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The period between the Battle of Kosovo (1389) and the formation of the eyelets of Buda (1541) and Temesvár (1552) was marked by the breakthrough of the Ottomans in the Danube region and their struggle with Serbia (until 1459) and Hungary to master this area. It is also the medieval period richest in sources for the study of social and economic history and historical geography of the Serbian Podunavlje and Posavina (the Danube and the Sava region). This paper presents a review of previous research on this issue, points out the main historical sources and problems that they put in front of researchers and presents the latest research results, in part resulting from the author’s research. The „land” (zemlja) in medieval Serbia was greater territorial and administrative unit, which included several župas (districts). In the area of northern Serbia, in Posavina, there was the “land” of Mačva, and in Podunavlje the “land” of Kučevo and Braničevo. More recent studies have defined the borders of specified areas and corrected earlier misconceptions about the propagation of the Hungarian government in northwestern Serbia in the late Middle Ages, caused by equalizing the Mačva “land” and the Hungarian Banat of Mačva (Macsó). The Hungarian Banat of Mačva was at that time confined to a narrow area next to the Sava with several fortresses and their districts. By change in the Hungarian-Serbian relations in the first half of 15th century, these regions were connected to the Serbian state until the Ottoman conquest in 1458/1459. Kučevo, which expanded between the rivers Velika Morava, Danube, Jasenica and the mountains of Avala and Kosmaj, was in administrative terms united with the “land” of Braničevo. However, during the 14th and the 15th century Kučevo survived as a particular geographical area. Comparing the data on settlements provided by Serbian charters with material from the Ottoman censuses – defters, one can get a picture of their continuity and discontinuity, which indirectly indicates depopulation during the warfare that led to the collapse of the Serbian state. Such research in the area of Braničevo shows that half of the villages of Braničevo completely lost their inhabitants during the Ottoman subjugation of Serbia. The comparison of the data of the medieval and Ottoman sources also showed a kind of continuity in economic centres – market places in the area of Braničevo. The Ottoman defters have shown that there were a large number of settlements in the Serbian Danube and the Sava region in the second half of the 15th and the first decades of the 16th century, but they were mostly small. Archaeological excavations provide valuable findings on the appearance of the settlements and way of life in the Danube and the Sava region. The Ottoman defters provide the insight into the economic structure in rural settlements during the second half of the 15th and early 16 century. The defters enable to obtain a relatively accurate picture of the proportional representation of crops in total production. On this basis, it may be noted that wheat was grown most of all the cereals (about 35%), followed by barley, rye, millet, oats. Among other crops, in addition to growing fruits and vegetables, followed by flax and hemp, vine was grown to a large extent.
Рад је посвећен картографској традицији исламске географије од 9. до 10. века у контексту државних/просторних/владајућих односа о којима се активно расправља у тренутним историјско-географским дискурсима. Главна пажња је посвећена опису светског система царстава, држава и земаља на мапама и у текстовима главних представника тзв. „класичне школе арапске географије“ из 10. века. Са њихове тачке гледишта, царска државност – за разлику од „држава“ и „земаља“ – створена је органском комбинацијом три фактора: религије, културе и моћи. Заправо четири царства која су навели арапски географи – Калифат Абасида, Византијско царство, Кина и Индија – у целини кореспондирају са цивилизацијским областима формираним на основу ислама, хришћанства, конфучијанизма и хиндуизма. Овај систем царстава је хијерархизован: Византија, Индија и Кина су не само стубови светског поретка већ делом и темељ на коме је свет ислама – врх хијерархије – растао. Унутрашњи простор исламског света је такође формирао хијерархију: Иран је симболизовао суштину исламског простора, редукован на калифат Абасида, док су друга два калифата, Фатамиди и шпански Омејади, једноставно искључени. Таква геополитичка структура је била тесно повезана са персијским пореклом оснивача „класичне школе арапске географије“, који су користили ову геополитичку конструкцију да представе своју домовину као центар света. Тако су исламске средњовековне мапе представљале не само уопштене географске информације већ су биле облик политичког дискурса: оне су манифестовале моћ кроз приказивање светског поретка.
The aim of this paper is delimitation and territorial origin of Old Serbia with its primary core Kosovo and Metohija in the historical, ethnic, cultural, geopolitical and national respect from the time of the Turkish invasion of the Balkans, as well as its withdrawal. This was accomplished by analysis and comparison of geographic, ethnographic, historiographic, memorial, political, military and other maps of the leading European cartographers from the 16th to the 20th century, who had a high government official titles, such as ‘The Cosmographer of the Republic’, ‘The Royal Geographer’, ‘The Imperial Geographer’, or were military architects, high-ranking General Staff officers, Princes, Consuls, Professors, scientists, etc., which implies a high level of their knowledge and great seriousness in the authorization of their map. Forty historical and historiographical maps of the Dutch, Venetian, French, Austrian, German and Serbian cartographers were analyzed, which were collected, systematized and published in the form of the atlas in 2007, “An Atlas of Old Serbia – European maps of Kosovo and Metohija” by M. Vemić and M. Strugar. It is clearly and indisputably shown on all analysed maps that Kosovo and Metohija have always been the Serbian territory, and never Albanian. These two geographic areas are represented on the maps only in the natural historical and ethnical boundaries of state creations of the Serbian people, even over a long period of decline of the medieval Serbian state under the Turkish rule, in 1459. Until the middle of the 19th century, main separate boundary, that is, ethnographic border between fixed Serbian and Albanian settlements was on the rivers of Valbona (Crnica) and Crni Drim (northern Albania) that were considered both as geographical borders of Albania and (Old) Serbia, but also as a language-speech line that divided the Albanians of northern Albania from the Metohija Serbs.
Novi Sad was presented on a large number of detailed topographic maps since The First Military Survey of the Habsburg Empire (1763–1785) until the second half of the 20th century. Over time, the drawing of maps was improved and, in addition to that, the countries to which Novi Sad belonged had changed. Thus, depending on the time when they were drawn, their publishers and purposes, the topographic maps differed in the way they displayed contents, details, and according to the content that was represented on them. In accordance with that, the need of analyzing the historiographic contents of topographic maps of Nov Sad has arisen, along with connecting them with the historical circumstances and the circumstances of their creation. This paper deals with the topographic maps of Novi Sad, covering the period from the second half of 18th c. to the second part of the 20th c. The aim of this paper is to highlight the differences in presenting the content of topographic maps, depending on various factors. This work aims to analyze each section in details, explain their mutual comparison to the different parameters, and find and explain certain procedures used when presenting the contents on the available topographic maps. In order to complete this work, cartographic, historiographic methods and comparative analysis were used.
War and warfare are related to human existence and actions. All have been during the course of time set into an actual frame subjected to multiple natural and social influences and laws. It is exactly the laws that can be precisely analyzed in leading warfare and other military actions, from training armed forces to preparation and selection of battlefield, application of military techniques and decisions on the level of tactics represented in actions, ways and means for achieving clearly oriented results on the level of smaller military units and strategy, as well as system of military knowledge and skills on preparation and leading war on the level of larger military units. Therefore achievements of history and geography are necessary for actions of military system, because with their achievements they indirectly support leading, decision making and organizing military activities during peace and war time. Military history and military geography have had, from the beginnings of institutional studying of military sciences, a significant position in Art of war as disciplines (branches) even though their point of origin is in their parent sciences – history and geography. In its core it is not just using the results of these sciences, since through theory and practice of warfare these sciences (history and geography) have been formed and transformed as special scientific disciplines that have been integrated into military theory and practice. During the sixty years work of School of Artillery and Military Academy, significant subjects with their place in the processes of educating of military personnel were the studying of history and geography in several forms. That studying had a principal goal, to acquaint cadets by learning history with events from the past, and by learning war practices to get them to make observations on certain experiences and lessons from the previous wars that would enable them easier understanding and give them ideas for resolving future war situations. From the perspective of geography, main goal was to enable cadets by learning and applying what they`ve learned to study those geographic features that have influence on leading, organizing and planning military actions and using armed forces in particular military situation. Learning national history and history of liberation wars of Serbia was supposed to nurture freedom traditions of Serbian people and by that influence developing patriotic feelings and strengthening morale of the future officers, and in the classes on Military Geography cadets were studying farther and nearer geographic regions, foremost on the level of strategy and tactics. Typical example of symbiosis of Military History and Military Geography in the Serbian Army, and their influence on creating war plan is represented by the preparations for the liberation of Old Serbia and Macedonia in the First Balkan War.
The paper discusses peoples who lived on the territory of Bulgar Ulus of the Golden Horde in 13th—14th centuries, which can be proven by archaeological sources. Thus, these data suggest that along with the Bulgar this territory was populated by the Russians, Mordvins, Mari, Armenians, and part of this territory was occupied by the Kipchaks and, probably, by the Mongols, who settled there after their military raids. All these peoples closely interacted between themselves. At the same time, there were also some small local ethnic groups, such as the Permians and the Udmurts, who managed to preserve their identity. As a whole, Bulgar Ulus of the Golden Horde was multiethnic, which continued the tradition formed before the Mongol invasion.
The article is the first attempt in twenty-five years to present complete corpus of Golden Horde sites found on the territory of Astrakhan region. The corpus includes 115 sites: barrow and ground necropolises, fortified and open settlements. For each site, the author indicates its characteristics, short description of the location, topography, state of preservation and research, as well as main finds; and for the necropolises — he provides peculiarities of the funeral rite. The material presented enables a better understanding of such problem as “Lower Volga Golden Horde town and formation of its vicinity”.
The authors examine sites left by the settled population in Western Kazakhstan. These sites existed for a short-time during the Golden Horde and are connected with the Mongol khans’ administrative policy. A study of excavations conducted here from the second half of the 20th century makes it possible to reveal the principal distribution areas of the sites related to the settled agricultural population in the Middle and Lower Ural River, the basin of the Bolshoi and Malyi Uzen Rivers and the region between the Uil and Khobda Rivers. The remains of mausoleums built from burned bricks of “the Golden Horde size standards” uncovered in the region allow revealing traces of large settlements and hillforts in their vicinity.
Materials of burial complexes help distinguishing peculiarities of burial grounds location in specific landscape conditions. Within the cemeteries, groups of burials have been selected, which make it possible to trace the dynamics of necropolis occupancy depending on the chronology or external cultural influences.
For long centuries, Slovakia was incorporated into Hungary and, being under the yoke of harsh national oppression, did not constitute a well-defined geographical unit. This is precisely what has given historico-geographical problems a very topical character over the last decades, when in particular the question of the borders between Slovakia and Hungary had a prominent place in political events. . Among Slovak historians, it is above all F. Bokes who has devoted several works to historico-geographical problems. He first sketched an overview of the evolution of the Slovak national territory from the Empire of Great Moravia to the present day and then published, in German, a more detailed study in which he subjected to a thorough analysis certain documentary materials, ^ finally, while limiting itself however to the 19th century, a study accompanied by documentary materials. However, Bokes' conclusions are not always based on a detailed study of the original literature and documents and are limited to justifying, with the help of historical arguments, the borders of Slovakia as they had been fixed by the Treaty. of Trianon.
Interview with Tomáš Kumpan.
The parts of the territory with a preserved secondary (economic) landscape structure, originated around the middle of the 19th century, may be considered as existing segments of the pre-industrial landscape. Such territory has retained a similar character of plot distribution and land use of that time. These segments have been pre-identified in the contemporary cultural landscape according to the recent colour orthophotomap. The existence of that cultural heritage has been confirmed or excluded by comparison with the maps of the 2nd military survey and indicating sketches of the cadastral survey from the 1st half of the 19th century. The records were systematically carried out according to the cadastral units of the so-called working regions of Moravia. The segments of the pre-industrial landscape identified in laboratory research then underwent a field research, followed by the determination of their properties and the assessment of the state and the threats.
The 17 AD Hermus (Gediz) Valley and 105 AD Antiocheia earthquakes are among the biggest earthquakes of the Roman period in terms of both their severity and the human loss they caused. For this reason, the ancient historians provide more detailed information about these earthquakes. Tacitus in his relatively detailed description stated that the 17 BC earthquake caused the destruction of at least 12 large cities along the Hermos River valley, mainly Sardis (Manisa/Salihli) and Magnesia (Manisa), and that Tiberius helped these cities to be restored after the earthquake, including tax exemption. Authors such as Pliny, Strabo, Cassius Dio, Seneca and Velleius Paterculus also provide brief information about this earthquake. Apart from these authors, there are also inscriptions honoring Tiberius for his post-earthquake assistance and numismatic sources as well as archaeological evidence of construction activities. On the other hand, the earthquake of 115 AD Antiocheia was also severe and caused great loss of life and property in the surrounding cities, especially in Antioch. Although the number of ancient authors mentioning this earthquake is few, Cassius Dio makes the most vivid and detailed description of ancient earthquakes about the severity of this earthquake, the loss of life and property and the geographical changes it caused and the topographic damage. Johannes Malalas, who used a local chronicler like Cassius Dio, who probably lived close to the earthquake period, detail the restoration work of Trajan, who experienced the earthquake in the city, in Antioch. The reason for comparing these two earthquakes in this study is that the intensity of both earthquakes and their political and socio-cultural consequences are similar.
The best education in forestry within the borders of the Habsburg Monarchy foresters could get at the Secondary Forestry School of Mariabrunn. That school was the most significant forestry school in the Monarchy during the 19th century. The school was located in the Augustinian monastery at the Mariabrunn near Vienna. It was partly owned by the state and partly by the Augustinian order. The school was started in 1813, and it got developed from a small specialized school that was founded in 1805. It was a boarding school and expert education was provided for the pupils, including accommodation. The pupils worn uniforms and stern discipline was maintained in the school, which was consistently insisted upon by the principals, who often came from the military. The secondary school consisted of classrooms, laboratories, rooms for the teachers and dormitories for the pupils. From the very inception, the school had the best facilities for the training, and so it got, as early as 1816, a chemistry laboratory, a botanical garden, and a collection of insects and minerals. In the year 1819, the Forestry school in Mariabrunn was officially proclaimed the principal forestry school in the Monarchy. The Secondary Forestry School in Mariabrunn did not get the status of the Academy until 1867, but was considered to be some sort of a secondary specialized school. Only in 1867 it became the Imperial Academy of Forestry with a three-year curriculum. In 1872, the authorities subsumed the Academy of Forestry into the system of the High School for Soil Cultivation in Vienna. From the very beginning, candidates from all over the Monarchy attended the Forestry School in Mariabrunn, and many of the attendants later became excellent foresters. Among the attendants from Croatia, the biggest number came from Slavonia.
This work is concerned with the treatise of the manorial forester Radošević entitled “Pabirci za šumarsku povijest hrvatsko-srpskih šuma” (A Compilation for the Forest History of Croatian-Serbian Forests) published in Šumarski list during 1891 and 1892. The author provides interesting theses on the origins of oak forests in our regions, which support the claim that “oak forests in Croatia were planted by the Romans for the purpose of feeding pigs with acorns, which was a significant economic activity”. The work also adduces the counterclaim advanced by forest assessor Barišić “that the Romans perhaps afforested some fields with oak” but basically agrees that the oak is not indigenous to our area. The treatise abounds in examples with which the proponents of these stances confirm their views, and at the same time tell of the scholarly methods, knowledge and experiences used by the foresters at the end of the 19th century. In order to gain a clear picture of issues raised by the foresters, we rely on the viewpoints of modern forest professions and other expertise on the subject of the age of oak forests in Croatia.