Utjecaj pandemije korona virusa (COVID-19) na razvoj tendencija u službeničkom pravu
Civil Service law is a branch of law that is constantly evolving, mainly following the development of Public Administration. In the development of Civil Service legislation, some tendencies, as the directions in which certain phenomenon move, are noticeable. The subject of this paper are two tendencies in Civil Service legislation : the tendency in "normalization" and the tendency of introducing new forms and methods of work. Both of these tendencies have existed in the period before the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), and they still exist today after more then two years of experience with the coronavirus. However, the changes caused by the pandemic have had a significant impact on their development. The tendency of "normalization" has led to deregulation, or more often, significantly< less regulation of status, rights and obligations of civil servants and has promoted the regulation of the civil service system according to the rules of the general regime of labor relations. This tendency has arose and developed under the influences of New Public Management and Good Governance. In the context of second tendency, the accelerated development of information and communication technologies has opened up new possibilities for the method, place and time of performing activities of the civil servants. The emergence of the pandemic, as well as its duration left its mark on these tends. Under the influence of the pandemic , there is a qualitative change in these tendencies in the sense that the tendency of "normalization" loses its attractiveness compared to the pre-pandemic period, while the tendency of introducing new forms and methods of work is much stronger.