Exercices d’auto-virtualisation dans l’élément anonyme de la pensée
This text draws on and experiment with a few thoughts outlined in my book Comment sauver le commun du communisme? (Le Quartanier, Montréal, 2014) about the political and aesthetical situation of abstractions with regard to the politics of the commons. The French title of the essay suggests a rather unsettling ambiguity: it can either be translated as “how to save the common of communism?” or “how to save the common from communism?”. In other words: is communism an abstraction that saves or an abstraction to be saved from? Or again: is the -ism in communism elevating the commons to a higher and more enduring power, or is it instead hindering its cosmopolitical and lived vibrancy? Discussing issues regarding the imaginal dimension of transindividuality, the text ends with four propositions of auto-virtualization exercices.