Author(s): Željko Kaluđerović / Language(s): Serbian
Issue: 26/2016
This paper researches the representation of philosophy subjects and topics in Karlovci Grammar School in the period between the First and Second World Wars. After a thorough analysis of the “Reports” and other available primary and secondary sources about the activity of the Grammar School, the author concluded the following: there were certain changes in the names of philosophical subjects (first it was the Philosophical Propaedeutic then Fundamentals of Philosophy), the scope of study (in fourteen considered “Reports” the scope was four classes a week, two classes in each of the final two grades of the Grammar School, while in eight “Reports” philosophy was taught only two classes per week in the eighth grade), the content of lectures (Logic and Psychology together, just Logic, just Psychology), the textbooks used in the classroom (Logika za srednja učilišta, Psihologija za srednja učilišta, (Đ. Arnold), Psihologija za srednje i stručne škole (B. Lorenc), Logika, Za učenike učiteljskih i drugih srednjih škola (B. D. Marković), Osnovi psihologije: za srednje i stručne škole (B. Petronijević), Logika za školsku i privatnu upotrebu (S. Ristić),) and teachers (six in total: Dušan Spernjak, Panajot Miodragović, Jovan Marčetić, Simeon Grozdanić, Vladimir Vujić and Milivoj Ivančević), however these, in the years that followed until the beginning of World War II, rarely coincided with changes in the curricula, as well as with the adopted laws, regulations and decrees. Moreover, the research showed that the teaching of philosophy in Karlovci Grammar School had a specific evolution which was significantly independent of implemented changes.