Filologia–ekologia. Linie połączeń
The aim of this article is to find connections between two disciplines crucial for ecocriticism,i.e. between philology and ecology. The author of the paper analyzes the transformationof ecocriticism’s attitude towards broadly defi ned philology. It is argued that thoughphilology, understood as a discipline focused on language and text, was marginalized duringthe early phases of ecocriticism, it has recently been revalued as the trend’s philosophical background which determines the ecocritical view on the extratextual world and environment. What is more, the philological practice – broadly defined as work with/focus on atext and the practice of reading – is considered to be the ecological practice. The authorfurther argues that another issue which enables one to combine philology with ecologyis the notion of awareness, which is a key concept for American transcendentalists and, as a consequence, Anglo-American ecocriticism, as well as for philology, which is hereperceived, with reference to Friedrich Nietzsche, as the philology of the world (and notas the philology of the book).