Macht sich der Fortschritt bezahlt?
France is only a country and, as such, cannot be compared with the United States, which is also a whole continent. Only a comparison between Europe and North America as two continents, which have developed very specific economic methods and social structures from their respective natural and cultural prerequisites, is justified and meaningful. Perhaps one should add that there is also a difference in age: youth on the one hand, maturity, if not age, on the other hand. Possibly, such an emphasis on the distinctive differences enables us to understand both sides. In any case, a fruitful discussion of the relations between France and the USA-between Old and the New World-can only be conducted in this spirit. Every time I am in the United States, I feel that I understand them, but as soon as I have European soil under my feet, I know I no longer understand them, and therefore try not to make hasty judgments. And sometimes I feel that it would be better if the Americans who talked about the Old World and their problems would have the same restraint in their utterances.