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International conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the teaching the Slovak language at the University of Bucharest: Opening word (Liviu Franga)
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International conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the teaching the Slovak language at the University of Bucharest: Opening word (Liviu Franga)
International conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the teaching the Slovak language at the University of Bucharest: Greetings (Ján Gábor)
International conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the teaching the Slovak language at the University of Bucharest: Greetings (Adrian Miroslav Merka)
International conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the teaching the Slovak language at the University of Bucharest: Greetings (Dagmar Hupková)
International conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the teaching the Slovak language at the University of Bucharest: Greetings (Vieroslava Elisabeta Timar)
Scientific life: SAS a sasisti pozdravujú rumunských slovakistov (Jana Pekarovičová)
Scientific life: Pozdrav od slovakistov z Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre (Zuzana Kováčová, Eva Tučná)
Speech: Pozdrav od slovakistov z belehradskej univerzity (Ljudmila Popović)
Scientific life: Rozpamätávania Viery Štupákovej na druhú domovinu (Viera Štupáková)
The article discusses the language base codification of Slovak literary language, codified by A. Bernolák, and its real functioning. Studying of writing before A. Bernolák and A. Bernolák's assertion testify that the idiom, created in South-Western Slovakia and then spread across all Slovak territory, was a codification basis really. However, it was not in classical Trnavian form, but in a peripheral Northern Central Slovak one. Consequently, it is quite a large number of the Central Slovak elements, the use of which was along with the typical West Slovak ones. In the Bernolák's literary language these elements start being lost quickly, more and more increasing the West Slovak character of this literary language.
Данная статья является попыткой представления в сопоставительном аспекте одной из проблем языкового этикета – специфики функционирования формы сказуемого в процессе языкового общения в официальной и неофициальной коммуникативной ситуации. Отправной точкой наблюдений послужили лингвистические и социолингвистические работы польских и словацких исследователей, посвящённые данной проблематике. Статья отражает результаты сравнительного анализа грамматической формы сказуемого, в высказываниях, отражающих разный уровень вежливости в польском и словацком языке. Автор наблюдает параллельное употребление грамматических форм сказуемого в коммуникативной ситуации «на ты» в польском и словацком языке, а также различия между данными языками, когда общение имеет официальный характер.
The paper focuses on the importance of games in educational process in the context of modern teaching. The first part deals with the communicative way of teaching, development of communication skills and the importance of didactic games in the language teaching process, especially in teaching Slovak as a foreign language. There is a collection of efficient didactic games in the second part of this paper. Using games is essential for the learning process.
The paper is focused on project teaching within Slovak language education abroad. The chosen method can support more effective education of SFL (Slovak as a Foreign Language) learners as well as primary and secondary learners who consider Slovak their mother tongue. We are primarily interested in the level of effectiveness of education, learner-activity during the project work, the rate of obtained experience and the level of systematic theory-practice interconnection. Since the Slovak language education is based on the communication and observation, we consider the method to offer some space for comparative linguistic recognition of some key elements of the source language (L1) and the target language (L2). On the basis of the accumulated information, the learner has an idea about the target language- he or she learns it.
In this paper the authors present the didactical-contentual concept of the e-learning course of Slovak language for breakthrough beginners „My Slovak“, which is part of foundation of the Slovak Language Centre at California University of Pennsylvania in USA. The establishment of the course and the Centre is preconditioned by a fact that there are about 1.2 million people living in the U.S.A. acknowledging their Slovak nationality. Mostly they do not know Slovak in written neither in spoken form; nevertheless they are very interested in learning the language at least at the level of beginners. The content of the project is being prepared and managed by the Faculty of Arts at the Comenius University in Bratislava and online teaching will be managed by Studia Academica Slovaca – Centre for Slovak as Foreign Language in Bratislava. The Civic Society iLearn is responsible for preparation of infrastructure technology, the course layout, methodical preparation of lectors leading the online teaching, operation of virtual rooms and implementation of KnowledgePulse application, using the microlearning methodology.
Review of: Marilena Felicia Luţă (Ţiprigan), Aspectul verbal. Retrospective şi perspective [Slovesný vid. Retrospektívy a perspektívy], Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti 2013, 216 s. ISBN 9786061602650 (Dagmar Maria Anoca)
Review of: Ľubomír Kralčák, Pôvod hlaholiky a Konštantínov kód. Martin: Matica slovenská 2014. 207 s. ISBN 978-80-8128-099-3 (Ianko Gubani)