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Different species and even mosquito populations have a preference in the choice of hosts. It was found that in the selection of the host by mosquitoes are important of external factors such as odorants, body mass, color, relative humidity, the heat of the body, gender and internal factors physiological and genetical. This host preference is dependent upon the relative number of host animals available in the vicinity. Mosquitoes learn and adapt their behavior. Mosquitoes are vectors of many serious human diseases.
Five years ago, in Romania was established the unitary pay system for public sector personnel paid from the general consolidated state budget. This was aimed at the harmonization of payroll system of the staff based on the importance, responsibility, complexity of the activity and the level of the studies necessary for the activity. The entire public sector personnel were reinstated and bonuses granted by law or government decisions have been introduced in basic salaries. Although subsequently intervened several laws of correction, the unitary pay system still has some weaknesses. Through this paper, the author aims to highlight the most important pluses and weaknesses of this system, but also to make some proposals regarding the application of the principles enshrined.
The aim of the study is to analyze teenage pregnancy (births and abortions) between 2007 and 2014. Pregnancy data regarding minor females were obtained from the statistical department of the hospital. In total, data for 8 years referring to 1,291 teenage mothers were included in the research. Additional analysis was performed. Over the years considered, analysis has shown the number of births increases with increasing age. We identified a relatively constant number of births among adolescents and a constantly decreasing number of abortions at all ages, considering both rural and urban subjects. A number of 64 teenagers have been registered with 2 births under the age of 18; 35 of the patients become mothers for the second time in the very next year. The most important variable in this case is the environment, the number of cases from rural areas being 5 times higher than that in urban areas. The higher rate of pregnancy among teenagers exhibits a constant rate over the years. The decreasing number of abortions could be related to the constantly promoted programs in schools and colleges in the last years throughout the country. The increasing rate of births in rural areas could be related to socioeconomic aspects and the lower rate of access to education in this area.
The author draws attention to the ambiguity associated with defining the vehicle and a motor vehicle having regard to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court. He proposes a general definition of the term of the vehicle, and calls to define a motor vehicle based on its feature – the ability to move with the engine placed on it.
Innovation is the basis for competitiveness, but at the same time, innovation usually requires a large amount of capital and the company might not have the necessary means to finance the innovative projects. The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationship between innovation and capital structure. In the case of 24 Baltic listed consumer goods companies, it was found that innovation increases with the increase in total debt, whereas the increase in debt is associated with decrease in profitability. In the case of Latvian company JSC Grindeks, there is a non-linear relationship between capital structure and innovation. The level of innovation is low at very low and very high levels of debt. For JSC Grindeks, the level of innovation is maximized if the ratio of total debt is approximately 30%.
Revenues associated to the production cost of the work in progress are revenues which do not generate monetary income in the very next period; as sources of virtual enrichment for the enterprise, they are valued, for reasons of prudence, at the level of the production costs. At the level of principle, we can discuss how to separate costs of the finished products for production in progress, particularly difficult problem seen in practice and which, in most cases, makes the productive entities either to give up the actual determination of production costs or to make an improvised calculation. Given the existence of two types of production in progress at the beginning and end of the period, in order to separate the costs between the two elements it is necessary to use the stock assessment methods, as shown in IAS 2, respectively the weighted average cost method (WAC), the FIFO method and the standard cost method, methods used in theory and practice exclusively for evaluating stocks, other than those of finished products, let alone for the production in progress. In our opinion, the issue is not the accounting method for revenues associated to the production cost of the work in progress, but the evaluation method of the output obtained and stored, especially when you get both finished products and products in progress.
This article presents an original concept of quality management processes maturity assessment. There were used methods including case studies, observations and analysis of data using the evaluation sheet. Evaluation sheet has been developed and case studies conducted for the dissertation and used to verify the assumptions authorial methodology for diagnosing management processes based on quality cost analysis.
The article presents the support system of quality management in the enterprise. It shows the essence of the functioning of the spin-off and describes one of the companies, which was founded at the Gdańsk University of Technology. In our case study highlights the areas of support to achieve and evaluate compliance with the norms and standards.
Authors presented in the paper the method of evaluation of operational performance vehicle simulators. Number of simulation solutions are created in conjunction with the various requirements for the quality of simulation make the audience it is difficult to define requirements and the authors do not always reach desired effects due to budget constraints. The paper presents the idea for the evaluations of the functional parameters of vehicle simulators. Authors decided also to make an attempt to give the preliminary answer to a question which from studied projection systems causes lesser degree of symptoms of simulator sickness during training by conducting experimental comparition studies. Paper contains essential information both for creators and consumers of such solutions.
The paper deals with the leakage of nitric acid in road transport (ADR); its specifications, problems and complications during its leakage from the tank into the environment. The first part describes specific characteristics and their means of transport. Following part discusses the experimental investigation of the specific characteristics of HNO3. The experiments on reaction of nitric acid in contact with diesel, gasoline, valvoline engine oil and coolant as well as with samples of common vehicle’s materials such as iron, aluminium, copper, tire rubber, ABS plastic and asphalt. Reactions observed not always met the expectations of strong reactions as described in Security data sheet. The third part describes a possible ways of acid leakage from the tank and its disposal. Recommendation concerning effective action of Fire units are described in order to stop the leaking and minimize the damage caused by nitric acid
Na organizację biblioteki składa się szereg elementów konstrukcyjnych, z których powstaje struktura organizacyjna i ciąg zorganizowanych działań. Należą do nich: personel, zbiory wraz z ich zawartością, użytkownicy, procesy i aparatura3. Według definicji podanej w „Encyklopedii współczesnego bibliotekarstwa polskiego”, organizacja biblioteki to jej struktura organizacyjna i metody realizacji procesów w niej zachodzących.
Since the 1970s, there has been increasing attention to environment. To what extend and how one society will take care of the environment largely depends on its importance in the value system of every individual and society as a whole. The aim of this paper was to examine the importance of the environment in the system of individual/personal values of the citizens of Serbia, the assessment of its importance in the value system of the society as a whole, as well as to find out what is of higher priority for respondents – environment or economic development. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among a sample of 250 respondents. The obtained results show that, in spite of the low standard of living and a long-term economic crisis in the country, environment is highly rated, both at the level of personal priorities (where environment is ranked on the third place), and at the country level (where it is ranked on the second place). The attitudes of the respondents showed that the truce and reconciliation of ecology and economy is necessary and required for the development of a more sustainable society.
This article highlights the validation survey assessment on electoral interest of teenagers. In this context, was realized the algorithm proposed by D. Laveault and J. Gregoire. Also, they have determined the metric properties of there presentative items and proposed version.
The author of the article aims at explaining the reasons behind the abstention rate in Guatemalan elections. The conditions related to economic, social and political fields, which have impact on voters turnout, are presented. The author emphasizes the reasons intertwined with political culture, which was shaped under the influence of colonialism and authoritarian rule. Furthermore the author emphasizes relations between the level of voters turnout and ethnic composition of Guatemalan society. It leads to a conclusion that the majority of factors that may disincline the citizens to participate in the elections in the greatest extent affects indigenous groups of population.
W okresie od 1 października 2016 roku do 31 marca 2017 roku na świecie zostało przeprowadzonych piętnaście bezpośrednich wyborów prezydenckich, dwadzieścia jeden wyborów parlamentarnych oraz dwanaście referendów ogólnokrajowych. Liczba wyborów, w stosunku do zestawienia za okres od 30 kwietnia 2016 roku do 30 października 2016 roku, była znacznie większa. Warto podkreślić, że analiza pytań referendalnych obecnego oraz ostatniego zestawienia wskazuje na coraz częstsze stosowanie tej instytucji w odniesieniu do materii konstytucyjnej. Z omawianego okresu to pawie połowa głosowań odnosiła się do nowelizacji konstytucji. Na szczególną uwagę zwraca uczynienie przedmiotem referendum problematyki wyborczej (Republika Bułgarii) oraz kwestii dotyczącej obywatelstwa dla wnuków imigrantów, problematyki podatkowej oraz energii jądrowej (Konfederacja Szwajcarska), jak również obowiązywania kwot relokacji imigrantów w Unii Europejskiej (Węgry).
The article presents the first detailed econometric analysis of prepackaged reorganization plans in Serbia. Pre-pack offers tremendous incentives for debtors in financial difficulties making it their preferred restructuring alternative. Using the sample of 97 cases, we show that prepack fails to filter out inefficient firms as we find no evidence to suggest that the debtors who file pre-packaged plans are in significantly better financial position than those whose plans are submitted after the opening of bankruptcy proceedings. Filtering failure is a result of the poor implementation of the law and creditors’ passivity. We examine regulatory and market approaches for solving the problem of adverse selection of debtors filing a pre-packaged bankruptcy.
The Serbian population (exclusive of Kosovo and Metohia region) is among the oldest populations in the world. More than 950.000 individuals in the Central Serbia and about 300.000 individuals in Vojvodina, or one sixth of both populations are 65 plus. The findings of representative surveys carried out recently pointed out that poverty and poor institutional and instrumental support are the main issues of the elderly population in Serbia. The poverty rate among the elderly is high (9.6 percent) and significantly higher than average (6.6). In the meantime, the coverage of poor elderly in Serbia with material provisioning of the family (MPF), the most important measure of the state's social policy, is low due to lack of information of potential beneficiaries, difficulties in collecting all necessary documents as well as strict criteria in connection to means and income tests necessary for exercising the right on this social benefit. Not only that the MPF coverage of poor elderly is inadequate, the amount of this social benefit is also very low. Parallel interviews with 826 elderly persons of 70 and over demonstrate that, although four out of five elderly are chronic patients, the majority of respondents evaluates that they are capable of living in their own households. However, a substantial number of the elderly, every fourth, needs some kind of assistance services with a view to daily functioning at home or in local community. Respondents mainly rely on family in resolving daily problems. A family provides greatest help and support regardless of the fact that such elderly person lives alone or not. Significant factors of support to elderly are friends and neighbors of such persons. Institutions have only a marginal role in the elderly support network.
One of the oldest populated areas in East Serbia is Budžak. There is an assumption and archeological finds that people had lived in Budžak already during the bronze age (1400-800 years BC). Turbulent historical, cultural and economic factors brought changes to the demographic picture of this area. From the end of the 19th century (1879) till the beginning of the 21st century, the population decreased for more than 3 times, and the number of members per household for 5 times. Faced with harsh conditions of mountain life and lack of perspective, the population intensively emigrated to the lowland areas around the Beli Timok river and to the surrounding towns. For slightly more than half a century (from 1948 to 2002), the population of Budžak deceased for 84,32%, and the number of households for 39,04% with the basic index from –80 to –90, only in Kalna about –60. This decrease also caused the decline in the average number of members in one household from 5,26 in 1948 to 1,35 in 2002. In 6 of 14 settlements, there was not a single birth in the period from 1999 to 2003. Annually, 3–4 children are born, and more than 70 inhabitants dies. Today, the rural population of the Knjaževac Municipality is very old and in the phase of the deepest demographic old age (average age is 47,3 years). In the Budžak area, few settlements have the average population younger than 60 years. Judging by the long-term trend of birthrate decrease and the accelerated ageing of the population from this area, the question has to be asked: in 30–50 years in Stara Planina Mountain, in the Budžak area, would there be human life at all, or there would remain historical monuments as the evidence that generations and generations of people had lived there and had their culture and customs.
The paper is devoted to the research of the living space specificity in people that depends on the type of their (mental/physical) labor activity. On the basis of the sample of 96 people aged from 40 to 50 years (48 men and 48 women), we compared the content and dynamic parameters of personal valuemeaning systems, such as life meaningfulness, meaning type of values, individual indices of realizability of system values, perception of the attainability of values, as well as in the level of realizability of values. The obtained results show that the level of life meaningfulness for people engaged in physical work is lower than for those involved in mental work. The mean types of certain values and individual indices of realizability differ significantly between these two groups: the realizability indices of people with the physical nature of work are shifted to the barrier pole in the continuum of barrier–realizability of the meaning of values compared to people with the mental nature of work. There are some differences in the meaning type of particular values, such as love, self-confidence, beauty of nature and art. It was found that the specificity of labor activity (mental/physical) determines the outline of living space to a greater extent than gender identity.