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The present work is dedicated to contemporary means and teaching methods, using cloud technologies in Bulgarian secondary education. A review is elaborated on the development and essence of cloud technologies. Digital instruments are listed which are applied to new teaching methods. Some new and adaptive methods are indicated and examples are shared for their application in a concrete Bulgarian school. It is shown that the use of contemporary means and teaching methods applying cloud technologies facilitates teacher’s work and raises student’s interest towards the learning process including active attitude to it.
In view of the increasing tendencies of the last decades of the physical deficiencies, in this paper I want to present the role of the kinetotherapy in reducing the deficiency of the lower limbs genu varus: the efficiency of the physical exercises practiced regularly, the importance of involving the subject in the recovery process and not lastly the results of the therapy. Because it is a painless physical deficiency in the beginning (the potential negative consequences can evolve to osteoarthritis of the knee), varus genus is mainly corrected for the aesthetic aspect. The results are very good especially for preschoolers, adolescents and adults (Eşi, 2014/2013; Posteucă, 2013), maintaining the results obtained is more difficult and requires repeated exercises and positions for a longer period. In achieving the desires for the recovery of the genus varus deficiency, kinetotherapy is the central pawn, because the beneficial effects of physical exercise cannot be achieved by other means.The physiotherapist must evaluate, adapt and systematize the therapeutic techniques and methods themselves, in order of their succession in order to obtain maximum therapeutic effects. From the time advances of kinetotherapy, the primacy of scientific knowledge results, which makes the "servant of this field of science and practice a multidisciplinary specialist, trained in the value system of anatomy and physiology, of the biomechanics of movements, biochemistry and hygiene, of physical education and sport. (Postolache, N., 2007)
School is not an isolated environment but rather an integral part of the broad community, and the problems it faces as an institution and youth training environment concern the entire society. Although there should be a positive climate in school, and any form of violence should be kept under control, there may be forms of violence both between students and between teachers or, unfortunately, between teachers and students. School violence is just one of the manifestations of daily violence. The media are increasingly focusing on youth violence, school violence, trying to raise awareness about society.
I chose to approach this subject because I discovered that lately a lot of persons, mostly kids,are suffering from this deviation of the spine. The incorrect posture, the wrong positions adopted at the office and the physical activity done incorrectly or not at all are huge factors that lead to deformation of the spine. From the specialized literature, the affection occurs in a proportion of 60% in fourteen years-old children, affecting between 0.5-8% of the healthy population aged between teen and fourteen years old.
Starting from the school year 2020/2021, the Bulgarian school will begin studying a separate subject “Civic Education”. Previous practice has provided that civic education at school should be realized through its integrated study in general subjects, among which “History and Civilizations” played a leading role.The purpose of this publication is to analyze and predict whether, in the new situation, the place of history of students' civic education and their formation as citizens will be maintained or weakened.
The article presents the conclusions of a scientific experiment conducted with foreign students at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. In extracurricular classes, students observe and analyze the speech of Bulgarian politicians and must prepare a scientifically based commentary on their verbal and nonverbal behavior, comparing it with the political situation (politicians and political speech) in their own countries. The object of scientific analysis in this text are the conclusions related to language aggression in public speech, the dynamics of language processes and in particular the discrepancies between the literary normative complex (which for foreign students is leading and representative) and the trends set by usus as parallel language models. Important markers accompanying political communication such as representation, speech readiness, appropriate uses, and the ability to switch language codes are also considered.
The article is devoted to the problem associated with the use of digital means in the field of teaching foreign languages. The purpose of the article is the selection and systematization of educational digital means used in modern linguistic education, the linguodidactic potential of which most fully corresponds to the specifics of the subject “Foreign language” and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as the identification of their typological characteristics. The basis for identifying generalized features and linguodidactic capabilities of various e-learning tools was the reliance on systemic and typological approaches using methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization. Based on the results of the study, digital teaching aids were typologized by the functions they perform in the process of teaching foreign languages and by the nature of these tools themselves. Each typological group included digital means that most fully meet the requirements of standards for the quality of language education and its results. The revealed typological characteristics of the indicated digital means are intended to simplify the teacher's choice of digital means for solving specific educational tasks and to help maximize their specific linguodidactic functions.
The article is focused on the process of soft skills formation in the participants of the International Qualification School "Modern Pedagogical Technologies in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language", held annually in Varna (Republic of Bulgaria) for future teachers of Russian language– students from different universities of Europe and Asia. The authors show that soft skills are developed in students of the School during the process of collective preparation of various projects: developing and conducting an excursion, writing a prospectus for a Russian language textbook, creating an educational video, etc. These collective forms of work presuppose self-organisation of students: their ability to find a common language with group members, the promotion of a leader, the ability to work in a team, jointly planning actions and implementing these plans, respecting and supporting each other.
The study presents highlights of a pedagogical experiment on the contribution of web-based educational resources for the formation of environmental competencies in the teaching of biology and health education in 7th grade. The experimental data were subjected to statistical processing with the procedural model BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction). Thus, we demonstrate the possibilities for application of this statistical model in pedagogical research, which is the purpose of this study.
Regional Historical Museum “Dr Simeon Tabakov” – Sliven preserves and exhibits a precious golden mask, which was found in 2007 during regular archaeological excavations, led by Dr Georgi Kitov in Dalakova mound, located in the village of Topolchane (Sliven region). As early as 2500 years ago, the ancient Thracian master applied the principles of ideal proportion corresponding to the “golden ratio” in geometry, art and architecture. Also known as the “golden section”, it symbolizes harmony, beauty and perfection, and was kept in strict secrecy by those who had inside knowledge of it.
In October, 2019, the School Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (StudyBAS) announced a competition for creating small study-research communities (SSRC) within the framework of the program “Education and Science” financed by the Ministry of Education and Science and performed by BAS. The project made by the teacher of Bulgarian Language and Literature, Diyana Boeva from “Geo Milev” Foreign Languages High School – Dobrich, ”Creative laboratory “Georgi Markov as Text” – has been approved among over eighty project proposals from the entire country. This article showcases aspects of the concrete plan of the Laboratory, examines some challenging opportunities for the school students related to the development of their analytical skills so necessary for studying science. Thus, we overcome the stereotype that the literary field is an unattainable abstraction unrelated to science. Four students with their teacher prove that the name Georgi Markov is appropriate not only for a projection of a research community, but is also a way of legitimizing the humanities in times when purposefully or not the STEM education is being regarded in opposition to studia humanitatis.
The aim of the text is to historically contextualize Decameron and to analyse the motives for certain behaviour of the characters in several of the novels. The author tries to outline some more general social values, which determine the personal behaviour. Decameron is referred to such events as the famine in 1346 – 1347; it fosters the plague in 1348, and to the changing socio-psychological situation from the end of the 1340-ies in Florence. An answer is sought to a question, topical for our contemporary society as well: what is the sense of security of the inhabitants in the town-republic in the 1340-ies and the beginning of the 1350-ies? The irresistible vitality in Decameron, most frequently expressed in intimacy of the bodies, is considered an effect of the sense of insecurity, which reigns both minds and hearts at the time of the plague pandemic. The value of life is enhanced and the experience of love makes this value tangible. A reference is made to the fabliau from the 13th c. and to The Romance of the Rose. In Decameron is present, although in an idealized form, the actual background of the republican government of Florence.
The article focuses on the benefits of introducing the Biblical study in the school on the learners’ literary interpretive competences. This study as a part of literature classes, although its place is not precise enough, and the number of hours provided for it is not enough, is important for the Bulgarian education after decades of silence about the existence of Biblical themes, images, and motifs. The paper points out that teaching should focus not only on the study of the Bible but on the way certain Biblical elements function in other works as well as practical examples with intertextual links and references are given. The paper emphasizes the importance of Biblical knowledge for cultural growth and shaping aesthetic taste of students.
Regional headlines: Jewish pilgrims stuck in Belarus; Bosnian war crimes suspects; attack on Bulgarian journalist; education and COVID-19 in the Caucasus; and ancient bear found in Russia.
This paper includes tracing and analysing the dynamics of integrated design based pedagogical and art skills of children placed in an informal educational environment. In the conceptual frame of the research are included theoretical and empiric pedagogical models that provoke childrens’ thinking and develop their creativity, knowledge and skills for creative experiments. Art techniques that are attractive to children are preferred (paper application, drawing with wax and water colour, tampon painting, template printing). Interactive processes are being tracked in the report, and some integrated connections with different scientific subjects – pedagogy, art, history, archaeology, semiotics, combinatorics of the shape-forming etc., are made, brought out on a theoretical and analytical level. The interdisciplinary and analytical approach when researching the processes connected with childrens’ free creative choice when communicating with historical artefacts takes an important part of the project. Children are given the opportunity to form visual culture and the capability to perceive and understand the sculptural achievements of the ancient Balkan civilizations and cultures in a fun and interactive way. In order to fulfil and scientifically develop the project we chose artefacts from the rich historical heritage of the region of Stara Zagora – collection of prehistory and early mid-centuries of the Historical museum. For children acquiring a different type of visual-plastic skills and techniques helps achieve an integrated innovative design thinking, which is very fundamental for achieving main pedagogical purposes and methods aimed entirely at the contemporary needs of the social environment. For the analysis of the received data we used standard methods for pedagogical researches which include: empirical – pedagogical experiment, praximetric – observation, analysis of childrens’ creativity, content analysis, quantity and quality analysis of the received empiric data, expert evaluation. The conclusions made could help the development of the future pedagogical practice in a museum environment not only in the fine arts educational area but also in all educational fields.
The purpose of this article is to explore the confidence of preschool and primary school teachers in their ability to include children with special educational needs in physical education activities. The study involved 120 preschool teachers and 100 primary school teachers. They complete a modified and adapted version of the Block “Self-Efficacy Scale for Physical Education Teacher Education Majors toward Inclusion – SE-PETE-D” questionnaire. The results show that respondents have a moderate level of inclusive self-efficacy and, despite their hesitation, are more confident in their ability to include children with special educational needs in motor education. Also, teachers who have personal contact with people with disabilities, experience in inclusive physical education or feel prepared show a higher degree of inclusive self-efficacy.
In the article, the authors revealed some aspects of improvement in the methodological preparation of future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature for the implementation of the competence-based approach which is deemed to be constitutive in international educational practice, in particular in Ukraine. Teaching in Ukrainian school is based on competence-based principles. The reform “New Ukrainian School” undertaken by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine aims at establishing school, at which it will be pleasant to study, and which will provide the learners not only with knowledge but also with the respective skills of applying it in everyday life which is changing rapidly in its social aspect, and the skills of being an active citizen of ones own country. The aforementioned challenges of contemporary life determine the preparation of teachers to the implementation of the competence-based approach into the educational process. In the article, a number techniques are highlighted, notably the types of activities applied at lessons of language and literature using the competence-based approach.
The Bulgarian language and the Bulgarian literature include two research areas. They are complex related and are part of one whole subject in the initial stage of the primary level of education. The formation of students' literary competence becomes possible by building them together with language, communication speech and socio-cultural competences. These are the four areas of competence, on which basis the curricula in Bulgarian language and literature for the 1th to 4th grade is developed. The reason for conducting this research among representatives of the parents is the fact that the closest social environment is a factor which stimulates the formation of literary competences and is environment that objectively evaluates the abilities and the progress of the students.
Upbringing and education of children is essential to the development of society. The law on pre-school and school education provides for mandatory training of children before entering first grade. In this sense, Bulgarian language training starts in the kindergarten. In the preparatory group training provides the foundation for enabling primary school students to have sufficient knowledge to carry out complete educational process. The relationship between kindergarten and primary school is extremely important. The children who attended kindergarten and are trained have established skills in oral speech. Therefore, a key priority of the state and society is the inclusion of children from an early age and reaching the complete training of students in school.