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The article examines the educational process of kindergarten teachers in Shumen city at the end of the XIX century. It describes the prerequisites for the development of educational institutions where the future kindergarten teachers are trained. Emphasize is given to the role of community and charity for the development of young girls education in the city. It reviews the undergoing changes in the methods of the Ministry of Education in respect of the educational process of pedagogical specialists as well as the associated educational challenges. The article also analyzes the curriculums and provides information for the trainers and teachers.
In the field of education in Bulgaria as an EU member state functioning pre-school institutions are bound to guarantee European competencies. The kindergarten has a legally established and institutionally organized mission in defining the trends for the formulation of topical goals through educational strategies at the municipal and regional level. The new challenges are the promotion and exchange of best practice in the specific educational area, an occasion for the presentation of pre-school education. The use of positive examples in institutional settings discusses the ability of educational institutions to respond to the societal, economic and personal educational needs on which their quality, accessibility, diversity, effectiveness and fairness depend on the Pre-school and School Education Law and educational standards.
The article reveals the benefits of cloud-based education technologies and the possibility of using them in inclusive education for equal access to it. Inclusive education applies to all children, but the most vulnerable are those with special educational needs (SEN). Basic concepts related to cloud technologies such as cloud and cloud computing are discussed as well as some of their basic characteristics. Assistive Technology (AT), classification and major AT categories are defined. Some strategies for the use of cloud technologies in children and pupils with SEN as assistive technologies are mentioned, in particular for students with physical disabilities, hearing impairments and specific learning disabilities
“Crossense” is an innovative gaming technique that can successfully find its place in history and civilization classes in Bulgarian schools. It is best suited to keep students’ previous knowledge up-to-date as well as to motivate the new topic, but it is also applicable in other components of the lesson. This way a students’ creative and critical thinking has been formed through “Crossense”.
By construing a novella included in Boccaccian “Decameron” the submited instructional project aims to expose an interpreting approach based on comprehension of text as а potentiality, which could be fulfilled by the reader. Observations are aimed at narrator – communicative situation relationship, character creation techniques, and denying of certain ethnocultural stereotypes. Possible inter textual relations are outlined in order to encourage pupils to consider a text as linked to many others.
Masculinization is spread in many languages because masculine names (masculinisms) are considered more prestigious in naming professions, activities, social status. It is therefore curious that masculine nouns are not perceived as politically correct names. Female names for the professional occupation of women in the media and in general speech-based practice often appear in a woman’s discrediting and discriminatory context that affirms their stylistic pejorative affiliation. However, they are preferred as politically correct nominations. Language reforms to create a culturally sensitive language recommend feminine nouns as non-discriminatory in terms of gender and as a mechanism for restoring gender equality in society. Based on the analysis of media texts, the article shows that the euphemistic use of masculinisms is the cause of preference for them. The ironic and negligent connotations of the feminatives tend to be avoided in speech practice.
This research is an attempt to solve a lexical riddle posed to the readers by the eminent Bulgarian fiction writer Yordan Yovkov, which has remained unsolved for more than a hundred years. The object of study is the French word poilus, about which Yovkov says that it has an exact Bulgarian equivalent but does not state it. The methods used are comparative analysis of Bulgarian translation analysis of empruntism poilus and the survey method. The progress of discussion is viewed and hypotheses are formulated on this traductological inquiry, making an attempt to give an argumented solution to the fictional riddle posed.
The article points out the spelling problems of Bulgarian words containing letters л and у. These problems are related with the mass incorrect articulation of Bulgarian alveodental consonant [l] as [ŭ] and its perception. Previous publications prove the existence of this issue which we consider in the frame of the Theory of Language Management. We hypothesize that the problem is ubiquitous and deep enough yet in primary school. So our goal is to set a discussion on the need of special attention to this topic. An experiment is presented with 84 8 – 9 year-old students in four primary schools – two of them situated in Blagoevgrad, one in Varna, and 1 in Popovitsa. The results prove our hypothesis and show a strong tendency towards spelling mistakes in words containing the Cyrillic letters л and у.
Vasil Aprilov (1789–1847) is an illustrious intellectual of the Bulgarian National Revival and contributor to the foundation of modern Bulgarian education. His works and heritage have been published and analyzed in various publications; however, the data concerning his family and genealogy are so far contradictory and inaccurate, being of subordinate importance for the major works, dedicated to Aprilov. The author resumes the publications, concerning Aprilov’s life and family, juxtaposes the genealogical data and analyzes its credibility in search of the correct family links. Besides the publications on Aprilov, the author reveals unpublished family tree of the Aprilovs, composed by Gabrovo’s local historian Iliya Gabrovski in the 1970s, stored in the State Archive – Gabrovo. Based on the analysis, the article offers a possible reconstruction of the Aprilovs’ genealogical tree.
The parameters of the syntactic relation and the mechanism of its formation are investigated.Variations in which the same positioning has a different syntactic function are indicated. Contact and distance can be considered as prototypes of the syntactic relation. We consider the use of a prototype correct, because the syntax assumes that there are both semantic relations and relationships that express them between the parts of the sentence. What predetermines or takes away the relationship is contact or distance.
The article examines pairs of Russian-Bulgarian lexical units characterized by a high degree of formal and semantic similarity. Specific examples confirm the thesis that the dictionary article is a comprehensive and illustrative form for presenting the results of a comparative study. The dictionary articles are developed in accordance with the principles of active lexicography. The different meanings of lexical units are differentiated and detailed, and a much larger amount of information about their compatibility, their pragmatic and cultural features is provided. This model can also be applied in teaching the Russian language to Bulgarians.
The current publication is focused on the main characteristics of challenging behavior and the possible social-pedagogical approach that pedagogical staff members can use to manage it. The approach is applicable to both – school and out-of-school context. It describes the main logic of the support of children with emotional and behavioral difficulties and can be applied in various ways. In this current publication the challenging behavior is shown as a whole process that can be managed by the pedagogical staff members through different strategies for prevention, intervention and support.
Current study research language impact on aggressive behaviour of at-risk children deprived of parental care. Bulgarian children without parents (n=40) comprehend intervention influenced by four interaction strategies: normal voice and positive language; high tone and positive language; normal tone and negative language, and high tone and negative language. Surveillance has been conducted for data collection accomplished by independent observer in a standardized checklist using the Buss-Durky classification of aggression. Results of current study demonstrate that the use of negative language would increase aggressive expressions of children to a greater extent when the tone is normal while raising the tone would enhance destructive behavior even more among aggressive children and children with emotional disorders
The article raises questions and considers the state, problems and prospects of the system of social security and social protection of disabled people. Legislation realization of social protection for the disabled is a provocative question as the social help and support of the handicapped in a modern Russian society is not at a proper level. Disability is a complex social and medical problem, a problem of realization of human and civil rights. The system of social protection has been formed in the country, and a legal and regulatory framework has been developed as well. On the one hand, Russia has significantly expanded the range of opportunities for the disabled by transforming social practices in various areas, organizing targeted social work, creating conditions for an accessible environment, and expanding the information provision of social services. On the other hand, these measures do not make it possible to completely neutralize the social vulnerability of this category of people.
The article addresses the problem of using games and competitions to transform traditional teacher-centered English for Specific Purposes (ESP) class into student-centered. The basic features of games are distinguished: following rules, getting immediate feedback and achieving a goal. Gamification is defined as a process of using games in education aimed at bringing democracy into educational environment and achieving better learning results by motivating students. The characteristics of teacher-centered and student-centered models are discussed in the article. Detailed descriptions of games and competitions are provided, the guidelines of introducing gamification in an ESP class are outlined. The author comes to the conclusion that gamification of education, aiming at achieving better learning results and employability of graduates, is effective if properly applied.
Equality and equal opportunities for women and men are central values of our society. Changes in traditional gender roles can only be achieved if people learn to be more aware of them. Gender-sensitive pedagogy assumes that girls and boys enter school with different interests, strengths and weaknesses through their socialisation in family and society and are confronted with different worlds of experience. For this reason, school – alongside family – is an extremely influential institution for the development of social gender and an equal relationship between the sexes. Based on the concept of the course "Sexuality and Gender", possibilities are shown how gender-sensitive education can be introduced in agrarian and environmental pedagogical professions and how the school system can benefit from it.
Contemporary children live in time in which technology is an inseparable part of our daily life. The mouse and the keyboard replace the pen and the paper. The new digital generation has access to the touch screen since early age. Fortunately, the education strategy of “Yoan Ekzarh Balgarski” Secondary School, Shumen, developed in 2016 outlines the following: Our priority is the necessity of effective application of information and communication technologies, innovations in the education methods and the establishment of inner information and communication structure as well as its relations for the implementation of educational goals.The article presents some effective methods of teaching English as a foreign language in primary school. The digital resources and the digital competences of the teachers, together with the cognitive activity of the students is a prerequisite for the quick implementation of distance learning and the creation of a virtual classroom.
The article presents study on the specifics of linguistic normativity as a codifier, the fields of application of the codifier in contemporary communicative discourse, and conclusions about the flexibility and necessary direction for language adaptability. The aim is to highlight the necessary interaction between language normativity and the pragmatic function of the communicative act. These peculiarities are perceived by the distinct differences in the functioning of the language in different time ranges - from Liberation to modern times. Examples of stylistic analysis of means of influence are drawn from political speeches, which are evidence of developments in the language. The influence of the socio-political factor on dynamic linguistic variability is highlighted.