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Polskę ominęła. Dopiero po 1989 roku zaczęły postępować zmiany norm obyczajowych, seks zaczął oznaczać coś więcej niż tylko prokreację, pojawiły się takie tematy, jak homo-, bi- i płynna seksualność, a prawa mniejszości, seks nastolatków, gwałty bądź edukacja seksualna stały się przedmiotem debaty publicznej. Zarazem pojawiły się głosy, że są to problemy niepolskie, a nawet antypolskie, niemające nic wspólnego z zainteresowaniami prawdziwych Polaków. Analizy zawarte w tej książce dowodzą, że jest zgoła odwrotnie.
"W kręgu Stanisława Ossowskiego” to projekt naukowy realizowany przez Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Jego celami są: dokumentacja dorobku Ossowskiego i jego środowiska, badania nad twórczością i znaczeniem tego kręgu oraz publikacja niedrukowanych pism uczonego. Stanisław Ossowski w pełnym blasku jest pierwszym tomem powstałym w ramach tego projektu. Tom jest suplementem do Dzieł Ossowskiego, wydanych w latach 1966–1970. Zawiera teksty wcześniej nieznane, niezakwalifikowane do publikacji przez redaktorów Dzieł lub niedopuszczone do druku przez cenzurę, m.in. rozprawę „Społeczne uwarunkowania postaw estetycznych w społeczeństwie kapitalistycznym” (1938–1939). W książce znalazły się również materiały, o których wydawaniu wcześniej nie myślano: rękopiśmienne szkice i inne wypowiedzi młodzieńcze, listy w sprawach naukowych i publicznych, ekspertyzy sądowe oraz sprawozdania i projekty organizacyjne; tu perłą jest listowny spór o patriotyzm między młodym Ossowskim a Bertrandem Russellem (1922), odkryty w toku pracy nad tomem. Zgromadzone teksty pomogą ujrzeć Stanisława Ossowskiego w pełnym blasku.
Binarne klasifikacije spola i roda sveprisutne su u našem društvu i utiču na to kako razumijevamo i organiziramo svijet oko nas. Klasifikacija čovječanstva u dvije kategorije – Ž (žensko) i M (muško) – kao i njihova utemeljenost u identifikacijskim dokumentima izlaže kršenju ljudskih prava osobe koje se ne uklapaju u potpunosti u te dvije kategorije. Među njima su interspolne osobe posebno ranjive. Stereotipi koji se vezuju za navodnu dihotomiju roda, kao i za medicinske norme takozvanih ženskih i muških tijela, omogućili su prakticiranje rutinskih medicinskih i hirurških intervencija na interspolnim osobama, čak i kada su takve intervencije kozmetičke, a ne medicinski potrebne ili u slučajevima kada o njima dotične osobe nisu konsultirane niti informirane.Tajnovitost i stid koji se vezuju za interspolna tijela omogućili su da se te prakse odvijaju decenijama, dok se istovremeno problematika ljudskih prava uglavnom nije ni razmatrala. Evropsko društvo do dana današnjeg ostaje u velikoj mjeri nesvjesno stvarnosti koju žive interspolne osobe. Ipak, kroz pionirski rad sve većeg broja interspolnih grupa i pojedinačnih aktivistkinja i aktivista, ljudskopravaške zajednice i međunarodne organizacije postaju sve više svjesne ove situacije i nastoje se suočiti s tom problematikom pozivajući se na standarde ljudskih prava. U maju 2014. godine, Komesar za ljudska prava objavio je Komentar na ljudska prava pod nazivom “Dječak ili djevojčica ili osoba – interspolne osobe nepriznate u Evropi”, u kojem su naglašeni problemi u vezi sa ljudskim pravima s kojima se suočavaju interspolne osobe. Ova tematska publikacija daje detaljnije upute i sadrži preporuke Komesara u cilju rješavanja ove problematike. Publikacija ima svrhu da informira vlasti i praktičare o trenutnim etičkim razmatranjima i ljudskim pravima u ovom smislu, kao i o najboljim globalnim praksama. Prije izrade ovog dokumenta, obavljene su konsultacije sa aktivistkinjama i aktivistima za interspolna prava i medicinskim stručnjacima i stručnjakinjama. Poduzeto je već nekoliko pozitivnih koraka ka razumijevanju situacije u kojoj se nalaze interspolne osobe i u reagiranju na njihove probleme. Nedavno usvajanje međuresorne izjave Ujedinjenih nacija (UN) o sterilizaciji koja tretira i kršenje tjelesnog integriteta interspolnih osoba predstavlja prekretnicu u kombiniranju medicinskog i ljudskopravaškog pristupa. Objavljivanjem izvještaja o interspolnim osobama koji su pripremila nacionalna vijeća za medicinsku etiku povećana je svijest o problemima sa kojima se te osobe suočavaju. Poduzete su i korisne inicijative za zaštitu interspolnih osoba od diskriminacije kroz reforme zakonodavstva koje se odnosi na jednako postupanje. Postoji urgentna potreba za daljnjim napretkom da bi se poboljšala situacija po pitanju ostvarivanja ljudskih prava interspolnih osoba. Ova tematska publikacija ima cilj da potakne razvoj okvira djelovanja sugerirajući dvotračni pristup. S jedne strane, poziva zemlje članice da ukinu medicinski nepotreban tretman “normalizacije” interspolnih osoba kada se on provodi ili propisuje bez slobodnog i potpuno informiranog pristanka dotične osobe. S druge strane, publikacija predstavlja moguće naredne korake u smislu zaštite interspolnih osoba od diskriminacije, adekvatnog priznavanja njihovog spola u zvaničnim dokumentima i pristupa pravdi.
The handbook presents a summarized overview of the process of establishment and development of the ombudsman institution on national and local level in Bulgaria (1998-2005). It offers comments and analysis of the legal framework as well as comprehensive information on the election of the first Bulgarian ombudsman and the activities of the local public mediators before and after their operation has been regulated in the legislation. The public attitudes towards the ombudsman institution are also presented. In addition, the book includes a set of annexes such as the full text of the Law on the Ombudsman and the Regulation on the Organization and the Activity of the Ombudsman, an excerpt from the Law on Local Self-Government and Local Administration, materials related to the operation of the local public mediators, etc.
The brochure summarizes the accumulated experience and the good practices of the ombudsman type institutions on local level that have functioned under pilot projects in the period 1998 – 2003. It also presents the first steps in the process of establishing such institutions after their legislative regulation, namely the adoption in 2003 of Article 21a of the Law on Local Self-Government and Local Administration, which entitles municipal councils to elect local public mediators for promoting and protecting the civil rights and lawful interests of citizens before the local authorities.
The book entitled Necropolis. Sociological Study of the Cemeteries of Katowice, is an attempt to description of the burial spaces on the example of one city. Cemeteries shall be treated as a cultural text, reproduced in various forms of social practices. Reading this cultural text allows to reconstruct contemporary roles and significance of urban cemeteries, and describe construction of the graveyards and show typical activities undertaken in their spaces.The opening chapter clarifies the social history of the funeral spaces of Europe described terms of in four stages of development. The further part is devoted to necropolis of the particular city – Katowice. The author makes a description of the form, shape and infrastructure of cemeteries and reminds history of the city. Another part of the work is a theoretical debate on urban issues, including emphasis on urban sociology. The continuum: space – the city – a place – non-place is explained, as well as the functional division of urban space. Than graveyards are described in terms of various sciences. In this part of the book preliminary analysis of research on functions of Katowice burial spaces are related. A consequence of above is construction of the typology of modern graveyards functions in sociological terms. The rest of the book is devoted to the analysis and interpretation of results of empirical studies (combining both quantitative and qualitative research methods) carriedout in Katowice. It begins with description of burial spaces treated as separated areas of the city; the second aspect of the analysis is a description of cemeteries’ structure; another is focused on the functioning of graveyards; the last one specifies the meaning of the cemeteries for the residents of the city.This approach allows to recreate multi-faceted image of urban cemeteries. Firstly, image of necropolis with permanent and temporary components of the visual universe is analyzed. Secondly, events that took place within the cemeteries and practices associated with visiting the graveyards are described, as well as the way of functioning of cemeteries – their daily, monthly and yearly rhythm. Thirdly, answer to the question about the meaning and place of burial spaces in the minds of Katowice residents is given.Among the most important conclusions of work it should be noted that the residents of Katowice believe that burial places have important socio-cultural role. Cemeteries are described as important, meaningful and long-lasting spaces; areas of interaction and symbolic exchange. It is because, among other things: the universality of visits to cemeteries, what is associated with their rhythm of functioning; a multitude of activities undertaken in cemeteries (not only those related to its first roles); an affection to the image of tombstones; awareness that cemeteries are not only a places of remembrance for everyone who buried their relatives there, but also for the city, region or even the country; the conviction that cemeteries should be show the youngest, to familiarize them with the historical heritage and create a kind ofsymbolic attachment with the ancestors.
The aim of the study is to conduct a critical analysis of unacceptable practices of acquiring knowledge at faculties of social and other sciences (cheating, plagiarism, using a network of personal relationships, political pressures ...) used by students and, in the context of the overall social reality in which corruption attempts to be established as acceptable social norm, to detect the key causes of deformation in the academic culture in order to stop the process of transforming deforming practices into social pathology.
This discussion focuses on participation as an approach to radicalising social work, drawing on the experience of the author and many others in the UK and beyond. It explores the modern history of participation in policy and ideology, highlighting the empirical evidence that many people seem to feel they have little say over their lives and institutions affecting them and regard this as problematic. It highlights inequalities in participation and explores different ideological approaches to participation; their strengths and weaknesses, the emergence of service user movements; the gains from involving service users in research and the methodological and practical issues of excluding and including people’s “experiential” or first hand knowledge as both practitioners and service users, the overlaps between the two groups, the importance of involving practitioners too and key issues emerging for participation.
This chapter sets out to examine the potential and the reality for the inclusion of service users in social work services, social work education, and social work research. It includes special reference to such work with the most vulnerable service users, for example certain people with mental health problems. The chapter will critically examine the theoretical framework, potential of, and reality for, the inclusion of service users in social work services, social work education, and social work research. The discussion will critically analyse the rationale, challenges and opportunities of involving service users and carers in such areas using ideas around the ethics of social work as set out in the International Federation of Social Worker’s (IFSW)/International Association of Schools of Social Work’s (IASSW) Ethical Codes (2012) and their Definition of Social Work (2014) and further analyzed against S. Arnstein’s “ladder of participation”. In examining how we can work towards the greatest level of participation in co-production, the chapter will use examples from projects carried out by the author.
The establishment of the Federal Service of the National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation (FSWGN) fits in the tradition of the Russian security services. One of ist important elements are periodic reorganization, name and structure changes and management staff to restart the bodies. In contrast to radical changes in the past - the creation of the FSWGN, i.e. the Rosguard (this abbreviation is also used in official documents), was an evolutionary move which had been announced for many years under the modernization of internal troops and improvement of their effectiveness. From the texts in federal legislation and presidential decrees regulating the activities of the new force, and above all the information campaign accompanying its creation, it can be assumed that the introduced changes are of technical nature. The statutory tasks of the Rosguard are not much different from those assigned to internal troops and police formations. // The purpose of this text is to try to answer the questions about the FSWGN a spart of Russia's military organization and operational machine, and what is its organizational and personnel profile - more police or military. It was made on the basis of an analysis of the legal grounds for functioning Rosguard, its official documents, reports and reports posted on the FSWGN website, as well as media reports about it.
The purpose of this report is to identify the main areas, forms and causes of inequality and discrimination in modern Belarusian society through an analysis of legislation, administrative and judicial practice, as well as to formulate appropriate recommendations for the Belarusian authorities. The report consists of four chapters. The first of them covers the conceptual basis of the report and the methodology of its writing, provides basic facts about Belarus. The second chapter examines the situation of various vulnerable groups through the prism of equality and non-discrimination: religious, ethnic and linguistic, and focuses on groups whose problems of inequality are largely due to traditionalist attitudes in Belarusian society (women, people with disabilities and people living with HIV). as well as representatives of the LGBT community). A special group includes people who hold opposition views and beliefs. The third chapter of the report provides an overview of the international legal obligations of the Republic of Belarus in the field of equality and non-discrimination at the UN, OSCE and CIS levels, considers the features of the Belarusian national legislation and state policy, and also case law on this topic. (Published by Helsinki Committee in cooperationb with Association of Equal Rights)
Novi Zakon o mladima usvojen je u proljeće 2019.godine, sa ciljem da se unaprijedi okvir za obezbijeđenje boljeg društvenog položaja mladih ljudi, boljih uslova za podršku mladih, ali i njihovog većeg angažovanja. Ovaj Zakon kao mlade tretira lica od navršenih 15 do navršenih 30 godina života. No, ova starosna granica nije unificirana, jer se u nekim državama Evropske unije u kategoriju mladih ubrajaju i lica do navršenih 35 godina. Iz toga slijedi da i društveni kontekst ima svoj uticaj u definisanju kategorije mladih. Po posljednjem popisu, Crna Gora ima 620 029 stanovnika. Od ovog broja 132 702 su mladi ljudi uzrasta od 15 do 29 godina, što čini 21,4% odnosno skoro petinu ukupnog broja stanovnika. Udio ove starosne grupe u Crnoj Gori veći je prosjeka u Evropskoj uniji, gdje mladi čine 17,4 % stanovništva. Ovo je jedan od ozbiljnih argumenata da mladi treba da budu u fokusu kreatora i donosilaca odluka, ali i da mlade treba motivisati kako bi bili i sami aktivniji u procesima donošenja odluka, a posebno onih odluka koje imaju direktan uticaj i na njih.
The traditional concept of work is associated with practical activities for obtaining the means of satisfying life’s needs. In the historical process, work as a physi- cal activity became a sign of low social status, a mark of slavery and a distinguishing feature of the peasant state. The positive valorisation of physical labour took place in Polish folk culture after the abolition of serfdom and serfdom as forced labour. It was during this period that the peasant work ethos was formed and farm work became the basis of peasant dignity and state honour. The cultural status of farm work in the rural traditional community was determined not only by its practical importance as the basis of peasant existence, but also by the formation of a whole magical-religious and ritual sphere around it.
The basic question is: what is work and what is its sense and place in human life. The concept of work is not precisely defined, its understanding changes depending on what it is contrasted with. Also, these oppositions are not constant, but constantly flow into each other. Similarly, the valuation of work is variable, historical and context-dependent.In the most general terms, it can be said that work is primarily an effort that serves something and is treated as important and necessary. Work is a communal reality, complex and dynamic, a multithreaded creative process in which contradic- tions and tensions emerge and remain. This kind of dialectic is an essential feature of creative processes, it is a mechanism that enables the creation of something new, transcending what is already there. This is also the process of work that enables the development of civilization, culture, or even, as Norwid sees it, the spiritual deve- lopment of humanity.
The article is a short biographical sketch devoted to Etty Hillesum, a Dutch Jew murdered in Auschwitz, like Anne Frank, the author of the famous diary from the period of occupation and the Holocaust. In her notes, Etty Hillesum focuses on her work in the Amsterdam Jewish Council (Judenrat), being fully aware of the ambivalent nature of this institution, which helped the Nazi occupiers organize the deportations of the Jewish population to labor and extermination camps. After leav- ing the Council, Etty devoted herself to volunteering for those affected by war and persecution, which ultimately led her to find God.
Today, discussions about women are shaped by gender norms, forced marriages, gender inequality, girls’ education and the victimization of women in society. Studies conducted throughout history show that women’s daily place in society, their rights and the roles attributed to them have been subject to criticism in the past. Traditional norms, under male rules, have encouraged degrading, exclusionary and hateful behavior towards women. Over the years, “sexism” methods have been used to spread the degrading and humiliating situation of the female gender. However, today it seems that a more complex definition is needed. Although sexism is compatible with sexism based on gender, it describes a more comprehensive and severe situation. Today, misogyny is the reason for women’s economic, political and social exclusion and restriction in terms of identity and personality. It is thought that this study will contribute to defining misogyny in daily life and raising awareness.
The literature from regions like the Caribbean, heavily colonised by Europe, inevitably reflects the colonial experiences endured. Living under such pressure shapes the literature of the region. Today, even subtle details bear the imprint of colonial oppressions, particularly in how Europe marginalises ‘White’ content. The standout poem addresses body image and self-acceptance, showcasing Nichols’s vibrant language and Caribbean roots. Postcolonial individuals face triple marginalisation due to intersectional oppression. Some strive to resist these pressures by illustrating examples of resistance in their works. The Fat Black Woman’s Poems stands as a significant work addressing themes of race, feminism, and cultural identity. Grace Nichols’ distinct voice and thematic depth make it a notable contribution to poetry. Through her poems, Nichols confronts othering and marginalisation based on gender, race, and body, and resists them. She connects past and future in “The Fat Black Woman Remembers,” explores the relationship between fashion and identity in “The Fat Black Woman Goes Shopping,” and critiques Eurocentric beauty standards in “Looking at Miss World.” In this direction, this paper aims to explore how the lyrical I in three poems from The Fat Black Woman’s Poems experiences marginalisation based on race, gender, and beauty standards in the black female body framework, employing an intersectional lens. The main argument is to illustrate how Grace Nichols portrays the othering and marginalisation of the fat black female in her poems, while also demonstrating the poet’s efforts to resist them and to reveal its difference from the other Caribbean poems that deal with these subjects. Öz Avrupa tarafından yoğun bir şekilde sömürgeleştirilmiş Karayip Adaları edebiyatı, kaçınılmaz olarak sömürge deneyimlerini yansıtır. Sömürge baskısı altında yaşamak, bölgenin edebiyatını şekillendirir. Bugün, özellikle Avrupa’nın ‘Beyaz’ içeriği nasıl marjinalleştirdiği konusunda, en ince ayrıntılar bile sömürgeci baskıların izlerini taşır. Öne çıkan şiir, beden imajını ve kendini kabul etmeyi ele alarak Nichols’un canlı dilini ve Karayip kökenlerini sergiler. Sömürge sonrası bireyler, kesişimsel baskı nedeniyle üçlü marjinalleşmeyle karşı karşıyadır. Bazıları eserlerinde direniş örnekleri göstererek bu baskılara direnmeye çalışır. The Fat Black Woman’s Poems, ırk, feminizm ve kültürel kimlik temalarını ele alan önemli bir eser olarak öne çıkar. Grace Nichols’un belirgin sesi ve tematik derinliği onu şiire önemli bir katkı yapar. Nichols şiirleri aracılığıyla cinsiyet, ırk ve bedene dayalı marjinalleşmelerle yüzleşir ve onlara direnmeye çalışır. “The Fat Black Woman Remembers”da geçmişi ve geleceği birbirine bağlar, “The Fat Black Woman Goes Shopping”de moda ve kimlik arasındaki ilişkiyi inceler ve “Looking at Miss World”de Avrupamerkezci güzellik standartlarını eleştirir. Bu doğrultuda, bu makale The Fat Black Woman’s Poems’daki üç şiirdeki lirik “I”in siyah kadın bedeni çerçevesinde ırk, cinsiyet ve güzellik standartlarına dayalı marjinalleşmeyi nasıl deneyimlediğini kesişimsel bir mercek kullanarak incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yazının ana argümanı, Grace Nichols’un bu şiirlerde siyah şişman kadınların ötekileştirilmesini nasıl tasvir ettiğini göstermek, aynı zamanda şairin bunlara direnme çabalarını ortaya koymak ve bu konuları işleyen diğer Karayip şiirlerinden farkını ortaya koymaktır.