Environmental Protection: Soil Pollution and Waste Management
By virtue of the desire to satisfy his growing needs, man appeals to nature, extracting from the environment renewable and non-renewable resources. Over time, the amount of resources available in their natural environment to cope with the increased demand for economic goods is growing faster than the possibilities offered by the environment. At the same time, by expanding production and consumption, the amounts of residues and waste resulting from these economic processes, including cosmic ones, increase, which affects the degree of tolerance of their assimilation by the environment, the ecological balance. In general, the ecological balance expresses the state of normality between the biotic community and its physical environment of existence, between the biocenosis and the biotope, between the biotic and abiotic factors, as well as inside them. This is achieved by self-regulation of the ecosphere and its components by respecting by people the requirements of the law of nature, not disturbing the stability of ecological balance, its inclusion in certain tolerant limits being basically the expression of peaceful coexistence of man with nature.