30 години Юридически факултет в Университета за Национално и Световно Стопанство. Сто и една години юридическо образование и правни изследвания в унсс
The report traces the history of legal education at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) and its Law Faculty. It is known that UNWE is the successor of the Free University of Political and Economic Sciences, established in Sofia in 1920 by prominent lawyers and statesmen. The first part of the report focuses on legal education at the Free University. It is monitored the scientific and international activity of the lecturers in the various legal disciplines in this period. Attention is paid to the five law departments that existed in the period between 1940-1948. Special attention is paid to the academic staff, part of which are the most prominent names of Bulgarian legal thought. Furthermore, the report focuses on the transformations in legal education at the UNWE which took place after the establishment of the socialist regime in Bulgaria. The report marks the names which forms the academic body, which grew into an independent Law Faculty in 1991. In conclusion, the report presents the remarkable achievements of teachers and students, which mark the upward trend of development of the Law Faculty of the UNWE.