Author(s): Alfi Rahmi,Amiruddin Amiruddin,Razali Razali,Zulfikar Zulfikar,Sukardi Putra / Language(s): English
Issue: 9/2023
The development of the current era of globalisation influences the development of students, such as behaviour patterns and tendencies that result in dependence on gadgets on social media and have an impact on relatively unstable emotional states, behaviour that tends to be passive, and relatively poor use of language in interactions. This research uses a type of evaluation research with a qualitative approach and uses a descriptive method. The subjects in this study were 15 students, one vice head of school, one counselling teacher, and one physical education teacher at MAN Model Banda Aceh. Data collection techniques use observation techniques (observation), interviews, and documentation. This study obtained results. The influence of physical education can improve emotional abilities, social behaviour, and students' physical fitness. Physical fitness in students affects body muscle strength, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility in muscles and joints, so the impact involves the quality of student movement on students' speed, agility, coordination, power, balance and concentration. Physical education positively impacts students' emotional development on the ability to recognise and control students' emotions in establishing relationships with others, observing self and other people's emotions, and increasing self-motivation, self-management, and good social behaviour. This social behaviour develops students in directed and measurable changes in student personalities. Changes that occur mainly in physical changes, a sense of empathy, student solidarity in working together and an active response to every activity carried out by students. Regular and adequate physical education can increase student enthusiasm for learning, making academic and non-academic achievements maximum. So, sports values in social behaviour, such as sportsmanship, cooperation, responsibility, discipline, honesty, loyalty, and other virtues, are formed in good student personalities.