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This paper provides an example of an innovative science activity applied in a science methods course for future elementary teachers at a small university in northeastern Turkey. The aim of the activity is to help prospective elementary teachers understand science concepts in a simple way and see an innovative teaching example.
In the article an algorithm has been introduced for the making, conducting, assessment and improvement of a dynamic e-test in the form of the matriculation examination in geography as a part of the activities during the enrolment campaign of South-West University “Neofit Rilski” – Blagoevgrad in the years 2016/2017. The test has been applied throughout high-schools located in various parts of the country – Blagoevgrad, Petrich, Kyustendil, Slivnitsa, Vratsa, Vidin, Velingrad and Dimitrovgrad – with the participation of 86 students from the 11 and 12 grades. An automated statistics’ item analysis of the electronic educational platform “Blackboard Learn” has been performed. As a result of this, the amount of question ns in the database has been reduced and some questions have been edited.
The main problem discussed in this article is related to the reasons as to how and why fear dominates students’ learning process in education institutions. A right approach toward the topic requires first an investigation of the cognitive aspects of fear, especially when we talk about nature and science knowledge and studies. The research reveals and analyses the main concept characteristics of fear, connected to different ways of thinking and understanding the learning process. Some fear barriers of the learning process have been outlined. The empirical defense of the ideas is based on the research ideas of Daniel Kahneman, an Israeli-American psychologist, and his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making in conditions of inexplicitness. The empirical data used for the research includes inquiries into students and teachers’ opinion of fear of learning. It is based on the concept of cognitive niches in thinking, which become barriers to learning. In the field of natural science education this problem deserves special attention.
This article examines the game as an educational phenomenon and its place in a system of second language education. The author shows the main features of learning game and its differences from traditional teaching activities. Some instructions about place of the game activity in a teaching process at different stages are given. Results of a research about using game in teaching foreign languages are analyzed.
The present essay is a theoretical study. It presents existing psycholinguistic accounts integrated in a unified theory of language acquisition. The approach is an eclectic explanation of a mentalist type of language development as an ontogenetic process. A description of current pedagogy of language is made.
The aim of the paper is adumbrating of approaches towards the explication of such type of theories and theoretical models within scientific knowledge that could be assessed to be non-classical. Criteria for such assessments ought to have in mind the specific character of the research domain and the mode of theorizing in the different scientific fields.
An International Astronomical Program for the discovery and tracking of asteroids has been developed. The results from the work of students in observational campaigns are discussed. The collaboration between scientists, university students and high school students is outlined.
The article presents the experience in the extra-curricular activity of using information technologies and interdisciplinary links between the subjects of physics and astronomy, geography and economics and biology and health education in the lower secondary level as means of interactivity.
The report examines the extra-curricular activities of the Club “Multi-Visually” – creating projects, exhibitions, brochures, etc. Work on them is an appropriate means of forming new knowledge, skills and competencies to provoke creative thinking and natural learning through the use of interactive methods and tools.
The report explores the learning content of the 5th and 6th Grades Man and Nature curricula in order to highlight key environmental issues. The aspect of the psychological and cognitive characteristics of 11- and 12-year-old students is considered. On the basis of the analysis of these two key aspects of the effectiveness of science education, opportunities are offered to use interactive learning methods and to to help teachers in early science education to form of environmental awareness in the pupils.
“Student Space Agency” was established and many students were educated in its different forms and programs. This initiative can be considered as successful for the students, as well for the teachers. The activity of this Agency during the years was listed and commented.
This report illustrates a possibility for using modern computer technologies for the purpose of involving students in real research projects, modernizing the educational content and increasing the number of astronomy classes. Students acquire methodological skills, they profit from their knowledge in physics and computer sciences and see their application in real life.
Visual aids are the basis of teaching. They have an active leadership in thinking and perception; they are included in the teacher‘s exposition and are often based on them; allow concordance of hearing and visual perception; allow the teacher to accomplish a variety of didactic goals and tasks; allows them to be applied in the process of self-employment. They can also be used in a complex way to place learning problems, to instruct the students before their practical work with naturally supervised means of activating the learning process. The various visual aids should be combined wisely to give pupils more specific and, in turn, versatile ideas about physics and physical phenomena studied.
In technical universities the discipline of Physics is studied by the majority of the students. Many of the first-year students at the Military Academy „N. J. Vaptsarov“do not have the necessary groundwork for this. The weaker results of the students in recent years show that they are not ready to acquire the necessary knowledge and practical skills for the short time of fundamental preparation. Even the most elementary university course teaches many new key concepts that remain undigested from the beginning. This leads to a misunderstanding or mechanical reproduction of their applications, which is the complete opposite of the ultimate goal of training future engineers. The presented project studies the dependency between the different levels of preparation of the students in mathematics and physics at the beginning of the semester and their results at the end of the training. For the purpose of the study, 215 first-year students were interviewed and a statistical analysis of the collected data was carried out. The obtained results will help to develop, discuss and propose initiatives to improve the training in the Department of Mathematics and Physics.
A didactical model of training of students in physics and engineering was developed by using of different internet-based learning sources. An attempt of evaluation the didactic value has been made.
These students’ competitions were realized in the Vasil Levski National Military University – Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria). They appear to be successful tools for enhancing the interest of students to physics in collaboration with people from other universities and secondary schools.
In a previous publication we discussed the basic concepts and principles of suggestopedia from the point of view of a holistic approach to personality and the process of foreign language teaching and learning. The present article enriches the theoretical review by adding the three fundamental pillars formulated by Lozanov, namely love, freedom and prestige, and by interpreting them in a linguistic-pedagogical context. It also introduces the three groups of methods used in suggestopedia and the way they are closely related to the main principles. The interrelation of methods and principles results in the accelerated development of communicatively oriented language knowledge and skills which are manifested in the “suggestopedic reserve complex”. Finally, the article discusses how the specific communicative and linguistic reserves in suggestopedia are complemented by the revealed psychological, psychological-physiological and social potential of learners which guarantees the unity of learning and personality development.
Starting from the epistemological framework of literary cartography, throughout this article we will dwell on the concept of map as a literary spatial structure. First, we will outline the panorama in which the map has become a recurrent tool in cultural industries, as is observed not only at an editorial level, but also in the development of literary tourism. In parallel, within the contemporary novel, the map is also present as a spatial tissue underlying the novelistic structure. This will be our main object of study. In this regard, we will discern the characteristics of this spatial narrative design and its hermeneutical implications, and then develop this cartographic perspective in two novels by the Spanish writer Antonio Muñoz Molina: The Mysteries of Madrid and The Night of Time.
The reconstruction of the foreign language teacher’s image as a social type fits into pedagogical Imagology and is an important element of linguistic archaeology. The lecture presents the French-language lecturer from the Bulgarian National Revival, who is not only a literacy teacher and a traditional spiritual mentor, but also a polyglot, encyclopaedist and enlightener. He spreads modernity through strenuous teaching, through translation, journalistic and literary activity, through brilliant public appearances and a new model of social behaviour, and above all through sacrifice in the name of its ideals.