Vývoj v Československu v prvej polovici roka 1968 na stránkach publikovaných francúzskych diplomatických dokumentov v korelácii s vývinom československo-francúzskych vzťahov od vzniku ČSR do prelomu rokov 1967/1968
The study is materially based mainly on the published French diplomatic documents relating to the first half of 19681, when the renewal process known as the Czechoslovak Spring was developing in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. The first part of the study briefly mentions the main features of Czechoslovak – French relations from the origin of the Czechoslovak Republic in autumn 1918 to the beginning of the renewal process in January 1968. The brief recapitulation of the key events in Czechoslovak – French relations in this period is intended to give the reader a better understanding of the generally restrained attitude of Paris to Prague during the first six months of 1968. In brief, it is possible to say that French government circles looked with sympathy at the developing reform process in Czecho-slovakia, but it was not in the centre of their attention. Paris was considering mainly the global framework of international development, in which the reduction of tension between East and West had one of the key roles. Since Moscow played a key part in this process, neglect of its interests appeared to be counter-productive. This largely decided the cautious attitude to developments in Czechoslovakia in the first half of 1968.