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In this article are based some thoughts giving a significance to the concept of discourse approach. The purpose is this rationalization to become a base for creation of school content in Bulgarian language for the aims of a course of textbooks designed for the junior high school and the both high school degrees. The special features of the communicatively orientated training in Bulgarian language are presented which needs a new “generation” of textbooks and school aids. They must reflect the characteristics of the discourse approach and be at the most adequate to the requirements of the modern socio-cultural and educational context.
This presentation offers a methodological solution for the development of communicative competence of students in 8-12. class in a vocational high school, related to the implementation of an interdisciplinary project involving interaction with institutions, companies, organizations and people outside the educational institution. Its potential for supporting the teaching of Bulgarian language (and other academic disciplines) is analyzed; for the development of the student's personality in psychological, behavioral and value plan; for its socialization; to improve communicative, social and linguistic competence. The conclusions are based on project-oriented activities conducted in natural conditions of authentic communication, and observations made in the process of its implementation.
The report presents the persistent interference errors in the speech of foreign students in Bulgarian with attention to the acquisition and developing of the forms of the Bulgarian auxiliary verb “to be” The problem is dealt theoretically and from Applied Linguistics point of view. We analyze linguistic output of respondents in whose native (first) language there is not a structural equivalent of “to be” compared with the output of speakers with a first language including “to be”. On the basis of our results we make some conclusions in Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics path.
The following article offers a different perspective on the Bulgarian dialectological researches from the late 19th century. Its main aria of interest focuses not just on the importance they have for exploring and learning the diversity of the vernacular from the above-mentioned time period, but also deals with their practical application in the educational process from the late 19th century. The article addresses the first attempts on implying dialectological methods as a component of mother tongue education and Bulgarian language teaching, as well on the first known initiatives to organize extracurricular language practices together with senior-class students by collecting dialect material in accordance with the educational content. It highly praises the merit of mother tongue teachers from the late 19th century regarding the description and collection of the then Bulgarian dialects.
This article analyses 95 children’s and young adult literature works written originally in Catalan and published between 2002 and 2006. They are representative of all age groups present in this genre. This analysis focuses on the presence or absence of female characters, and on their treatment and reception, both in terms of prominence and the transmission of stereotypes. The results of this review show a dichotomy between the scarcity of female protagonists and their extreme audacity.
The work focuses on various aspects of the Future of education in the Global word. Positive and negative effects of globalization are reflected in all spheres of society – as well in the education. Mentioned are some basic trends in the Future of education: the importance of Lifelong learning, competencies development, digital learning, importance of resilience, development of value orientation, intercultural education, foreign language skills, promoting creativity, selection of teachers. The various educational aspects are interconnected. Dynamic development of societies, the use of new technologies in all spheres, also in education, lead to the improving of competences of children and adults. The challenges in the global World are related to the problem of equality of educational opportunities for children of different educational levels. The article emphasizes the connection between the Future of education with its various dimensions and the Future of societies in the dynamically changing world.
The object of research is the colloquial vocabulary in Bulgarian and Polish from the thematic area 'parts of the human body'. The aim is to consider in a comparative plan the main nomination techniques for the formation of language units in both languages. The language material consists of colloquial tokens, extracted from Bulgarian and Polish lexicographical sources, catalogs and from the real language practice. It turns out that the main means of nomination in both languages is the secondary nomination. There are also quite a few borrowings from foreign languages. Word formation is also used, primarily as an aid. The analysis reveals significant similarities, but also interesting differences between the two languages in the study area.
The article is focused on the use of fairy tales material in classes with foreign students who speak Russian in the volume of basic and intermediate levels (B1). The model of a non–standard fairy tale lesson is described and designed, methodological recommendations for organizing work with the material of the Russian fairy tale, a system of tasks and exercises aimed at developing lexical and grammatical skills, as well as the development of socio-cultural and intercultural competence of students are proposed.Teaching materials are intended for students of the International Qualification School “Modern Pedagogical Technologies in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language” (Varna, Republic of Bulgaria).
The article deals with the extracurricular role of student-operated English-speaking theatre at the Department of British and American Studies at Comenius University in Bratislava. For a decade now, the theatre group has extended and enriched the study programmes in translation, interpreting, and in teacher training. Their activities enhance practical study of language, improve linguistic and cultural awareness, and develop interpretational and aesthetic competences. Students learn to work individually and in teams, are involved in project management and inter-institutional communication (university, NGOs, civic associations, corporations). Using theatre activities aids students in applying their knowledge and skills to a variety of current labour market requirements.
The idea of color evolved step by step with the development of civilization. In the most archaic societies, it was light and darkness that received a verbal layout. The next stage is the "variegated -colorless" opposition. The idea of “color in general" often develops in connection with the idea of "skin color". In the historical development of languages, particularly dye ware gives impetus to the development of color terminology. Bright, saturated colors are highly valued and colorful is perceived as beautiful. Pigments and colors are related to the culture and around the color names cultural circles could be circumscribed that contain common elements.
The aim of the research is to develop a model for teaching the expression of emotions and reaction to them in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language (level B2). During the research, methods of analyzing the catalogue of emotions, modelling, experimental training, questionnaires, and testing are used. The article describes a training model that includes an introductory stage, a training stage, and a speech practice stage, and has been tested in four universities in St. Petersburg. A control cross-section conducted after experimental training and a survey of students show the effectiveness of this training option.
One of the goals of the vision of the European Education Area is to promote the development of competencies as a condition for achieving full personal, social and professional development. The article examines the competence approach in connection with the updated European Reference Framework for Lifelong Learning of 22 May 2018 and in this regard the need to update the Law on Preschool and School Education in Bulgaria, which entered into force two years earlier on 01 August 2016. This update is related to the teaching of philosophy, insofar as the newly formulated "Personal competence, social competence and learning skills" is an emphasis on building personal and social knowledge, skills and attitudes that are a major part of the content of the subject philosophy, and according to the legislation each subject has a clear connection with a specific key competence.
Creating innovations means also the pursuit of effective research and development activities which to include both research and educational institutions and business organizations, that are the main users of innovations. Bulgaria has the capacity to carry out R&D in terms of human potential, but does not have sufficient own financial resources to invest in it. In this regard, the programs developed by the EU to promote innovation activity in the Member States are useful for Bulgaria. This article examines the extent of absorption of the funds allocated under operational programs for innovation activity in Bulgaria for the period 2014 – 2020, as well as the place of Bulgaria among the other Member States in regard to the average level of the innovation index. Attention is focused on the research opportunities under the new EU Framework Program – „Horizon Europe“.
The aim of this article is to systematize the problem areas in the behavior of young people in the labor market and to clarify the importance of amotivation on the observed processes. The behavior of young people, the decisions they make, are particularly important, as they will have a strategic effect on the economy. The behavior of young people, the decisions they make are especially important, as they will have a long-term effect on the economy and overcoming the motivational effect is with strategic importance for the future development of our country.
A study of the attitudes of Bulgarian high-school students regarding reading is presented in this article. Over five hundred subjects have taken part in the study, 337 girls and 180 boys of age 13 to 18, from the capital Sofia and other schools in country. The study was implemented through a five-module survey, including 74 statements distributed in groups as follows: "During reading", "Most often I read", "When (what time) do I read", "I prefer to read", "I find information in". Each statement was evaluated by the subjects according 5-level Likert scale of two types: agreement and frequency estimates. Analysis of the results is also presented. Data obtained in the study lead to outcomes as follows: Online and on-screen reading is preferred rather reading of paper; a lack of well-mastered metacognitive reading skills is observed; the basic source of information is the worldwide web (Internet).
The article examines Hristo Smirrnenski’s prose poetry. It aims to discuss and remind us about some of his half-forgotten works, to outline their main themes and ideas, the characteristics of the poet’s poetics, but also to discuss the genre specificities, the heterogeneity of the works, the essence of the genre, the process of marking the texts, their interpretation through the prism of literary multiplicity.
The article examines the image of women's hair in Yavorov's poetic cycle "Queens of the Night". The focus is on the poems “Cleopatra” and “Sappho”. They analyze the erotic symbolism that hair has. The text also outlines the dialogue between the Yavorov’s cycle and the cycle "Queens of the Night" by Kiril Hristov, mentioning similarities between the two poetic cycles. The image of “Cleopatra” is also traced in the works of poets Emanuil Popdimitrov and Lyudmil Stoyanov. The article very briefly marks the genesis of Bulgarian erotic poetry, as well as the apologization of women's hair in Yavorov's poetry, which are most vividly presented in his poem "Sappho".