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First polish translation of Julia Kristeva's short essay on masochism.
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First polish translation of Julia Kristeva's short essay on masochism.
The article analyzes the metapsychological theory of Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, and initiator of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. The article focuses on the philosophical sources and foundations of the theory which made a powerful impact on Western culture. Freud borrowed many ideas from non-classic philosophy and incorporated them into his own theory of psychoanalysis. In the structure of human psyche, Freud distinguished two conflicting drives: Eros and Thanatos, as fundamental instincts. The first is the life drive for survival and procreation; the second is the death drive for destruction and self-destruction. What Freud writes of them in his works resembles aspects of Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Representation and Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy but Freud claims that he formulated the concepts of the drives before he became acquainted with these works
The article observes theoretical and practical aspects of constructing oneiric-based fiction realities in the novel «Flood emperor» by Volodymyr Yeshkilev. Relying on the contemporary literary studies about postmodern in Ukrainian literature (Kharchuk), oneiric discourse of contemporary prose (Lazarenko, Kosheluk) and Volodymyr Yeshkilev’s creative method (Holnyk) we have offered a hypothesis of the necessity of studying the novel The Emperor of Flood in the context of oneiric analysis. Analyzing subconscious phenomena with psychoanalytic (Jung) and ideological (Zizek) methods and literary analysis we have explicited the terms «oneiric», «oneiric chronotope», and «fiction machine» and formed combinatory approach to oneiric layer of the text. The author suggests considering the novel as a postmodern game and differentiating oneiric chronotope itself («Opadlo» locus and other alternative worlds) from dream layer which stylizes the text. The elements of postmodern stylisation were extracted from the whole oneiric layer of the novel. We have also made the analysis of the author’s cinematographic style of «breaking the fourth wall» which is realized in Yeshkilev’s almost direct quoting of literary (Bakhtin’s statements about time and space in the novel are present in the text of The Emperor of Flood itself as ontological characteristics of the topos), theoretico-literary (Borges’s idea of «4 main cycles» forms the ontology of the novel) and philosophical (Nietzsche’s concept of the eternal return makes the main time-and -space law of the artistic world) ideas. In addition oneiric traits characteristic for the locus Opadlo that make object of direct psychoanalytical and ideological analysis have been defined. The article defines and decrypts main archetypes and artefacts of the reality built on subconscious imagination, and locates Yeshkilev's novel in postmodern prose and fantasy discourse.
Psychoanalytic theory of human maturation and development of human personality, laid out by Sigmund Freud, introduces Edip’s complex as a psychological approach to understanding the origin of sexual orientation. Sigmund Freud considered the solution of Edip’s complex as a key point in the development of personality, while the unresolved Edipal situation was in fact the cause of any later human neurosis. Both complexes (Edip’s and Elektra’s) play a vital role in psychoanalysis of human behavior in the phallic phase of child development, and appear in myths, fairy tales and contemporary films. It is well-known that Karl Gustav Jung in his analytical psychology has devoted a lot of place to fairy tales, and today they use fairy tales as part of psychotherapeutic processes. The fairy tales have always been interesting because of its magical world, full of miraculous events with even more wonderful creatures, where almost everything is possible. For a large number of psychoanalysts, fairy tales represent even today an attractive literary work, in which many motives, symbols and archetypes can be found, through we can do interpretation the relationship between symbolic connection of fairy and child. This work will focus on two fairytales: “Cinderella” and “ Jack and the Beanstalk “, which will serve as a good example to show the presence of Edip’s and Elektra’s complex in the phallic phase of the child, and to try to find but how the complex solution comes. This will also indicate the importance of fairy tales in their bibliotherapy function to help children overcome these complexes, which certainly occurs at the level of unconscious by means of symbols, motives and archetypes, appearing in fairy tales.
Since the inclusion of Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) in the latest (fifth) edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as a tentative disorder, a few psychometric screening instruments have been developed to assess IGD, including the 9-item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale – Short-Form (IGDS9-SF) – a short, valid, and reliable instrument. Methods: Due to the lack of research on IGD in Slovenia, this study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the IGDS9-SF in addition to investigating the prevalence rates of IGD in a nationally representative sample of eighth graders from Slovenia (N = 1,071). Results: The IGDS9-SF underwent rigorous psychometric scrutiny in terms of validity and reliability. Construct validation was investigated with confirmatory factor analysis to examine the factorial structure of the IGDS9-SF and a unidimensional structure appeared to fit the data well. Concurrent and criterion validation were also investigated by examining the association between IGD and relevant psychosocial and game-related measures, which warranted these forms of validity. In terms of reliability, the Slovenian version IGDS9-SF obtained excellent results regarding its internal consistency at different levels, and the test appears to be a valid and reliable instrument to assess IGD among Slovenian youth. Finally, the prevalence rates of IGD were found to be around 2.5% in the whole sample and 3.1% among gamers. Discussion and conclusion: Taken together, these results illustrate the suitability of the IGDS9-SF and warrants further research on IGD in Slovenia.
Any practice that deals with a certain issue from a scientifically applied aspect in front of itself has a number of challenges, difficulties, and problems. At the same time, it carries with it a number of advantages, specifics, values and strengths, especially with respect to a particular population with which it is engaged and which it has as its central target group. So the group social work as a child of the psychology of the small group and clinical psychology, on the one hand, and the typical social work and the wider social substrate, on the other hand, poses a multitude of challenges, questions, dilemmas in front of them.
The field of social work in Macedonia was developed in several stages; in each of these there has been advancement in education and professional development of social workers. The role of a social worker in the past would be more in administration day, they are analysts and researchers who, coping with the modern day issues and the consequences of the social existence of the growing number of individuals and groups, are facing the challenges of using new modes of assistance and improving the mental and social state of users. Their line of work implies dealing with individuals and groups of various ages, with various problems (misconduct, substance abuse, post-violence effect, stress, mental illness), which, among others, are the result of the detrimental influence of the family and wider social setting, thus creating the need to use alternative therapeutic methods and techniques in reducing the negative social impact. Which psychotherapeutic techniques can be used by the social worker; are social workers here capable at using a particular psychotherapeutic approaches and what is the need for education in this area, are the main questions in the research paper. The targets were 40 social workers employed in different areas. Applied technique is questionnaire. The results show that only a small number of (14%), social workers attend any education programs on specific therapeutic approach. The need for application of appropriate therapeutic approaches, suitable for professional profile of social worker is not only a challenge for social workers, but also its necessity of professional social work.
The effort is directed towards displaying different factors of maturity in maturity. The research had a purpose to investigate the differences in investigating the resilience of the respondents from wounds, middle and poor maturity in relation to sex, the level of education, spouse and work status. The survey was conducted on samples of 1612 inhabitants of Serbia from 37 towns and villages, of two poles, aged 27-70 years and at all educational levels. A PORPOS battery is used, a dedicated instrument of 389 items and dusts, which, in addition to the second, contains a short scale for estimation of resiliency, as well as a list of general data. The results show that respondents with a deep maturity in relation to those of early and medium maturity are less resilient in terms of all examined factors at a statistically significant level. Specifically, women in the mid-mature period, who will be compared with the other two subgroups of their females, have the greatest resilience, and the females in their mature maturity, compared with the other subgroups of men, have the smallest. Likewise, respondents in a deep maturity are less resilient than the other two subgroups in relation to all levels of education, except for the basic one when they are not married and caregivers. In addition, the respondents in early maturity with the highest level of education are less resilient than those who are in middle maturity. The results obtained generally suggest that the level of resistance changes in the course of the age and that sociodemographic factors should be included in its comprehension.
The purpose of this research was to clarify the relationship to the level of self esteem and general and examination anxiety, as well as to determine the difference between general and examination anxiety among the students. Measuring instruments that were used in this research are Rosenberg self-esteem Scale, anxiety scale constructed by Hamilton and Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI). In the survey attended 70 participants, students from the Institute of Social Work and Social Policy in Skopje. Revealed was a lower level of anxiety among the students with higher (normal) self-esteem, and vice versa, among those with low self-esteem has a significantly higher proportion of anxiety. Also, it was proved that what the students that have a greater general anxiety, have significantly higher level of examination anxiety.
The article presents the analysis of the psychoanalytical cultural conception by Z. Fried in scientific works by L. S. Vygotsky. It is marked that L. S. Vygotsky was rather critical to Z. Fried’s ideas concerning the influence and role of culture onto the personality.
The aim of this study is to investigate the emergence of client-centered approach developed by Carl Rogers, its theoretical framework, and the use of its principles and techniques in social work practice. Rogers' clinical experience with social workers has helped him see that the leading models of psychoanalysis are inadequate, and hence the need to develop new treatment methods for practice. The focal point of this approach is the understanding that one is responsible for one's own life. Grounded in humanist psychology, this approach acknowledges that every individual has the potential to realize himself. Given that a client is accepted as he/she is and listened empathically, his/her latent powers will be revealed and he/she will be able to find solutions to his/her own problems. In the client-centered approach, the intervention process begins with the initial interview. Since the focus is the client, the client decides what will happen during the interview. The social worker does not make any assessment, neither gets a history nor monitors the agenda of the client's goals, but respects the client and exhibits a warm and welcoming attitude. It is the client himself who steers the interview. This approach reflects some of the ethical principles of social work such as the human principle, the biopsychosocial approach to assessment and intervention, the client's right to self-determination, the spiritual orientation of the client, and the prestige and honor of all people. Therefore, there are many aspects that are compatible with social work practice.
In the context of increasing recongnition and diagnosis of developmental disorders in children within mainstream schools, there appears a pressing need to develop multidisciplinary approaches in intervention to meet the needs of a large client group. Using social work case management in recovery and school integration of children with developmental disorders, helps maximize the effects of different types of therapies which addresses this pathology. The case study in this article presents a structured intervention model in the case management of a child diagnosed with mild autistic spectrum disorder and a working model for a multidisciplinary approach in recovery and school integration.
S obzirom na to da je vrednosno neutralna psihoterapija nemoguća, ono što je potrebno jeste savestan i sistematski napor da se vrednosne predpostavke učine jasnim, kako bismo bili u stanju da sudimo o vrednostima pojedinih psihoterapija i da se u skladu sa tim za njih i racionalno opredeljujemo. U ovom članku se detaljno i kritički analiziraju vrednosti savremene psihoanalize razmatranjem njenih osnovnih vrednosnih predpostavki koje se tiču: slike čoveka, koncepta mentalnog zdravlja/bolesti, terapijskih cljeva, koncepta vremena, pojma slobode (determinizma/indeterminizma), odnosa čovek-svet.
The article deals with the psychoanalitycal and phenomenological approach to the irrational foundations of social phenomena. Besides an analysis of Freud’s understanding of the irrational basis of social phenomena, it is also exposed the viewpoint of some other psychoanalysts related to the emotional basis and continuity of collective irrationality. The above is followed by an analysis of collective irrationality in the phenomenological sociology, i.c. ethnomcthodology, in their investigation of everyday’s life and other emotional aspects of social reality.
Fromm's specific scientific method developed from the attempt to integrate marxism with psychoanalysis. This unusual approach evolved from the basic postulate of his worldview, that is, the center of the world, society and science is the human being defined by the complex joteracBon of its biological, psychological, antropologlioal and philosophical essence.
Regarding scientific development, psychoanalysis has been compared to the Copernican and Darwinian revolution. Freud has added his name to the well-established comparison of Copernicus and Darwin by introducing his notion of three blows to man’s narcissism, defining his discovery of psychoanalysis as the most dangerous last blow. The presentation examines the possible continuation of the series of the biggest scientific revolution in Jacques Derrida and Slavoj Žižek. Derrida has added to Copernicus, Darwin and Freud the name of Karl Marx as the fourth, disrupting one, defining his blow ‘in the name of the revolution’ as a much worse one, putting us today as Marx’s heirs in the position of debt and mourning. Derrida used the Freudian reading of Marx’s blow concerning the horrors of the October revolution, Stalinism, holocaust etc., while Slavoj Žižek – also relating Freud to Marx – examined the succession of Copernicus, Darwin and Freud by ‘many others’. The presentation focuses on Žižek’s idea of these ‘many others’, putting it in the context of Lacan’s return to Freud and prolonging it regarding the feminist revolution. The conclusion is made that Žižek’s elaboration of Lacan’s return of Freud, without and beyond the Lacanian feminist-psychoanalytic insistence on the centrality of sexual difference, can be understood as Žižek’s unfinished Copernican revolution.
Polish translation of Georg Groddeck scientific essay "It and the Psychoanalysis" (1925).
Psychoanalysis applied in history developed as the method and interpretative model which searches for the function of the unconscious as it is evidenced in various manifestations such as the life-styles, adaptation, creativity, character, slips of the tongue, hearing and writing, dreams, neuroses and psychoses, human action and its inhibitions. One of its primary postulates is that the unconscious »demands hearing and will not to be silenced«, fill the whole truth about man and his world is to be reached. As every history, this field encompasses the importance of the beginnings, antecedents and rehearsal models. This is exemplified by the significance given to the role of history of childhood, family, collective biography and prosopography. Present-day reality is constantly interreacting with the personal and social realities which are linked in the unconscious. The elucidation of these links is achieved by the use of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic history gives due place to the role of aggressivity, sexuality, passions, fantasy and emotional states of the inner world of examined or studied subjects. It rejects the myth of a sexuality and innocence of either child, adult, male or female. Psychoanalysis is able to provide the latent content behind the manifest fantasies and meanings perceived by the historian. When used in an expert way, psychoanalysis provides the psycho-historian with a powerful research tool to recognize the psychological dimensions of historical events and human past.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the theoretical relationship between translational science and music. The relationship between science and music has been of great interest to philosophers, historians, and musicologists for centuries. From a sociological perspective, we argue that science and music are closely linked at the level of everyday life in contemporary biomedical science. Translational science is a scientific movement that aims to facilitate the efficient application of bio-medical research to the design and delivery of clinical services, and a qualitative approach inspired by symbolic interactionism provides the opportunity to examine the place of the scientist in this movement. The concept of the existential self provides a useful platform for this examination insofar as the reflexive nature of the "existential self" is the way the person’s experience of individuality is affected by and in turn affects organizational change. An ongoing qualitative study of an NIH-funded program in translational science has found that music can serve to help scientists maintain a "balanced self" in light of new expectations placed upon them and their work. We identify six ways in which scientists can use music to enhance their sense of self and their work.