Određivanje pojma i prava jednoroditelja i samoroditelja u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine
The terms "mono-parent" and "single-parent" are not defined in either the Family Law of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) or in any legal acts. In social discourse these two concepts are often equated to the term "single-parent" which is why their rights are equated as well. When it comes to these rights,it is often unclear whether the reference is made to the right of a child coming from such family, the right of a single-parent, or the right of the person from a one-parent family. This paper studies the legal nature of one-parent and self-parent families and provides the identification of their basic characteristics so as to create the foundation for future recognition of such families in the Family Law of FB&H. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the legal position of one-parent and self-parent i FB&H and to identify the rights granted to this category of parents. That is why the analysis starts with the national regulations that define the aspects important for the parents in charge of parental care. The paper brings a comparative analysis of the rights of one-parent and self-parent in FB&H and those exercised in the surrounding countries and the entity of Republic of Srpska. It also provides the opinions and recommendations for upgrading the existing regulations, improving the quality of rights given to these families, and securing more efficient procedures for exercising these rights.