Multimedia Digital Library as a Constructive Block in Ecosystems for Digital Cultural Assets
Libraries have always been a valuable source of knowledge. The technology evolution transformed the traditional libraries into digital ones which arose the need of efficient serve of the huge amount of information that now exists in the form of digitized content. The focus of the monographic study “Multimedia Digital Library: Constructive Block in Ecosystems for Digital Cultural Assets. Basic Functionality and Services” is on the search of innovations especially in areas and subareas relevant to digital library data management and processing—innovative and creative tools for approaching cultural assets, applications and services for better access and exploiting of the rich and diverse digital cultural heritage in a sustainable way, intelligent curation, creative use/re-use and remix, reinterpretation, study, understanding, analysis, personalization, adaptation, semantics, etc. The research deals with important issues of handling data directly, affecting the economy (as presented by creative and re-creative industry), the public sector (cultural institutions—museums, libraries, galleries, etc.), education, and society as a whole.