Aggression in Ethics of the Economic Act
“Everything can be taken from a man butone thing: the last of the human freedoms—to chooseone’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, tochoose one’s own way” (Frankl, 2006, p. 77).Aggression has become today a fundamental socialproblem of man and humanity, because the wholeworld is threatened by aggression. If before there wastalked about aggression of human beings oraggression in the world, today more often talks abouta world of aggression. One can say that we are in awar of all against all, where the economic violencetakes symbolic forms of stigmatization. In the space ofmanifestation of the market economy, where the rulesare not fully crystallized, the absence of prohibitionspromotes violence and unpredictability throughphysical violence and through its presence in thecompetitive practices