should be de-stereotyped. She refers to the Swedish and Norwegian experience: literary texts for children (available in Polish translation) by F. Nilsson and M. Nilsson Thore, R. Lagercrant, E. Eriksson, in which the authors address the problem of fear of “otherness”, describe students from the perspective of a child and life from the perspective of the so-called misfits. Schools should not — according to the authoress — resign from the books that depict models of, e.g. gender, in a way that is different than the ones desired in the contemporary society. Moreover, the image of a mother should also be de-stereotyped, as in Dorota Masłowska’s book titled “Jak zostałam wiedźmą. Opowieść autobiograficzna dla dorosłych i dzieci” („How I became a witch. An Autobiographical Tale for Adults and Children”). Children’s literature is to teach young readers how to accept themselves and others, and to educate the young generation how to be open to “Otherness.”
The goal of the paper is to show that Lower-land Vojvodina (Northern Serbia), which was inhabited in the second half of the 18th century by Slovak evangelicals of the Augsburg confession for economic and religious reasons, was an enviroment where specific literary culture was created being mainly based on religious and educational literature. It focuses on one of the significant manifestations of this sort of literature, i. e. catechism production, which features two characteristic lines: the original domestic catechism (Matej Ambrózi Jádro náboženství křesťanského ku prospěchu evangelických konfirmantů/The Core of Christian Religion to the Benefit of Evangelical Confirmands, 1844) and the adaptation of a translation of a foreign (German) catechism (Leopold Abafi – Heinrich Wendel: Výklad malého katechismu D. Martina Luthera/ The interpretation of Dr Martin Luther´s Small Catechism, 1870). The second part of the article deals with occasional print by Michal Godra (1801-1874) Carmen pastoricium (Novi Sad, 1841). The paper focuses on the first of two eclogues titled Beata Bacska. Ecloga I. (Blessed Báčka, eclogue I.), which is composed of 97 lines written in hexameter. The article includes a transcription of the Latin text, a prosaic translation into Slovak and the interpretation of its themes and motifs.
The paper describes the present state of ethnolinguistic research in Slovakia and on the example of Russian-Slovakian-Bulgarian cooperation suggests possibilities to enable research in this scientific pursuit. The report sheds light on current goals and results of international collaboration of Jan Stanislav Institute of Slavistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute for Bulgarian Language of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
The article focuses on textual characteristics of the recently identified Ruthenian translation, made from a printed edition of the Czech Lucidarius in 1563 and present in two Cyrillic manuscript copies written in the late 16th and the first half of the 17th century. Particular attention is paid to establishing the initial structure of this Ruthenian translation, which reflect its non-extant Czech printed source.
The change in social and political conditions in Czechoslovakia and then in inde-pendent Czechia after 1989 caused significant dynamics in the creation of new words and expressions or the expansion of the meaning of already existing words. A symbolic representative of the emergence of new words and meanings is the verb tunelovat and its derivatives (tunelování, tunelář, etc.), which began to be used to describe a certain way of realizing economic crime, through which privileged individuals from the time of the communist totalitarian regime become a privileged layer of society and in the new conditions of freedom thanks to their connections, financial security from the past and their entrepreneurial cynicism. The article presents a linguistic analysis of this expression and its derivatives from the point of view of lexical semantics, word for-mation and frequency of use. The analysis is based on both the relevant scientific lit-erature and data from the Czech National Corpus.
The article presents a study of the ways of presentation of one hundred names for professions, positions, ranks, etc. in the nomenclature list for professions in the Republic of Bulgaria, and then in the Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language (DBL) and The Great Dictionary of the Polish Language (Wielki słownik języka polskiego - WSJP), which strongly influence the editors' preferences and choice of masculinisms or feminisms in traditional and web-based media and encyclopedic products. The comparison between the Polish and Bulgarian dictionaries is carried out according to four criteria in order to establish the degree of asymmetry in the presentation of feminine and masculine forms.
The paper focuses on a selected group of biblical phrasemes [(po)zdvihnúť pätu (päty) proti niekomu; krívať (kuľhať) na obe (dve) nohy vs. krívať (kuľhať) na obe (dve) strany; kameň úrazu vs. kameň urážky]. In addition to the formal-semantic and communication analysis, their connection with the biblical source is given particular attention (based on Slovak translations of the Bible, comparing the contemporary translations with historical ones). The life path of biblical idioms in a diachronic-synchronic perspective is created, on the one hand, on the material base of the Historical Dictionary of the Slovak Language and selected historical written sources bearing witness to the past of the language; on the other, drawing on the material of the Slovak National Corpus (the corpus of Slovak texts available on the web), which provides testimony on the language of the present.
The article deals with the verbs formed from pronoun bases, which have indefinite meaning – Slovak ondiať (sa) and onačiť (sa) and their correspondences in other Slavic languages and dialects. In the Czech-Moravian-Slovak linguistic territory both verbs with synonymous meaning are represented. In the rest of Slavic territory, either verbs like ondiť (Lusatian and almost all South Slavic languages) or verbs like onačiť (Polish, Ruthenian, Ukrainian) are known. Special attention is paid to the etymology of these verbs. The reasons for such areal distribution of the verbs in question are suggested, and the possibility of interpreting Carpatho-Ukrainian lexemes is suggested.
The article examines medieval court books written in 1386-1500. They included files examined by territorial courts, which represented the state noble court. 90 manuscripts have been preserved from this period. They are Latin-Polish monuments, in which Latin predominates. The books contain very rich linguistic and historical material. Based on them, we can observe how the process of forming Polish orthography proceeded, which consisted in adapting the Latin alphabet to the phonetic needs of the Polish language. The unusual abundance of onomastic material allows us to trace the formation of the binomial naming system of people, which was a long and complicated process. The very rich and diverse legal vocabulary contained here reflects the penetration of Latin terminology (derived from Roman ius civile) into Polish legal vocabulary and illustrates the formation of statutory law in Poland. The Latin-Polish character of the books shows the correlation of these languages. Often the content expressed in Latin was written in Polish. Polish words were inserted into Latin sentences or Polish sentences ended in Latin. The court books are still not fully completed, even though they contain the largest collection of lexicon from the late 14th - 15th centuries. In order for all the materials to become accessible to a wider group of researchers, their highly authoritative editing is necessary.
The paper presents reflexively the previous interpretations of the dual forms *visnije Moravě and the ethnonyms *Marhari and *Merehani, evidenced in the 9th century manuscript of the Bavarian Geographer. The author recalls the ever-inspiring interpretations of Pavel Jozef Šafárik from his Slavonic Antiquities. He divided Upper Moravia (in later literature – from the time of Constantine Porphyrogenitus – traditionally referred to as Great Moravia) into the Danube and the Pannonian parts. Opinions according to which these are the territories of Pomoravie and Slovak Ponitrie are not correct or acceptable.
This paper aims to present the modelling process and models of Turiec River hydronymy. Turiec is a river in northern Slovakia. The term A1 model is used to denote a model mapping the content aspect of a hydronym. It contains a functional member with a semantic attribute signalling the type of onymic relation and functional members expressing other semantic attributes. Hydronymic models are categorized according to the number of functional members into one-membered, two-membered, and three-membered models. Two-membered models are most frequent, especially models expressing a relation to a place and describing a specific feature. Models using flora and fauna for honorification purposes also occur. The presented types of models, categorized according to the number of functional members and to the identified semantic characteristics of functional members, co-create the paradigm of hydronymic modelling.
The emergence and spread of social media made it possible for a large number of language users to enter into various metalinguistic interactions, including those previously controlled predominantly by language experts. An example of this is what we call language influencers, i.e. users who write posts about the Czech language and its usage. While such users lack an institutional authority, their activity has a substantially large reach and they can thus interact with language users in lieu of traditional linguistic authorities. We present a first characterization of the activities and topics of such profiles. We analyzed 312 posts of the profiles Červená propiska (Instagram), Češtinářské špeky (Facebook), and Jazykovědma (Twitter/X) with regards to the topics of their posts and user engagement in terms of numbers of comments and likes. Whereas Červená propiska is concerned primarily with orthographic rules and the use of correct (i.e. standard Czech) variants, the other two profiles combine such language-management posts with edutainment in the form of fun facts, typically opaque etymologies. The most liked posts have such edutainment form, while the most commented posts discuss language problems which regular users have direct experience with. We interpret the activities of these profiles as representing an alternative to the official language regulator, while implicitly spreading and strengthening the standard language ideology.
Popularization is often seen as an integral part of scientific work, but from our experience, in Czech linguistics, it is not an obligatory part, required for a scientist’s activities to be viewed as of high-quality or complete. Therefore, one can assume that the content, the manner and the level/quality of popularization activities depend strongly on the motivation of particular scientists, their teams or their superiors. The paper aims to map what motivates people who popularize language and/or linguistics to do so. We asses that qualitatively, using the method of semi-structured interview with both linguists and non-linguists involved in popularization. Our respondents described as their motivations the feelings of personal gratification, satisfaction, contentment, joy or pleasure of the popularization, the feeling of meaningfulness, added value, self-realization, and ego. Based on these results, we conclude that both groups of popularizers like to popularize language and/or linguistics, but for linguists, meaningfulness and little or no feedback are characteristic, while non-linguists are more focused on building social media communities that are able to digest only very simplifiedcontent.
This article explores the expression of personal attitudes in the popularization of linguistic topics, particularly in Czech. It focuses on how linguists, who also also speakers of the language, communicate their knowledge to the public while inevitably presenting personal stances on language use. By analyzing examples of both professional linguists and non-experts engaged in language popularization, the article demonstrates the difficulty of maintaining a clear boundary between objective linguistic description and subjective evaluation. It shows that popularization often involves choices influenced by personal and professional judgments, particularly in relation to the standardization of language. The article also examines the ways in which non-linguists may prioritize their personal views. Finally, the study discusses how different approaches to evaluating linguistic phenomena are reflected in publicly available materials, illustrating the variability in the expression of both positive and negative attitudes towards the language.
W artykule zostały przedstawione dotychczasowe badania nad językiem polskim na Ukrainie w aspekcie językoznawczym oraz socjolingwistycznym. Komentując te badania, autor stawia wiele pytań, m.in. o kryteria narodowości polskiej, o granice polskiej kultury, o rolę państwa polskiego w promocji polskości na Ukrainie, a także o status języka polskiego na Ukrainie w przestrzeni prywatnej (w rodzinach) i publicznej: mediach, Internecie, Kościele katolickim, polskich instytucjach. Język polski na Ukrainie jest językiem obcym, jednak ponad 30-letnie nauczanie języka polskiego (też jako obcego) nie przynosi efektów – co potwierdzają badania autora na Ukrainie oraz obserwacje uchodźców w Polsce. Autor sugeruje zmianę podejścia edukacyjnego: z językowego (komunikacyjnego) na kulturowe, w którym istotne jest doświadczenie kultury, przeżycie, aspekt wychowawczy. Taka edukacja ma przygotować obywateli Ukrainy do emigracji do Polski (i Europy) lub współpracy z Polską na Ukrainie.