Coordinate Transformation Using the Author’s Software in GIS Class System – Case Study
In order to implement the provisions of the INSPIRE Directive, it is necessary for the Member States of the European Union to take appropriate measures to enable combining in a uniform manner spatial data deriving from different sources and sharing use of them by many users and many applications. Spatial data regarding underground hard coal mining in Poland should also be available in the national spatial reference system. Mining enterprises run a cartographic resource in the different rectangular flat coordinate systems. The standard transformation procedure does not provide the required accuracy because these are areas affected by mining activity, and the stability of points is limited, hence, studies were undertaken. The result is the development of software that can be used in Geographic Information Systems to transform spatial data from a system used in mine to the national system. The article described shortly a chosen coordinates systems used in Polish underground mines, elaborated procedure for selection of the degree and the type of a transformation polynomial in the transformation task. It presents its practical application of procedure for the area of one of hard coal mines using the author’s software elaborated in the results of above-mentioned research.