Граф Дракула и художествените образи на злото: Имагологии, идеологии, туризъм
The article is focused on the role and the power of the horror and terror literature and movies to create very popular images, which become important factors in the developing of contemporary tourism. These supernatural creatures have turned into objects of cult for big fan-groups all over the world. The fans share common interests reflecting – along with the rest – the longing to see the special places that inspired authors and moviemakers. In this way, Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula, used as a basis for many literature and movie interpretations during 20th and the first two decades of the 21st century, has become an influential generator of images for mass consumption. The bloodthirsty Count gathers strength in people’s imaginations during the years and changes the historical medieval fortress – Bran Castle – into a very popular museum, visited by different people striving to see his scary home.