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We are in the midst of a revolution in sexual and romantic tastes unlike any other in history, a social experiment being performed on children and teenagers, captured in a powerful, poignant scene in the recent British documentary InRealLife, about the effects of the internet on teenagers, directed by Baroness Beeban Kidron. In the film, a 15-year-old boy of impressive frankness articulates a process that is going on in the lives of millions of teen boys, whose sexual tastes are being shaped in large part by their 24/7 access to internet porn. He describes how porn images have moulded his “real life” sexual activity: “You’d try out a girl and get a perfect image of what you’ve watched on the internet … you’d want her to be exactly like the one you saw on the internet … I’m highly thankful to whoever made these websites, and that they’re free, but in other senses it’s ruined the whole sense of love. It hurts me because I find now it’s so hard for me to actually find a connection to a girl.”
The hopelessness theory claims the existence of hopelessness depression, a subtype of depression which supposedly has a characteristic causal profile, a set of symptoms and a certain course. The study analyses from an experimental point of view the Hopelessness Depression Symptom Questionnaire (HDSQ; Metalsky & Joiner, 1997) on the Romanian population and it also establishes its psychometric parameters. The results of factorial analysis in the case of the 315 participants support the initial factors of the HDSQ but they also reflect a distinct symptom of hopelessness depression. Diathesis-stress results, explained by the means of structural equation modelling, confirm the theoretic hypotheses issued by Abramson, Metalsky, and Alloy (1989) regarding the onset of depression. We confirm the efficiency of the HDSQ as a clinical instrument for the evaluation of hopelessness depression and the hopelessness theory of depression.
The aim of the present article is to emphasize social and psychological implications of bullying in school contexts. In order to accomplish this aim, 10 articles were reviewed. Psychological consequences of young students experiencing bullying in schools are discussed from a social psychology framework of group influence in shaping individual’s own personality development. Also this article answers the question: Can bullying be seen as a disfunctional group phenomenon?
Quality of life and well-being are key ingredients of mental health. There are several conceptual models and derivative measures of well-being. Subjective well-being is, perhaps, the most prominent perspective on well-being, with the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) constructed in line with this perspective. Regrettably, the SWLS has not been adapted for use in scientific research and applied practice in Romania. In our initial study, we translated the SWLS using transliteration and back-translation procedures, and tested the equivalence of Romanian and English versions of the SWLS with the bilingual retest technique. In our second study, we established some of the psychometric properties of the Romanian SWLS, including its factor structure. Preliminary results revealed high test-retest and internal consistency reliability, convergent validity, and a single factor similar to that found in other cross-cultural adaptations of the SWLS. Future research will entail further examination of the psychometric properties of the Romanian SWLS and the development of national norms so that the instrument can be used in research and practice.
Procrastination is defined as an irrational tendency to delay the beginning and/or completion of different tasks. In the present study we focused on validating the student version of the Procrastination Inventory, developed by Lay (1986), on the Romanian population. A sample of 125 first year students participated in the study. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated that from the original 20 items only 13 were adequate for the Romanian population. Two negatively correlated factors were obtained and identified as assignment procrastination and general promptness.
There is a wide range of studies linking Eysenck’s model of personality with delinquency. Nevertheless, the results are contradictory and less well documented for adolescents. In this paper we aim to explore the link between the personality traits of the Big-Five model and the presence of a conduct disorder. In order to develop efficient prevention programs for delinquent behavior, we also realized a regression analysis in order to identify significant predictors for conduct disorder. The results obtained for 266 subjects with delinquent and non-delinquent behavior confirm some of the results in the literature, emphasizing the importance of a reduced consciousness and high emotional instability for the development of a conduct disorder. Other significant predictors for conduct disorder proved to be: social problems, thinking problems, rule braking and aggressive behavior.
The purpose of this study was to identify the opinion regarding discrimination of 50 teachers that are working in public schools, from different backgrounds (both urban and rural). The questionnaire we created for this study refers to aspects connected to the fundamental opinion regarding discrimination of the targeted group and also to different activities that take place in different schools regarding the integration of every minority group of children into collectivity, regardless of their ethnicity, their race, or their religious beliefs. The results obtained proof an insufficient correspondence between the subjects’ opinions regarding discrimination and the concrete measures they take for reducing the actual discrimination among children.
The objectives of our study were to verify the Romanian translation of the TAQ, to determine its psychometric qualities in a sample of participants from Western Romania, and to compare them with data from similar researches. The TAQ measures three key anxiety components: somatic, cognitive and behavioural. The questionnaire’s 36 items were derived from previous research, from different widely utilised measurement instruments known for their psychometric properties. The TAQ was administered along with other psychological tests, the Current Thoughts Scale (CTS), the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS), the McGill Pain Questionnaire, (McGill PQ-S) and the Dental Fear Survey (DFS). The validation of these instruments on the Romanian population represents a part from a PhD research project regarding anxiety and dental fear management. We consider that the results advanced in the validation study support the TAQ’s psychometric qualities, and thus the TAQ can be seen as a useful instrument, with high applicable potential.
Increased self-esteem, developed facilities of participation to the community life and extra satisfaction insures a superior life quality for the patient diagnosed with schizophrenia.The study includes 150 participants divided in 3 lots. Schizophrenia diagnosis was established according to the operational criteria from DSM-IV-TR (1994) and ICD-10 (1992). Life quality was evaluated by using the inventory of self-perceived wellbeing (ISBA; Adams, Bezner, & Steinhardt, 1997). The results revealed significant differences from life quality point of view regarding the occupational statute, educational level and the type of the disease. Self-perceived wellbeing of the individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia is lower as compared to the healthy persons; under the social, intellectual, spiritual and emotional aspects the persons diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia are more affected than the ones having other forms of schizophrenia. Life quality in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia is lower as compared to general population and out of all types of schizophrenia, the paranoid one is the most affected.
Teachers have diverse professional expectations, and when a balanced relationship is built between different aspects of the professional activity and teachers’ expectations on these aspects, professional satisfaction appears which effectively contributes to consistent effort for professional tasks realization. Professional needs constitute a catalyst element of professional satisfaction. This feeling is produced by the satisfaction of professional needs at the level of teachers’ expectations. This way, MHR solicits the identification of the actions for continuous professional education which could and should be realized by the system/institution to obtain individual performances. It is also necessary to understand that the organizational investment in human resources supposes the concrete actions of self-investment, as well.
This article presents educational poetic therapy methods / techniques to empower schizophrenic clients. A theoretical psychological and educational basis is given to explain Educational poetic therapy. The causes of schizophrenic clients’ disability to live self dependently in society and to deal with their disabilities are presented. Low self evaluation is discussed as a typical and difficult problem, and is explained how educational poetic therapy can transform personality. Qualitative research is used. Case analysis illustrates the effectiveness of educational poetic therapy.
The conflict is individual, face to face, the more will be expressed more emotional. But who's who in conflict? Conflict is an important part of human life as being always present among people, either individually or in groups, that would be hard to imagine a person who has never been involved in a conflict. Some are small, small, not affecting adversely the work, but others can be more serious, damaging morale and cooperative attitude in the work environment. At any level installs conflict between people in all situations and at any stage is expressed specifically involving human emotions and feelings.
Judicial psychology can be defined as that branch of applied psychology that deals with the collection, examination and provision of psychological information that facilitates decision in a criminal context. This branch of psychology, that can be underwritten, at least partially, to the forensic field, has often been perceived, especially by the outsiders, as a pseudo-science. One of the reasons of this disregard could be “the profiling” which is a technique of the judicial psychology that proved inaccurate in a number of cases. But to establish the scientific credibility of this technique for determining the behavioral and personality characteristics of an offender, firstly the knowledge and comparison of different approaches to community profiling are necessary.
With over 25 years of use in Roman forensics and over 54 years of consecration in the worldwide forensics (USA, Japan, Israel, Serbia, Croatia, etc.), the polygraph technique still holds today. Being permanently (as are the skilled specialists in fact), between appreciation and appeal, the investigation of simulated behavior’s uncertain road was strewn by both spectacular failures and remarkable successes. We shall not dwell on them; instead, we will discuss some of the weaknesses of the current technology.
In the historical process culture develops and enriches itself thanks to the various elements of human cooperation and coexistence. In the sphere of culure the collection of names creates a specific store of both individual and collective experiencing of particular group with its various needs that change throughout the time. Analysis of the sources that was committed suggests that the naming cultural bordeline of Cieszyn reflects itself mostly in the varieties on the motivational and frequency grounps. The considered names encoupas not only spiritual and material cultural features, not only mirror the hierarchy of values as well as the fluctuations in the member’s mentality and tradition but then also mirror social atitudes as the exposure of the social, administrative, religious character of the coontrn’s situation and the awarness of the national belonging of oneself.
The czech theatre in Cieszyn throughout 120 years was planing the role of “pedagologital theatre” (in the reasonning of Margaret Dietrich, austrian theatrologist) as it was acquainting with Czech language, popularizing knowledge of Czech Republic and czech nation, aquaintingwith national dramaturgy, with the theatrical works of czech cultural centres. It was also widening the horizons of knowledge and also, that is mostly significant when speaking of the national borderline matters, it was popularring (with few recalled exept (ons) patterns of conflict free Polish-Czech co-existenceachieved thanks to the support of the Cieszyn’s in habitants of the polish nationality. Firstly it was done at the patchy, when it comes to the nationality profice, territory followed by solely Polish domain. Appearance of the Czech theatre in the Polish reality of Cieszyn, as one of the modern forms of popularizing culture, becomes also a challenge when it comes both to the multicultural education in its wide perspective and to the multidimensional prooving the ability of multiculural dialoque.
Malcolm Ross proposes a creative, expressive model for cognition in the arts. He adopts Ingarden’s ‘metaphysical’ account of the meaning of art and argues for a pedagogy that engages and develops the child’s ‘intelligence of feeling’. Feeling is distinguished from emotion as the medium of consciousness. In an education system that has traditionally emphasised objectivity and rationality at the expense of subjectivity and feeling, knowledge at the expense of knowing, calculation at the expense of contemplation, the need to redress the balance is urgent.