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This debate is part of a doctoral research plan in the field of psychology applied to theater actors, in which I would like to analyze the factors that are involved in the performance of the actor on stage. To the same extent, I aim to identify the relationship between theatrical acting and social acting, the formation and determination of the preferred style of interpretation of the character and the application of coping strategies to actors. I also analyze cognitive changes, behavioral efforts, and the management of specific external and / or internal emotional situations. Training the actors through coping strategies can be an additional determining factor to remove anxiety, to get inner relaxation and at the same time to improve the concentration, which help them to achieve a combination of spontaneity, commitment, and awareness and finally to achieve a high-performance.
Objectives of this article refer to ways to increase self-confidence in students from different universities in Transylvania manifested by the values of self-depreciation, infatuation and self-esteem. These are realized through the use of complex exercises on music in the form of dance-therapy and body technique.Purpose: elaboration of an action strategy to modify the self-depreciation, self-esteem, infatuation.Hypothesis: by introducing the exercises of body technique and dance-therapy, the aim is to modify the components of the ASSI psychological test: self-depreciation, infatuation and self-esteemMaterial and Methods: statistical processing was performed with the program Stats Direct v.2.7.2. The graphical representation of the results was done with the Excel application (from the Microsoft Office 2010 package). The tests used are: ASSI and an intervention program based on exercises in body technique and dance therapy.The subjects participating in the experiment with a duration of 6 months by 200 students at the Technical University Cluj-Napoca, and the extension from Baia-Mare and from the Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima" from Cluj-Napoca.The period: of development was between October 2019 and March 2020.The results: of this study are due to the intervention program through exercises in body technique and dance therapy performed by the experimental group compared to the control group. In the case of A-SN it is a good correlation but of the opposite direction, which means that if (A) self-depreciation decreases then (SN) self-esteem increases. In the case of I-SN it is an acceptable correlation and of the same meaning, which means that if (I) the infatuation increases and (SN) the self-esteem increases, were observed statistically significantly significant differences between the two times (p <0.001).Conclusions: Statistically significant differences were observed in the indicators of the ASSI tests (self-depreciation, self-esteem, infatuation) which indicates, that our intervention program in the preliminary study had a positive and measurable impact on students in terms of improving self-depreciation and infatuation, as well as increasing self-esteem.
Označenie rituál patrí k výnimočne často zneužívaným slovám dodávajúc tak jeho objektu a subjektu magický význam. Jeho zneužiteľnosť však pochádza z jeho vlastností – stretáva sa s ním naozaj každý, jeho definícia je skutočne široká, pretože rozdiely medzi použitím v prenesenom a pôvodnom význame sa často zmazávajú. Slová Roberta Fulghuma popisujú zvyky (rituály), ktoré nám dávajú istotu a slobodu. No tak, ako v takmer každej oblasti, pokiaľ nám rituál prerastie cez hlavu, môže nám slobodu práve brať – cez úporné hľadanie istoty, ktorej nedostatok pochádza z hlbokých príčin, cez činnosti, ktoré nám môžu v konečnom dôsledku škodiť.
A range of risk factors, so-called civilization diseases, begins to develop in childhood and fully manifested in adulthood. It is important to point out these factors and affect them with appropriate preventive activities. The chapter contains the results of the research carried out on a sample of elementary school pupils. The quantitative survey uses a method of an anonymous questionnaire sent to 100 pupils attending the selected elementary school. Several areas of life style (nutrition, physical activity, risk behaviour of addiction, sleep, leisure) were mapped. The final results show that the pupils participated in the research do not respect the principles of the healthy lifestyle to the extent necessary. Their knowledge and habits are average. The research reveals that the emphasis should be focused on nutrition composition and regularity in eating, drinking regime, the strengthening movement and reducing the risks for substance abuse.
For the first time in its history, contemporary society is facing challenges so diverse in nature – from the protracted pandemic of the Covid-19, to the crisis of hostilities in Ukraine; serious challenges based on the energy crisis, and complex economic relations. In this context, the complicated political situation throughout the world seems to be the scene of the search for new solutions in all spheres of socio-political life. In these turbulent times, there is still talk of 'sustainability' – of solutions, policies, strategies. Employers and employees face joint challenges to reconcile sustainability and profitability. This paper aims to present key ideas related to the concept of Green HRM and to highlight some key features in making sense of the applicability of this concept in the practice of modern organisations. It focuses on the current state of Green HRM practices in Germany and Bulgaria, where HRM has been a leading theme in recent years and where good practices and ideas can be drawn out.
People who are physically alone in their old age may experience problems in terms of both psychological and physical health. Studies on the subject show that loneliness increases with age (Pinquart & Sorensen, 2001; Hawkley & Cacioppo, 2010). Therefore, it is inevitable for elderly individuals to want to engage in various activities in order to evaluate the periods when they are alone. It is thought that the beginning of digitalization in all areas of life and the increase in the use of smart devices are more common especially among individuals who are alone. In this study, it is aimed to investigate the relationship between smartphone addiction and loneliness in geriatric, in other words, elderly individuals. Interviews were conducted with 8 elderly individuals via smartphones, both on Instagram, which is a social media environment, and WhatsApp, which is a phone chat application. At the same time, they became friends with these people on their WhatsApp and Instagram accounts and their profiles were examined in detail for 30 days. In order to make analysis based on gender, 4 individuals were selected as male and 4 individuals as female. At the same time, these interviews were made through certain periods and at the same time, the time intervals they spent on their smart phones were tried to be determined.
The negative effects of the pandemic that shook the whole world are seen in working life as well as in every field. The changing working order of the employees, staying away from social life, and the chaos in working hours have increased the stress and burnout. In this context, we see these situations among the reasons for the concept of quite quitting, which we discussed in this study. Since there has not been much work on the concept of quite quitting, which has emerged with a new trend, limited studies are evaluated in this study, and the problems experienced by employees in business life are mentioned. The findings of the studies carried out prove this situation. In this study, which is tried to be explained conceptually, it is seen that the problems of individuals who experience the feeling of quite quitting are burnout, stress level, career barriers, wage problems, lack of value, etc.
Depreme hazırlıklı değiliz (Çoban, Sözbilir ve Göktaş, 2016; Öztürk, 2013). Deprem, dünyanın güvenli bir yer olduğu biçimindeki algımızı kırar (Nakajima, 2012), onu kabullenmek bu nedenle zordur. Karancı (2008)’e göre, afet zararlarını azaltmada psikolojik bir rolü vardır. Gerçekten de çeşitli psikolojik değişkenler, depremin olumsuz sonuçları üzerinde etkili olmaktadır. Herkes deprem nedeniyle travma yaşamaz. Kimin travma yaşayıp yaşamayacağı, başa çıkma yöntemlerinden sosyal desteğe, depremin şiddetinden yakın kaybına; göçük altında kalmaktan önceki yaşantılara kadar çeşitli değişkenler tarafından belirlenir (Bödvarsdóttir ve Elklit, 2004; Karancı, 2003; Sönmez, 2022).
Kapsayıcı tasarım kavramı, mekânsal erişilebilirliğin ötesinde tüm yaşamı içine alan kapsayıcı bir anlayışı ve kapsayıcı bir yaşamı ifade eden geniş anlamları bünyesinde barındırmakta; mekânsal erişilebilirlik, toplumsal erişilebilirlik, zihinsel erişilebilirlik, sosyal erişilebilirlik, dijital varlığa herkes tarafından ulaşım (Johansson vd., 2015: 418), yaşamsal bütünleştirici anlayışlar, toplumsal bütünleşme gibi kavramları kapsayan ve sadece mimari alanı değil, disiplinlerarası birçok alanı kapsayan bir yapıya sahiptir. Yaşamın genel akışı içerisinde olağan sayılan bireylerin zorlanmadan erişebildiği mekanlar, parklar, sokaklar, sosyal ortamlar, araçlar, hizmetler, kurumlar, faaliyetler ve yaşamın içindeki tüm fonksiyonlar bireylerin tamamı için erişilebilir olamamakta; özel gereksinimi olan bireylerin yaşamın her alanında var olmasının önünde çeşitli engeller bulunmaktadır.