Spór o model gimnazju w XIX-wiecznej niemieckiej myśli pedagogicznej
While created by Wilhelm Humboldt in the beginning of the 19th century and having derived from the classical studies and thus memorizing the ideals of Ancient Greece by way of comprehending humanity, the model of gymnasium became the object of public controversy dating yet from the 1830s. Whatever necessary changes were required as for the shape of education in gymnasium, they were armed with various revolutionary statements, such as the defense of Christian dogma in the context of the pagan style of upbringing that surrounded the Greek image, the latter being even worshipped at school, and then the civilizational evolution (the necessity of matching the programs with the contemporary technical progress, and the frames of industrialization, everything, at last, that both a nation and the unified German Reich could have benefitted up from the year 1871, and that by the same token had longed for the establishment of what was called ‘national background’ while having withdrawn from the ancient patterns the then young people were to master. Despite differentiated means of interference, the classical teaching did not cease from being the authoritative one in the process of education, whereas the nine-year gymnasium remained as the most essential within the secondary school system.