Wybuch wyobraźni. Poezja Anny Świrszczyńskiej wobec reprodukcji życia społecznego
The monograph is devoted to the question of social reproduction in the poetry of Anna Świrszczyńska. In my interpretation, her feminist worldview is presented as an emanation of the era, which was structured by a complex dynamics of alterations and political tensions, both on a local and global level. The reading of Świrszczyńska’s oeuvre from the perspective of social reproduction allows me to unveil these tensions and to elicit from her work an imaginative project of the world, devoid of any harm or suffering, and based on a radical need for expansion of solidarity with all marginalized groups. Her writings are a testimony to the presence and development of the second-wave emancipatory project in the Polish People's Republic and they inspire us to a renewed reflection on the literary heritage of that period.