Author(s): Loredana Beatrice Neagu Frasin,Iulia Nițu,Sorina Cernat / Language(s): English
Publication Year: 0
Agriculture is one of the most vulnerable domains to climate changes, and the plant breeders' main targets are: adapting the already existing valuable varieties to these changes and creating new varieties with increased resistance to significant alternations of temperature and precipitations. Considering the importance of soy culture, 7 soy varieties were studied for 3 years at the Centre for Testing of Varieties Târgovişte, to observe which of them are suitable for cultivation in the pedoclimatic conditions of South Muntenia Region. In the year 2015, the rainfall distribution and volume led to large average productions for all the varieties, with SG Albert, ES Mentor and SG Kea standing out.Although in the year 2016, the total volume of rainfall was by 200 mm, above the average, this was unequally distributed, low quantities being recorded during important growth stages, respectively the seed development, and plant maturation. However, larger productions compared to the average were obtained by the Carla TD, SG Havane and Larisa varieties. In the year 2017, the rainfall was evenly distributed. Thus, a sufficient reserve was accumulated in spring for the emergence stage, and sufficient rainfall was recorded in summer for the full seed stage. The largest productions had the SG Albert, Carla TD, Larisa and SG Havane varieties. Following the examination of the agronomic and use value, the average production recorded in the entire period 2015-2017 and its constant level in time, the recommended varieties for cultivation in the South Muntenia Region, were Carla TD, SG Havane and Larisa and SG Albert.