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Suočeni smo s time da se hrvatskome antifašističkom otporu poriču demokratske tekovine, uz obrazloženje kako ih nije moglo ni biti jer je komunističko vodstvo ratne tekovine koalicijske antifašističke Narodne fronte iskoristilo kao politički kapital da bi hrvatskoj naciji nametnulo obnovu južnoslavenske državne zajednice, a njoj boljševičku diktaturu. Unatoč činjenici što je ona i uspostavljena, takav pristup odbacuje i zasluge antifašističke borbe za vraćanje matici zemlji teritorija koji su oteti prije i tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata, oslobođenje hrvatske nacije kolektivne krivnje za holokaust i genocid, sprečavanje obnove južnoslavenske državne zajednice pod vodstvom dinastije Karađorđevića i svrstavanje hrvatske nacije uz bok pobjedničkoj svjetskoj antifašističkoj koaliciji, a to jesu demokratske tekovine hrvatskoga antifašizma.
"With this book, we aim to shed light on changes in migration policy, determinants beneath these changes, and practical implications for movers and non-movers in Turkey. Nevertheless, one should note that Turkey has only recently faced mass immigration and the number of foreign born has more than doubled in less than five years. Such sudden change in population composition warrants policy adjustments and reviews. Policy shift from “exporting excess labour” in the 1960s and 1970s to immigrant integration today is a drastic but necessary one. Nevertheless, Turkish migration policy is still far from settled as several chapters in this book point out. Despite the exemplary humanitarian engagement in admitting Syrians, Turkey is still at the bottom of the league table of favourable integration policies with an overall score of 25 out of 100. Turkish migration policy is likely to be adjusted further in response to the continuing immigration."CONTENT PDF Foreword - Philip L Martin Introduction - Barbara Pusch and Ibrahim Sirkeci Chapter 1: The Transformation and Europeanization of Migration Policy in Turkey: Multiculturalism, Republicanism and Alignment - Bianca Kaiser and Ayhan Kaya Chapter 2: Turkey’s migration law and policy: is it a new era? - Ali Zafer SagirogluChapter 3: Gendered citizenship: Experiences and perceptions of the Bulgarian Turkish immigrant women - Özge Kaytan Chapter 4: European Union and Turkish migration policy reform: from accession to policy conditionality - Birce DemiryontarChapter 5: The international migration and foreign policy nexus: the case of Syrian refugee crisis in Turkey - Ela Gökalp Aras and Zeynep Sahin Mencutek Chapter 6: Stuck in the Aegean: Syrians leaving Turkey face European barriers - H. Deniz Genç & N. Aslı Şirin Öner Chapter 7: Fragile balance of EU-Turkey readmission agreement - Ülkü Sezgi Sözen Chapter 8: Turkish diaspora policy: transnationalism or long-distance nationalism? - Yaşar AydınChapter 9: Migration and Citizenship: The Case of Turkey - Zeynep Kadirbeyoğlu and Dilek Çınar Chapter 10: Legal Membership on the Turkish side of the Transnational German-Turkish Space - Barbara Pusch
A chronological picture of twenty years of struggle for a perfect free homeland. The story is a compilation of statements by tens of individuals, witnesses of those events. Eyewitness accounts alternate with communiques, appeals, orders, and the correspondence of both local secret police with the headquarters and Lavrenty Beria with Stalin. It all makes us feel like participants in those events.
Unique collection of accounts, diaries, memoirs, letters, reports, leaflets, press and literary works created in the Warsaw Ghetto. The material comes from an archive that Jews gathered during the war to document the life of Jewish community inside the Ghetto.
The objective of this book is twofold. Firstly, it seeks to answer the following questions: Why is it that most mainstream historiographies remain informed and determined by national/nationalist ideologies in some important aspects? Why do “national histories” seem to be so right and natural? Why is it that the substantial part of theorising about nationalism remains informed by objectivist concepts of the nation and what are the consequences of this? Secondly, considering the answers to the above questions, this book offers a possible alternative approach to the historical study of nationalism based on a re-evaluation of the epistemological foundations of traditional history, broadening its methodological corpus by incorporating analytical approaches used in the social sciences and by introducing the social psychological theory of social representations into the interpretations of historians...
Nie je nijakým tajomstvom, že dejiny zahraničnej politiky určitého štátu – práve tak ako dejiny vo všeobecnosti – nemožno redukovať na číru „katalogizáciu“ jednotlivých historických udalostí a faktov zoradených v časovej postupnosti. Pokus objasniť určitý výsek minulosti len pomocou súboru rozličných základných dát v sebe skrýva úskalie aj preto, že informácie, ktoré takéto dáta obsahujú, sú vždy kusé: ich výpovedná hodnota sa pritom nedá zvýšiť jednoduchým hromadením ďalších základných historických údajov, ale len ich komentovaním alebo zhodnotením v tých prípadoch, keď si to ich povaha a vzájomná podmienenosť vyžaduje. Autor tejto chronologickej príručky vychádzal pri jej príprave z uvedených skutočností, ale zároveň aj z praxou overeného poznatku, že základné historické dáta samé osebe síce nemajú rozhodujúci význam pre poznanie minulosti, ale sú jeho nevyhnutným predpokladom. Navyše umožňujú poukázať na tie stránky minulého vývoja – v našom prípade československej zahraničnej politiky v rokoch 1945-1992 –, ktoré v prácach zovšeobecňujúceho rázu (ale i v učebniciach dejepisu určených pre rozličné typy škôl) chýbajú, lebo ich štruktúra je nevyhnutne iná než vecné členenie a obsahová náplň chronologického prehľadu. Zatiaľ čo v syntetických prá- cach sa v koreláciii so spracúvanou témou kladie dôraz na primeraný výber nosných faktov a čo najúplnejší popis súvislostí medzi nimi, cieľom publikácií zaoberajúcich sa „dejinami v dátumoch“ je priniesť čo najväčšie množstvo relevantných historických dát bez toho, aby sa pri každom uvedenom údaji obligátne poukazovalo na s ním spojené špecifické súvislosti. Tejto praxe sa v zásade pridržiaval aj autor príručky. O širších súvislostiach uvádzaných historických dát sa zmienil iba v tých prípadoch, keď si to ich obsah bezpodmienečne vyžadoval. Išlo najmä o udalosti, ktorých účinky boli dlhodobejšieho rázu, alebo ktoré svojím významom podstatne ovplyvnili agendu a aktivitu československej zahraničnej politiky v sledovanom období. Námatkovo možno v tejto spojitosti spomenúť napríklad Marshallov plán, inváziu vojsk piatich socialistických krajín do ČSSR v auguste 1968, problémy spojené s výstavbou sústavy vodných diel Gabčíkovo – Nagymaros atď. V uvedených prípadoch sa autor usiloval – v rozsahu, ktorý je pre daný typ publikácie únosný – podrobnejšie zachytiť sled s nimi spojených udalostí a súvislostí, alebo o nich aspoň obšírnejšie informovať. Používateľ tohto chronologického prehľadu sa však nesmie domnievať, že v ňom nájde všetky základné historické dáta týkajúce sa československej zahraničnej politiky v rokoch 1945-1992. Kompletná sumarizácia takýchto dát je prakticky nemožná už z technických príčin súvisiacich nielen s ich zhromaždením, ale i s následným publikovaním v rozsahu akceptovateľnom tak pre vydavateľa, ako i používateľa. Pri prácach tohto druhu preto vždy vzniká otázka, ktoré udalosti a fakty do nich zaradiť a ktoré z nich, naopak, vypustiť. Tak prichádza k slovu „subjektívny faktor“, t. j. názor zostavovateľa. Tento faktor je osobitne dôležitý najmä v prípade, ak autorom príručky je jedinec, a nie kolektív pracovníkov rovnako zasvätených do daného druhu práce a pripravených i povinných – najčastejšie formou priebežnej internej oponentúry – korigovať eventuálne nesprávne rozhodnutie týkajúce sa výberu historických dát. Bolo, napríklad, stiahnutie sovietskych vojsk z Afganistanu na sklonku osemdesiatych rokov minulého storočia udalosťou, ktorá stojí za krátku zmienku v chronologickej príručke k dejinám československej zahraničnej politiky v rokoch 1945-1992? V užšom zmysle ňou nemuselo byť, ale v širšom zmysle ňou zrejme bolo, lebo uvedený krok svedčil nielen o prehodnocovaní dovtedajších postojov sovietskeho vedenia k závažným dobovým medzinárodným problémom, ale bol aj signálom, že Kremeľ sa pod tlakom určitých okolností ocitol pred nutnosťou redukovať mocenské ambície ZSSR. Keďže tento fakt nemohol byť z hľadiska historickej perspektívy irelevantný ani pre československú zahraničnú politiku, autor tejto príručky sa priklonil k názoru, že o stiahnutí sovietskych vojsk z Afganistanu sa v nej treba stručne zmieniť. S podobnými dilemami bolo potrené sa vysporiadať v mnohých ďalších prípadoch. Pokiaľ ide o štruktúru práce, jej autor pokladá za potrebné uviesť, že pomerne veľké množstvo a vecná rôznorodosť údajov, ktoré obsahuje, si bezpodmienečne vyžadovali rozdeliť ju do viacerých častí. Ich názvy zreteľne hovoria o ich obsahu a uľahčujú vyhľadá- vanie potrebných údajov. Na ten istý účel slúži i menný register. Na tomto mieste si autor dovoľuje uviesť i niekoľko drobných praktických rád, ktoré môžu používateľovi pomôcť získať o hľadanej položke čo najviac informácií. Ak má záujem zistiť si napríklad údaj o určitej bilaterálnej zmluve uzavretej Československom s inou zmluvnou stranou, stačí mu nazrieť do časti venovanej dvojstranným zmluvám a v príslušnom dokumente vyhľadať požadovaný (základný) údaj (ak pozná rok uzavretia zmluvy alebo jej signatárov, stačí mu pozrieť si príslušný rok alebo si vypomôcť nahliadnutím do menného registra). Ak bola hľadaná zmluva uzavretá v Prahe a používateľ príručky má záujem zistiť, či zmocnenec druhej zmluvnej strany bol prijatý prezidentom republiky alebo iným vtedajším československým ústavným činiteľom, môžu mu byť nápomocné údaje uvedené v častiach týkajúcich sa prijatí hlavou štátu alebo iným ústavným činiteľom; ak potrebuje zistiť, odkedy boli s dotyčnou zmluvnou stranou udržiavané diplomatické styky, môže mu byť užitočná II. časť príručky. Kombináciou údajov z viacerých častí práce možno spravidla vždy získať ucelenejší súbor informácií o hľadanej udalosti alebo nejakom inom akte. Na druhej strane treba ešte raz pripomenúť, že limitovaný rozsah chronologickej príručky neumožnil jej autorovi ani v najväčšej stručnosti informovať napríklad o obsahu rokovaní na zasadaniach Výkonného výboru Rady vzájomnej hospodárskej pomoci. Tieto informácie môže záujemca nájsť buď v publikovaných dokumentoch a knižných prácach uvedených v zozname použitých prameňov a literatúry, alebo v niektorých prípadoch i v dobovej dennej tlači. Hľadanie mu uľahčí informácia o dátume konania príslušného zasadania alebo iného podujatia či udalosti, ktorá je v chronologickej príručke vždy uvedená. A ešte jednu vec nemožno ponechať bez krátkeho komentára: pri veľkom množstve uvádzaných historických dát sa nedá vyhnúť eventuálnemu omylu v datovaní niektorých historických udalostí alebo nepresnosti pri prepise mien niektorých menej známych historických osobností. Jedno i druhé môže byť spôsobené buď rozpornosťou údajov uvádzaných v použitých prameňoch a nevyhnutnosťou prikloniť sa k jednému z nich, alebo i nedopatrením pri prepisovaní textu. Počet takýchto prípadov by však v nijakom prípade nemal presiahnuť tolerovateľnú hranicu. Autor chronologickej príručky si záverom dovoľuje vysloviť názor, že jeho práca pomôže záujemcom o československú zahranič- nú politiku v rokoch 1945-1992 oboznámiť sa aspoň v skromnej miere i s tými jej stránkami a aktivitami, bez poznania ktorých by obraz o nej bol neúplný a azda i skreslený.
In the first half of the 20th century, the process of electrification was the background for economic development. In Slovakia, a breakthrough in the process of electrification began in 1918 after progressive large-area electrification. Between the two World Wars, the process went from local to a regional stage. Economic development in Slovakia in the following years 1938-1942 can be defined as a progressive transition from regional into a nationwide stage of electrification. In Slovakia, there were five state-owned power station companies working until 1942. Their main aim was the systemic electrification of areas given to them. Also, they had to harmonize an overall fragmentation of electrification process into one technical uniformity. That is why they had various legal and tax advantages than private power station companies. Slovakia, as the independent state set up in March 1939, had its economy under the influence of Nazi’s Germany economy, therefore it had to fulfil its interests. This influence changed the area of energetics as well. The first years after the new state was set up were unfavourable for the electrification process because of ill-judged personal changes, lack of finances as well as materials. Situation became more difficult when Slovakia ceded Hungary its South region on the basis of Vienna arbitrary decision. Power station companies lost their third of invested capital in already electrificated cities and municipalities which became a part of Hungary. In 1942, those five power station companies united into one company called Slovenské elektrárne. This company coordinated the large-area electrification in Slovakia. Number of electric energy consumers was constantly increasing due to consistent acquisition. Energy from water sources was used by hydroelectric power stations built across large Slovak rivers. Overall favourable development was interrupted by the passage of troops across Slovakia in 1944-1945. German troops destroyed lots of electrical utilities and paralyzed the electric supply. Damaged utilities were repaired during the first months after the war ended. In autumn 1945, all the power stations were nationalized in Slovakia. In 1946, Slovenské elektrárne and České elektrárne united into Československé energetické závody. A two-year plan for reconstruction of war-destroyed economy passed. Before the communist party entered in 1948, the number of electrificated cities and municipalities increased as well as the production and consumption of electric energy.
The association with the Catholicism and the Roman Catholic Church had already in the past been perceived by the dynasty of Habsburgs as an expression of unity and strength of the widely differentiated union of states. However, it was only during the seemingly quiet time period of the 18th century that the dynasty managed to turn the Catholic Church into one of the means of enforcing their power and the power of the state. In addition, the confessional structure of the society in the monarchy was changed as well: the non-Catholics, though still marginal, developed into a quite important group of believers. The time period, during which the modernisation of the life in the Habsburg monarchy started through the reforming effort of the state power, brought along principal changes to the life of the Protestant communities. The position of the Protestant churches in the civil society started to shift from oppression towards acceptance by the civil society, and their internal development could finally comply with their internal needs. The functioning of the Lutheran community and Church in the society is described in the introductory chapter. Here, an attention is given to the destinies of people who suffered under the confessional oppression, but also to the methods and controversial results of the re-Catholicizing measures, as they were recorded by the Lutheran agent of the Vienna court (or the Hungarian Court Office) in his official dairies. The changes in the every-day coexistence of the confessions that started with the issuance of the Patent of Tolerance could be evidenced only gradually: in spite of the fact that the Hungarian society was accustomed to the coexistence of several confessions, the issuance of the Patent evoked quite a turmoil in the society. It was especially concerning the administrative bodies (in counties but also in dicasteries – the supreme state administration bodies) that were facing the task of co-operation with the Protestants. An interesting field for confrontation between the Catholics and Lutherans, but also between both Evangelical churches, was created by ,,missions” of Lutherans to Bohemia and Moravia. In return, these missions exercised an impact on the inter-confessional relations within the Hungarian kingdom. The character of these relations was also marked with the general political situation in the monarchy as a whole, but mainly with the fear that the non-Catholics could possible get connected with the foreign powers (Prussia), or even with the revolutionary circles abroad (France). In addition, the long time maintained mentality of supremacy among Catholics on one hand, and the feeling of exclusiveness nurtured among Lutherans on the other turned into sources of intolerance, which in many cases got expressed after the issuance of the Patent of Tolerance or the Religious Act No.26/1791. The relation of the Lutheran Church and community to the state represented an important aspect of their functioning. The state, even after the issuance of the Patent of Tolerance, made an effort in terms of determining the areas of its exclusive interest. At first place it were the schools where the exclusion of general education from the outreach of the church institutions wanted to be achieved, and on the second place the liturgies were required to be “rationalized” according to ideas presented by Joseph II. Especially the topic of school reform, which was planned to be accomplished through establishing combined schools and applying secular supervision of education and textbooks, is a subject of a detailed examination The problems that the Lutheran (Evangelical AC) church was confronted with resulted in a controversial internal development. The pressure put by the state and the Catholic church on this confession evoked a need for internal consistency, owing to which the church was able to preserve its identity, even under the influence of unfavourable conditions. However, this development resulted in a considerable rigidity that could be seen in the outlasting adherence to the Lutheran orthodoxy, being the dominant theological orientation. In course of the 18th century, it was first of all the socially conditioned phenomenon, owing to which the influence of clergies could be preserved within the church structure. In the Lutheran society, tensions started to appear between the secular patrons, who were the only ones entitled to protect the interests of churches on the various levels of the state administration, and the superintendents, who were acknowledged by the state to be the official representatives of the church and were assigned some, though little, competencies. The relations between the secular and clerical members of the church were also complicated by the fact that the system of consistories did not get naturalised in the Hungarian monarchy, and the synods could not be summoned after 1707. Even though several ideas on how the internal circumstances of the church should be settled (e.g. Jan Cernansky, before 1779) were developed, the situation was not stabilised before 1791 when the synod was finally summoned. At this synod, the influence of the secular church representatives was forced through. As a result, the clerical representatives started to show concerns regarding the Lutheran identity preservation that was perceived to be endangered by the initial proposals to create a union of Lutherans and Calvinists. The advocates, who were determining the development of the Evangelical AC Church in the course of the 18th century, developed into a relatively small but in terms of education, theological and philosophical orientation a quite varied group of people who were taking up secular as well as church positions. The influence of their advocacy was considerable. Closer attention is paid to those who managed to exceed the activity field assigned to them by their work position, and exercised an influence on the attitudes of people around. Because the positions they were taking up were not the most significant ones, their influence as if ,,from the background” did not get to the attention centre of the recent historiography (Pavol Sramko/Schramko), or it was not adequately evaluated (Michal Institoris Mossoczy). Through their works and activities, the advocates of Lutheranism managed to permeate into the circles that were close to the Vienna Royal Court and thus contribute to forming the attitudes of the Court regarding the religious issues in Hungary (Jozef Benczur). In addition, people who were in a direct work contact with the Royal Court (Court Agents), or those who were in charge of informing the foreign countries about the events in Hungary with an aim to advocate for the Hungarian Protestants living abroad, were quite active in this field as well.
The publication was inspired by the celebrations of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Professor Aleksander Gieysztor (2016). It contains memoir texts and essays written as a result of the deep scientific reflection on the work of this outstanding scholar. Most papers are devoted to Aleksander Gieysztor as the director of the Institute of History at the University of Warsaw. The book also discusses Professor’s role in shaping the ceremonial of the University of Warsaw.
7th volume documenting scientific research on the 16th-century collections of the University of Warsaw Library. It contains descriptions of prints in the range from Sla to Ż, as well as numerous indexes and provenances, and photographs of title pages of some of the prints. It is a comprehensive source database for further book, cultural and historical studies.
The book contains the analysis of the plastic and film works of Jean Cocteau as well as his writings related to the plastic arts. Cocteau was a many-sided artist: a writer, a poet, a painter, a drawer, a playwright, a theatre and film director, an art.. And literary critic. First chapter concerns art.. Criticism by Cocteau; second one is devoted to his poetry inspired by painting, sculpture, architecture and photography, as well as to the volumes illustrated by other renowned artists; in the third one Cocteau’s own visual works are presented.
A collection of papers concerning axiological problems in the late Baroque poetry, the presence of biblical tradition in the Enlightenment religious poetry, the renewal of church life, religious education in noble colleges, attitudes towards deism noticeable in literature, religious awareness of the outstanding poet Ignacy Krasicki, religious transformation in the Jewish circles in the 18th century and the Jewish question in the Enlightenment disputes about value. The volume closes with the analysis of literary works of the early Romanticism, presenting how the most important axiological problems of the 18th century were perceived by the representatives of the next period.
An anthology of translations of several dozen texts on various aspects of memory studies as a modern field of research and anthropological reflection. The texts present the problem of cultural memory in the context of anthropology of the body, things, media, space, as well as different types of social and historical anthropology.
The publication deals with the poetics of European litanic verse. Its subject matter is genre, rhythm and rhetorical figures, as well as comparative versification, portrayed against the background of the cultural identity of Europe. These themes are analysed in close relation with a reconstruction of the implied philosophy of the litany, especially its cosmological principles. The study covers a period from antiquity to the middle of the 19th century.
This is the first reconstruction in either Britain or Poland of the life of Bartłomiej Beniowski, a Polish post-1831 émigré who was the only foreign refugee to play an identifiable role in early London Chartism.It places Beniowski’s Chartist record in the context of his earlier political affiliations, and explores his post-Chartist political allegiances. It investigates his success in 1840s London as a mnemonist who developed a system that he called “Phrenotypics,” and his invention in the 1850s of printing techniques which were taken up for commercial exploitation by a group of entrepreneurial Liberal M.P.s.It is the biography of an exceptional and colourful individual, acted out against a vast multi-cultural backdrop, from tsarist Russia to Liberal England via Orléanist France and Muhammad Ali’s Egypt. It reveals a life-long commitment to the cause of Polish independence, along with consistent advocacy of democracy and championship of the oppressed, including vocal campaigns for Jewish civil rights. It provides the narrative of a life that illustrates contemporary European political and social movements and their bearing on 19th-century British labour history.
The book presents the lives of four community activists from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries: Antoine-Frédéric Ozanam (1813-1853), priest Carl Sonnenschein (1876-1929), Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925) and Albert Marvelli (1918-1946) in a groundbreaking way. The biographies show the specificity of charity work realised under the patronage of Catholic Church and in its doctrine. The author argues that charity, regardless of its form and provenance, is always valuable, desirable and expected.
History of the humanities at the University of Warsaw presented in two volumes covering first centenary (1816–1915) and second centenary (1915–2016).First volume contains history of humanities from the founding of the University through its different changes during the nineteenth century under the Russian rule till the restoration of the Polish University in 1915.Second volume presents the interwar period as well as the war times. Its second part consists of seven interviews with the illustrious representatives of humanities talking about postwar history of the University and its people.
The monograph presents the strategy and the determinants of building national awareness in Poland and Germany concerning peripheries with regard to their perception by outer environments, which, in turn, adopt a new view constructed in central regions by periphery communities. It formulates a hypothesis that the image of peripheries, created in the socio-cultural discourse in central regions, displays national traits, which create a coherent and consistent image of the state, both from the Polish and German perspective.
Volume VI of the series shows not only the peculiarity of the religious culture of the First Polish Republic, the character and specificity of the "Sarmatian" piety, but also reveals the basic paths of development of this culture in connection with the thought developed in parallel by Catholic thinkers and writers in Western Europe. The research focused on the issues of opening up Polish post-Tridentine culture to the dynamics of the development of religious thought in other European countries, the ability to conduct dialogue with a foreign culture, and the possibility of adaptation, assimilation and transformation of foreign theories or ideas for the needs of indigenously Polish culture. The authors of individual dissertations try to answer the questions, on the one hand, about the scope and degree of involvement of Poles in the process of the renewal of Catholicism in Europe, about their participation in European discussion forums, about the knowledge of the Sarmatians' writings and the impact of these writings in the model of the post-Tridentine renewal of the Church and Catholic religious culture, on the other hand - about the ways of fresh counter-reformation ideas entering the Republic of Poland, the absorption, demand and methods of introducing conciliar decisions into the practice of religious life and the literature of the post-Tridentine times. The 12-volume series of the monograph "Kultura Pierwszej Rzeczypospolitej w dialogu z Europą. Hermeneutyka wartości" presents the cultural heritage of the 15th and 18th centuries as an integral but original part of European culture. The research goal is to identify the ways and forms of the mutual transmission of aesthetic, political and religious values and to present in a broad, multilateral comparative context the axiological structure of the Polish culture of old times. Cultural texts are examined from an internal perspective as records of acts aimed at understanding values, and from an external perspective as statements that join European literary-aesthetic, political and religious discussions. In an intense dialogue, the culture of the Republic of Poland shows not only a receptivity to new ideas, but also creativity and dynamics of action in Europe.