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The purpose of this paper is first of all to try to integrate the hashtag in the wider context of the devices the web offers to its users in order to make browsing easier. But more than that, the hashtag is not simply a tool used to organize web material, but it in itself may easily be understood as an artefact carrying cultural meaning that is worth analyzing within the individual’s cultural practice. Additionally, the hashtag can be interpreted as a research tool of the ‘native’ kind alongside the others that have been identified and as a way of communication as part of the language of the web. Besides this, the hashtag can be read not only as the end product at the users’ disposal, but significantly as a process of building meaning inside the web. Having all this in mind, the paper will investigate the hashtag based on a case study on (video) social media that will eventually identify a few ways of integrating it in the identity of both the user generating the content and the content generated by such user.
In this work we contend that studying dance syntax systematically is essential to gain a deeper understanding of dance practices. The reason is that syntax has to do with an essential aspect of dance, music and action in general, namely possibility. To the best of our knowledge, the efforts towards a systematic method to study dance syntax are scarce. Therefore, this work proposes the method of Finite-State Automata, borrowed from computer science, and presents three case studies of progressive complexity were the method is applied: (1) learning the basics of salsa, (2) diachronically comparing hip-pushing action in Afro-Ecuadorian Bomba del Chota, and (3) characterizing improvisation in Afro-Peruvian zapateo. While the first case is didactic and introduces the method progressively, the second and third cases are based on several years of fieldwork conducted by the authors with the Afro-Ecuadorian and Afro-Peruvian communities. The precondition for the application of the method we propose is structural analysis itself; that is, that the dance can be analyzed into small movement units that are combined progressively into more complex units. In regards to syntax, however, structural analysis is only the first step. The goal is a synthesis that brings forward the possibilities that arise from structural analysis; that is, the possibilities that are available to dancers and agents in a dance event. We trust that the approach to syntax this work presents will stimulate a renewed interest for researchers in dance, music and movement in general.
Ispán, Ágota Lídia: A város vidéke. A falusi lakosság életmódváltása az urbanizáció hatására. [The Countryside of the Town. The Changing Lifestyle of Village People After 1945 Due to Urbanization]. Budapest: Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, Néprajztudományi Intézet. 2020. 284. ISBN 9789963-416-205-6
Let me take you form a walk through the generations, from Gen Z to the Baby Boomers, and how each of them finds its way of relaxation, how they are embracing the digital world for entertainment, meeting friends at malls and cafés, or walking through the parks. The article offers a personal introduction to the traditionally conservative British society as it is evolving, shaping its leisure habits across generations. Despite some limitations in the entertainment industry, the UK’s charm lies in cosy pubs, sea-view sunsets, and unique moments shared with friends.
Almost half of the more than seven hundred pages of this volume describe in thematic order all the depicted themes and scenes, biblical and historical figures, which have a public function and a sacral or pseudo-sacral layer of meaning.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the concept of politics of culture with an emphasis on the notion of culture. The idea of culture, which is often defined as a formal space, program/repertoire, or stimulus for economic development, ceases to maintain its anthropological meaning and relations to the values or any ideological connotations. This, however, may be considered as a deliberate practice of the representatives of politics of culture. They present it as an attempt to increase the inclusiveness of cultural content. In fact, they pursue the strategy of maintaining the relations of power. The article analyses varied concepts of politics of culture and potential ways of its improvement, with a reference to Jim McGuigan’s theory of cultural policies and politics. His concept emphasizes the fact that the authorities may find disturbing: that the so-called transparent politics of culture is de facto the space of rival discourses, conflicts, and interests.
The study presents the appearance of divine providence and divine judgment in Hungarian folk tales. The heroes of the folk tales are often helped by the creator God in compliance with the noble task, which was entrusted to them or voluntarily undertaken, in restoring the disturbed life and moral order, in the final administration of justice. The appearances of divine providence forms are very diverse. The folk tale hero can often enjoy “heavenly” support from the moment of birth, which is manifested in the form of a divine promise or gift/donation. In other cases, the folk tale hero experiences divine providence in the most unexpected situations, which helps them to achieve their set goal through a dream, vision, or an unexpected encounter. Divine judgment plays an important role in folk tale justice, the essence of which is to reveal the guilty and save the innocent. The folk-tale hero entrusts judgment to God, the main guardian of the moral order.
Anna Szakál’s debate-launching writing on collecting, processing and publishing the ego-documents of researchers.
Judit Balatonyi’s reflections on the debate-launching essay of Anna Szakál entitled Collection, Processing and Publication of Researchers’ Ego-Documents in Ethnography.
The Avatime education system was seriously transformed under the influence of Christian missionaries and European civilization, therefore the author used unstructured interviewing, questioning and the anthropological method of participant observation to reconstruct the autochthonous, pre-colonial worldview and identify the basic principles of the Avatime children's socialization. The most important feature in the autochthonous Avatime culture was the community and the moral principles guarded by the elders: the deities who established these rules were far from people, and ancestral spirits served as mediators between their world and the human world. The elder became the governor — a representative of the people world who knows the traditions but already close to ancestral spirits. Education systems changed depending on the stage of child development. Nevertheless, the goal of education naturally and intuitively pursued from childbirth, remained unchanged and consisted in assimilation of the individual to other members of the community through the formation of their behavior in generally accepted model. Procreation is a public duty, so a child takes the place prepared for him in the lineage, clan, community and in the Universe as a whole.
The article discusses the experience of studying the archaeological objects of play accessories not only as a mere collection of finds, but in connection with topographic, historical and social features of the territory from which these finds occur. Besides the widespread types of toys (ceramic whistles, leather balls, clubs, wooden spinners etc.), the studied collection includes rarer toys (the barrel of a chiseled wooden miniature cannon), and original items of theatrical or carnival requisite. Thus, in the cultural deposits within the limited space of the city yard, we observe children’s play accessories and those that supposedly belonged to the adults.
Olga Załęska analyses the content of Barbara Hoff ’s articles in the “Fashion”column in the weekly “Przekrój” in the years 1954–1969. Załęska conducted her researchby taking into account the cultural, social and political context of the Polish People’sRepublic, and primarily focusing on its unofficial class structure. Załęska argues thatHoff ’s publications had a significant symbolic meaning as tools of class struggle and ofopposition to the ruling political power. Thus, they corresponded with the attitude of heintelligentsia whom this weekly brought closer together (as in the case of Leopold Tyrmand).In the “Fashion” column we can detect elements of the bourgeois habitus, whichHoff propagated among readers representing various social classes. Załęska analysesclass aspects of Barbara Hoff 's educational message. Later statements by Hoff and membersof the intelligentsia revolving around “Przekrój” ascribe a subversive potential tofashion as a way to resist the socialist system. Załęska explores this thesis, its defensemade plausible by the assumption that the “resistance against the ruling power” is understoodas a struggle with that power’s aesthetic and cultural aspect.
The article aims at presenting diverse architecture and urban planning projectswhich serve as examples of power demonstration. It is hardly a new phonomenon, sincerenditions of the personality cult in architecture dates back to antiquity. However, in thisarticle the point of focus remains Poland, in particular the period of the Polish People’sRepublic. What was selected for the analysis was the projects which symbolised the thenmanner of exercising power over the state. Therefore, the rebuilding of socialist Warsawis mentioned, along with the Millennium Schools (Polish tysiąclatki), civil constructionduring the term of Edward Gierek, including the famous “Gierkówka” motorway, andsome investments of lesser importance realized by lower ranking politicians.
Some Germans are among the traditional national minorities in Slovakia. Theirancestors came to this territory from the 13th century onwards, mainly as miners. Oneof the locations where they settled was the upper Nitra and the surroundings of NitrianskePravno. Until the late 1940s, the German population had a majority representationin these municipalities. Due to the political and social changes after the Second WorldWar, when they were displaced, their numbers are radically reduced and the ethnic identityis also weakened. The study focuses on historical and social changes that conditionthe ethnicity of this minority community. It focuses on the elements by which theGermans in the upper Nitra declare their togetherness and difference from the majoritypopulation. We pay particular attention to language as one of the essential componentsof ethnic identity, its practice and significance in the self-identification of the Germanminority. The main methodological procedure is a biographical and oral history interview,conducted with respondents from the municipalities of Nitrianske Pravno, Malinová,and Tužina in 2022.
The traditional beliefs of the inhabitants of Madagascar have strong monotheisticelements, focused on life after death and interaction with the god Zanahary and theancestors. The Betsileo tribe practices a ritual called “famadihana” or “Ati-damba,” whichinvolves exhuming and scrolling or re-wrapping of corpses. Through invocations andblood sacrifices of the zebu, the living seek prosperity while incorporating the deceasedinto the status of Ancestors. These funerary customs bear similarities to those of China,Southeast Asian fringe cultures, and the Ibaloi tribe of the Philippines. These similaritiesmay have to do with migration waves to Madagascar and the passing down of traditionsfrom generation to generation.
This article shows an important sphere of social life, i.e. Physical Culture, regardingits elements: play, games, and sports as intangible global and at the same timeregional heritage of every corner of the world. Through this work, the author wants toemphasise the crucial role of traditional games and sports in the globalised world, alsoshowing UNESCO and TAFISA’s huge initiatives and endeavours they undertake to revitaliseand prevent old sports from being forgotten. They are devoted and very involvedin building a better climate for the promotion of various traditional physical activities inthe context of cultural diversity. The author also wants to stress in this article that thereare few groups of people around the globe who really care about the intangible kind ofheritage hidden in traditional forms of sports and games. The further intention of thiswork is to awaken the awareness of other researchers and people for whom the localheritage is fundamental for a better future in a unified world.
The article is an attempt at collecting and discussing the procedures of theethnogeographicalmethod which have been used in Polish ethnology from the beginningof the twentieth century until today. The most important discussions of this methodin the Polish scientific literature have been compiled, and on their basis a list synthesisingits principles and heuristics has been created. The subsequent part of the article discusseshow the ethnogeographic method as practised in Poland so far presents itself from theperspective of contemporary cartographic and statistical methods, especially from theviewpoint of research within the framework of cultural evolution and digital humanities.
Children are a vulnerable group in terms of obesity: nearly 20% of Hungarian kindergarten and school-aged children are overweight or obese. School catering plays a decisive role in shaping children's nutritional behavior. To support the prevention of obesity and to increase the quality of children's diets, legislation passed in 2014 included provisions on school catering. This paper provides a qualitative content analysis of a roundtable discussion on the school catering system that took place at an interdisciplinary conference, with the aim of identifying the most important messages about school meals conveyed by the discussion. During the qualitative analysis of the roundtable discussion, seven main categories emerged: factors supporting the acceptance/implementation of public catering; factors hindering the acceptance/implementation of public catering; everyday problems in the implementation of public catering; the task of caterers and public catering; the transformation of public catering; cooperation among parties with an interest in public catering; and factors helping children to cooperate. The co-occurrence network of subcategories and values can be broken down into one large component and several separate, small components. Thus, it can be concluded that the majority of subthemes and values are grouped into a coherent system. The results point to the key role of school catering in healthy nutrition and nutrition education, and the importance of close cooperation among parties with an interest in school catering to promote the social acceptance of catering and the prevention of childhood obesity.
Boni, Zofia: Feeding Anxieties: The Politics of Children’s Food in Poland Berghahn. New York – Oxford. 2023. 196. ISBN 978-1-80073-871-3