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Perspective analysis with a broad development vision leads to realizing the pressing problems, education development gaps, recent trends, ground realities and prospects for the betterment of the Indian higher education scenario. Technological advancement, economic growth, innovative education, domain knowledge, change in lifestyle choices, responsible approaches towards development, reduced consumption of energy and resources, specialized research activities, education policy formulations, social reform efforts, and maintaining our identity help us to contribute to the wider task of nation-building through sustainable all-round development and innovative development solutions. Participatory planning for education development, robust reform enforcement mechanism, establishing effective educational institutions and identification of educational hubs have direct implications to bring about a remarkable positive change. Various higher education reform initiatives are required to develop many short and long-term sustainable solutions in the entire range of essential aspects of education.
Electronic tests are an important element in the structure of e-learning content of some university courses in geography at South-West University in Blagoevgrad. They are running – after every term – at the end of the semester, and depending on the kind involved with different relative weight in shaping the ongoing assessment of students. In the paper are analyzed the results obtained from the electronic tests on the same subject in different courses students within two academic years. On this basis conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of electronic tests as part of the teaching process.
The communication in the classroom could be analyzed from different points of view – effectiveness of learning and instruction, emotional and social development of pupils, social inequality and so on. The present research was designed to investigate the relationships of the mother’s education to the general patterns of pupil enjoyment regarding their classroom experience. It was concluded that there aren‘t significant differences between pupils based on the social marker mother’s education. Understanding the family background and its influence upon the education is the very consequential task for the policy makers. Along with this, the experience of pleasure from pupils can be defined as an influential dimension of the effectiveness of learning and instruction in the school.Although there are not found consistently significant differences between the assessments of the statements on the scale “enjoyment“, developed by the group of German researchers, it is obvious that the organizing strategies of teaching determine pupil’s feelings during the classroom interaction.
The overall aim of this two-year longitudinal study is to empowerchemistry students in secondary schools through the integration of ethnochemistryas a Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) approach. The CRT approach in thisstudy refers to the position promoted by Gay (2000) and the following five basicprinciples of CRT by Hernandez, Morales, and Shroyer (2013): content integration,facilitating knowledge construction, prejudice reduction, social justice, and academicdevelopment. The integration of ethnochemistry is applied to the basic principle ofcontent integration to engage students with their Indonesia indigenous knowledge.Indonesia has around 300 ethnic groups with differences in values, beliefs, andpractices which are explored in a limited way in the context of chemistry education.This research was conducted in four secondary schools using qualitative methodologywith multiple methods of observation, interviews, and reflective journals. The resultsshowed that the model of ethnochemistry integration in CRT approach was developedin this study and involved five main steps of self-identification, cultural understanding,collaboration, critical reflective thinking, and transformative construction can beimplemented in Indonesia chemistry classrooms. The students were empowered toexplore their cultural identity and develop their cultural awareness of appreciatingdifferences. The learning model provides opportunities for students to develop theirabilities in collaboration skills, empathy communication, and higher order thinkingskills alongside their engagement in chemistry learning. Students found that thelearning experiences have empowered them to engage in critical self-awarenessof their cultural identity, and character development within meaningful learningexperiences which are relevant to current Indonesia curriculum reform.
The article presents an innovative extracurricular education inastronomy. The topic of the training “The Bulgarian names in the Solar system”is being studied for the first time in the Bulgarian astronomy education. Thecombination of research methods for learning and the strong emotional impact onstudents resulting from the choice of topic results in high motivation in studentsand high effectiveness in the learning process. The students’ personal attitudeand commitment towards the investigated topic contributes to a high extend tothe acquisition of lasting and profound astronomical knowledge. The result of theeducation is the creation of a richly illustrated informative database of regionswith Bulgarian names on objects from the Solar system.
The article presents an innovative school model for introducing activelearning where students develop competences and scientific literacy, rationalizeideas and processes through interdisciplinary projects and research work. Teachers,united in professional communities, are adapting learning content, planninginterdisciplinary lessons, discussing situations. Parents and external experts areinvolved as partners in planning and organizing activities and managing processesin the school organization.
Мethodical possibilities for using computer education technologiesin the lessons to solving physics problems are described and discussed. The topice “Harmonic oscilations”, 9th grade. Quantitative, qualitative and experimentalproblems are presented.
Basing herself on field studies in the villages of Kali Vrissi, Volak and Petrusa in Drama Region in Northern Greece, the author reviews the current state of the masquerade, which now takes place regularly between 6 and 8 of January. Banned after World War II and restored in the 1960s, the masquerade is today a part of the cultural heritage but also a living cultural practice whose elements (rituals, masks and verbal communication) have undergone remarkable changes through the years. Being a cultural construction that points to the past and unifies the heterogeneous population in this border region, every year the masquerade recreates the present and addresses day-to-day issues. Although different in each of the three settlements, the masquerade is a social phenomenon everywhere: from a traditional holiday it grew into an act of diachronic community presentation. At the same time the roles of those taking part in the masquerade are perceived by the local people not as a brief change of identity but as a special status.
The text presents the history of the establishment and development of the Bulgarian Sunday School “Saint George the Zograph” in Thessaloniki (under the patronage of the Bulgarian Athos monastery “Saint George the Zograf”) and examines the curricular and the extra-curricular activities by means of which the Bulgarian cultural heritage is preserved and transmitted. Attention is also paid to the other Bulgarian formal and informal institutions staying in close contact with the school – for example the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in the city, the group for folk dances and music, as well as the Slavic church choir. Due to the celebration of the feasts and to the activity of the Bulgarian school, the Bulgarian community in Thessaloniki could be considered consolidated, organized and self-reproducing one while the Bulgarian Sunday school functions as a consolidating centre for it (i.e. as an institutional space which unites it and brings its members together upon their common interests as Bulgarian organizations and Bulgarian migrants). The school also functions as a mediator of the Bulgarian cultural heritage because of taking part in the events, organized by the local Greek society with performances including elements of the Bulgarian dance, music, verbal and ritual folklore.In other words, the knowledge about the Bulgarian language, religion, history, folklore and culture is reproduced and transmitted to the next generation (and to the Greek society) through the curricular and extra-curricular activities, as well as through the festive events within the Greek society and within the Bulgarian migrant community. Furthermore, this contributes to the maintenance of the Bulgarian spirit in Thessaloniki and to the preservation of the ethno-cultural identity of the Bulgarian migrants there.
This article describes the city school and education in Bardejov in the Middle Ages. The development of school and education in Bardejov was strongly connected to the local church. Despite the city’s governance under the school, the education remained religious and teachers associated with ecclesiastical authorities. As the author points out, relation between schoolmaster and parish priest was not always respectable. The article explores educational level, social background and geographical origin of the individual lectors. It focuses on the duties of students, especially within the liturgical life of the parish church. The role of the city and its contribution to the school is described on payments from the town account books.
“The Society of the Future” as a futuristic project is a powerful source of modern management. The necessity of the new management for the society of the future is a paramount task for any country. In this article, we focus our attention on Ukraine. After the Revolution of Dignity, our country shows good dynamics of changes in the public sphere. However, these changes are hampered by old and ineffective management practices at the middle-level and lower-level of managers. Why is this happening? What strategies should be employed to remedy the situation? What are the new trends in training of civil servants in Ukraine? Research demonstrates that for various reasons a significant part of civil servants does not engage in the systematic development of their professional resource that is based on creativity. At the same time, a high level of tension existing in professional activity, specific difficulties in the public service system cause problems in the personal and professional development of civil servants, thus complicating the process of revealing this potential and, accordingly, obtaining the highest level of competence through the implementation of professional activities. This requires the establishment of an independent system evaluation of the managerial staff, based on personal merit and competence, in particular the development of competency profiles for senior managers in the Public Service system, as well as tools for evaluating candidates for management positions; the establishment of a network of independent evaluation centers for candidates for management positions.
The article is devoted to the scientific views of evolution of development of the system of the professional training of workings personnels in Ukraine. The different of the stages of evolution of development of the system of the professional training of workings personnels are analysed. Directions of improvement of its scientific generalization and subsequent study of experience of the experience of vocational education.
The article highlights the issue of legal education policy and educational management. Particularly noted that the effective formation of regional educational management priority is the decentralization of certain functions of state and transfer them to the regional level of management.
The essence of category «social-labour potential» was reflected. Meaningfulness of moral-ethics constituent of social-labour potential was exposed. The transformations of the valued orientations were analysed. The suggestions relatively of adjustment of moral-ethics constituent of social-labour potential were developed.