Radykalna demokracja jako zasada niezależnego sieciowego dziennikarstwa na przykładzie projektu Indymedia
Project Indymedia is an institutionalized example of global activism mediated by the newinformation technologies. The signifi cant innovation here is the fulfi lment of the radicaldemocracy ideal, that has not been fully realized yet, despite of numerous attempts. Itcan be seen that the Indymedia implements radical democratic vision of the media andpromotes participants with widely known slogan „be the media”. Indymedia initiativepromotes the idea that everybody should have access to the possibility of free creation ofinformation and its unlimited transfer to the wide audience. Notably, radical democraticpractices undertaken by the Indymedia go beyond the content of its internet page andinclude a number of important institutional activities that involve new communicationtechnologies in global network dimension.