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Result 318721-318740 of 319264
The protection against discrimination and the artificial intelligence

The protection against discrimination and the artificial intelligence

Защитата от дискриминация и изкуственият интелект

Author(s): Irena Ilieva / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: artificial intelligence; proposal for artificial intelligence act; prohibited AI systems; high risk AI systems; human rights; non-discrimination; biometric identification system

The report is aimed at presenting the proposal of the European commission for Artificial Intelligence Act in the light of the principle of non-discrimination. The definition of AI, the structure of the act and selected areas of possible discrimination through using AI systems are presented. The focus is on the prohibited AI practices, high risk AI systems and their negative impact on human rights enshrined in the EU Fundamental Rights Charter.

Artificial intelligence, its application and development prospects in the context of state security

Artificial intelligence, its application and development prospects in the context of state security

Artificial intelligence, its application and development prospects in the context of state security

Author(s): Igor Britchenko,Krzysztof Chochowski / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: artificial intelligence; state security; security

Security was, is and will be one of the basic human needs. The state is naturally predestined to satisfy it. Various authorities and its structures perform a number of functions and tasks in the area of security, while increasingly using ICT and artificial intelligence (hereinafter referred to as AI for short). Today, we observe the process of the constant expansion of the list of countries using AI in order to ensure the state of security, although depending on the system in force in them, its intensity and depth of interference in the sphere of rights and freedoms of an individual are different. The purpose of this article is to define what is AI, which is applicable in the area of state security, and to indicate the prospects for the development of AI. The historical method was used as the leading one in the research process, supported by the comparative method and the dogmatic method. The development of AI in the field of security is inevitable. There is a danger of the uncontrolled development of AI and its alienation. AI will be transferred into space, enabling man to exploit it economically. It is necessary to take steps to enact legal regulations, including international ones, which will cover the methods and scope of AI use in the sphere of both military and non-military security.

Artificial intelligence and some aspects of climate change as an element of environmental security

Artificial intelligence and some aspects of climate change as an element of environmental security

Изкуственият интелект и някои аспекти на изменението на климата като елемент на екологическата сигурност

Author(s): Angel Georgiev Anastasov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: artificial intelligence; climate change; environmental security; ethics

The author considers the climate change as a substantial element of the environmental security. The legal framework and policies for adapting to climate change in Bulgaria take into account the international legal commitments and the EU legislation. The presentation highlights the dual role of artificial intelligence (AI) concerning climate change, namely, AI as a contributor to climate change and AI as a supporter of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

„Smart borders“ as an answer of risks of immigrations and terrorism in EU

„Smart borders“ as an answer of risks of immigrations and terrorism in EU

„Умните граници“ като отговор на рисковете от имиграция и тероризъм в ЕС

Author(s): Stavri Yordanov Ferdov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: security; „smart borders“; immigration; terrorism; risks

Scientific report studies the lasts measures of EU institutions for combating against immigration and terroristic threats. Focus is to the conception of „smart borders“ and use of temporary technological achievement and their application in border control in EU and Bulgaria as an external border of EU. Smart technological approaches at different types of borders of Bulgaria: earth, see and air are researched. Relationship between technic and officers are analyzed. Conclusions about tendencies and contradiction between security and fundamental rights of citizens, crossing the borders and way of reducing of this contradiction are made.

Artificial intelligence and the role of man in security systems

Artificial intelligence and the role of man in security systems

Изкуственият интелект и ролята на човека в системите за сигурност

Author(s): / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: artificial intelligence; digitalization; security; information; automation

Man-made automated intellectual systems will always facilitate his work. However, they are not able to completely ignore it. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the nature of the work with intellectual security systems requires the operator to resort to various ways to reduce the stress inherent in this activity. Mankind is moving with incomparably fast steps towards a new information revolution, which on its scale can surpass the advent of the Internet. This revolution is artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence in financial sector: robotic process automation and machine learning in the banking sector

Artificial intelligence in financial sector: robotic process automation and machine learning in the banking sector

Artificial intelligence in financial sector: robotic process automation and machine learning in the banking sector

Author(s): Lilyana Ivanova Kanelova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: AI; software; banks; compliance; financial sector

Until a few years ago, the topic of artificial intelligence still seemed relatively unknown. Today, however, not a day passes without news of a practical application of artificial intelligence. Quite naturally, this did not escape the financial, and especially the banking, sector. At the core of artificial intelligence is software that can "teach" itself and improve based on received data. It can be implemented in a number of banking processes: thus a particularly important application plays in the field of Compliance departments in banks and financial institutions. Banks use artificial intelligence to provide customers with the best and fastest customer service possible.

European regulatory framework on artificial intelligence in the SME sector – a risk based approach

European regulatory framework on artificial intelligence in the SME sector – a risk based approach

European regulatory framework on artificial intelligence in the SME sector – a risk based approach

Author(s): Galya Mancheva / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: artificial intelligence; European Union; regulations; symbolic approach; statistical approach; machine learning

Current paper aims at investigation high risk applications as a main object of the new European Union regulatory proposal on artificial intelligence (AI). Consecutively are presented new definition of artificial intelligence and high risk systems as well as rules for classifying high risk AI systems and risk management process in high risk systems. Interpretation is done in the context of maturity of the regulation and the rules. Benefits and treats for SMEs are stated as a conclusion.

Artificial intelligence, new jobs and the circular economy

Artificial intelligence, new jobs and the circular economy

Изкуственият интелект, новите работни места и кръговата икономика

Author(s): Atanaska Ivanova Tuntova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: artificial intelligence; circular economy; green jobs

The circular economy creates new opportunities by introducing ecological principles in manufacturing. The use of technology and artificial intelligence in the circular economy in the environment will contribute to creating new jobs. Digitalization helps to use resources more efficiently and optimize processes and sustainable growth. The skills of the future are directly related to the digital and green transformation of the economy.

Application of artificial intelligence to tax control of online commerce and the impact on fiscal security

Application of artificial intelligence to tax control of online commerce and the impact on fiscal security

Приложение на изкуствения интелект при извършване на данъчен контрол върху онлайн търговията и влиянието върху финансовата сигурност

Author(s): Nedyalka Ivanova Petrova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: artificial intelligence; electronic revisions; fiscal security; data processing; courier services

The report examines the application of artificial intelligence in the execution of revisions of e-commerce merchants through courier services in connection with the collection and comparison of a large amount of data in electronic format. Attention shall also be paid to the case-law in which the tax assessments under appeal concerning those revisions are annulled.

Аrtificial intelligence and the „smart cities“ global initiative

Аrtificial intelligence and the „smart cities“ global initiative

Изкуственият интелект и световната инициатива „умни градове“

Author(s): Vasil Mitkov Kolev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: national security; artificial intelligence; „smart cities“; computer systems; infrastructure

The report explores artificial intelligence and its application in the global „smart cities“ initiative. Application and use for better efficiency in terms of specific processes implemented in „smart cities“ and examines the specifics and numerous variations for performing functions in this regard. The report shows how artificial intelligence is used to improve its use.

Has Covid-19 pandemy changed the university education or just unrevealed those unprepared

Has Covid-19 pandemy changed the university education or just unrevealed those unprepared

Has Covid-19 pandemy changed the university education or just unrevealed those unprepared

Author(s): MARIÁN MESÁROŠ,Martin Mašľan / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: pandemic; risks; university education; preparing

The article is focused on the risk of identification and characteristics and problems arising from the Covid-19 pandemic in the context of university education in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. The origin and course of the Covid -19 disease will be judged by history but today's life needs immediate solutions that can provide thoughtful elimination of the problems through monitoring of socio-social relations in the context of crisis management of society. Modern and advanced IT technologies are the right now solution but their combination with the thoughtful action of human as such – lecturer versus student can have a wished effect.

Challenges associated with the learning process in Poland during the Covid-19 pandemic – assessment of the digital skills of society

Challenges associated with the learning process in Poland during the Covid-19 pandemic – assessment of the digital skills of society

Предизвикателства, свързвани с процеса на обучение в Полша по време на пандемията Ковид 19 – оценка на цифровите умения на обществото

Author(s): Agnieszka Wrzochalska,Sylwia Łaba / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: digital skills; learning; demography; Covid-19 pandemic; Poland

The past years of pandemic have forced the population in every country to a different way of living, working, studying and interacting with each other. The article attempts to analyze and assess the digital skills of the population in Poland during the Covid-19 pandemic. It assesses the situation associated with the educational process from the point of view of teachers, children and their parents, taking into account the circumstances and conditions related to training, including state administration support. It uses data from documents of the Ministry of Science and Education and various publications and data from the Central Statistical Office (CSO) in Poland. Demographic indicators are selected and the structure of the rest is analyzed for the period 2005-2021, and for the covid situation the period 2018-2021.

Administrative ecology and artificial intelligence in the context of good governance – policies of application in the work of the administration

Administrative ecology and artificial intelligence in the context of good governance – policies of application in the work of the administration

Административна екология и изкуствен интелект в контекста на доброто управление – политики на приложение в работата на администрацията

Author(s): Ivan Efremovski,Yordan Gyorchev,Borche Serafimovski / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: administrative ecology; artificial intelligence; good governance; trust policy

This article highlights the role and significance of administrative ecology and its relationship with artificial intelligence. The ecological approach in public administration focuses attention on the dynamic relationship between the system of public administration and its environment: – physical, cultural, historical, technological, economic, legal and political, as well as on a good understanding of changes in the administrative system through the ecological aspect, considering it through the ideas and studies of John M. Gauss and Fred Riggs. Artificial intelligence (AI), with all its challenges and dangers, can lead to a wave of changes in society and public policies, especially with all that the fourth industrial revolution brings. The question arises: – How ready are we to apply all this in the principles of good governance and building policies for the application of artificial intelligence in the operation of the administration?

Artificial intelligence in criminal law and its application in criminal procedure

Artificial intelligence in criminal law and its application in criminal procedure

Artificial intelligence in criminal law and its application in criminal procedure

Author(s): Aleksandra Jovanović / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: artificial intelligence; law; justice; criminal procedure

One of the basic characteristics and needs of modern society is represented by information and communication technologies and within them artificial intelligence. Due to the increasing use and importance of artificial intelligence, the author analyzed the legal framework for the application of artificial intelligence. The main intention of the author is, with the help of the analytical method, to convey the theoretical and legal determinations that are present during fifty years of research and dealing with issues in the field of artificial intelligence, knowledge and correct reasoning. By pointing out the importance of the future application of artificial intelligence, which represents a strategic point and the driver of efficient business in numerous European countries, including Serbia, as a result, the author points to the ever-increasing need and importance of its application, as well as the legal regulation of the application of artificial intelligence. The goal of the article is to point out the importance of future research on artificial intelligence in various areas of law, all with the aim of legal regulation of the application of artificial intelligence in the judiciary, which has the potential to represent a technology of general application in the future.

Social networks – a generator of fake news

Social networks – a generator of fake news

Социалните мрежи – генератор на фалшиви новини

Author(s): Stefan Ivanov Michev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: social networks; fake news; post-truth; illusion; illusory world

The main thesis defended in the report is that modern social networks and virtual civil communities, among other things, can and should be analyzed as generators of fake news. The impact of fake news is not at all in the field of credibility. To reflect this fact, the term „post-truth“ emerged. In our opinion, in order to reveal the essence of fake news, it is necessary to use the concept of „illusion“, one of the main concepts in epistemology, but also in psychology, and in a certain sense also in sociology. In short, to understand why people believe fake news, one must analyze their need to live in an illusory world.

The privileges of the monarch and the security of the state in post-liberation Bulgaria (1878 – 1946)

The privileges of the monarch and the security of the state in post-liberation Bulgaria (1878 – 1946)

Привилегиите на монарха и сигурността на държавата в следосвобожденска България (1878 – 1946 г.)

Author(s): Georgi Lyubenov Manolov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: privilege; monarch; parliament; government; national security

The report examines the nature and scale of privileges in the post-liberation Bulgarian reality. A special place is given to the privileges of the monarch, as well as to those of the deputies and the executive. Based on this, relevant conclusions are drawn about the privileges in the context of the national security of the state.

The tandem „human potential – artificial intelligence“ is a factor and condition for maintaining the levels of demographic security

The tandem „human potential – artificial intelligence“ is a factor and condition for maintaining the levels of demographic security

Тандемът човешки потенциал – изкуствен интелект – фактор и условие за поддържане на нивата на демографската сигурност

Author(s): Gena Tsvetkova Velkovska / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: demographic security; artificial intelligence; human potential; digitization; European Union

Europe's digital future and securing it with a Digital Europe package is linked to the aspiration of digital technologies to be of exceptional benefit to society and the economy. In the conditions of ever-expanding digitalization, a number of question marks appear. One of them is whether demographic security will be preserved as an element of national security and what are the parameters for the application of artificial intelligence in tandem with human potential.

Artificial intelligence and ethical behavior

Artificial intelligence and ethical behavior

Изкуствен интелект и етично поведение

Author(s): Vasil Hristov Georgiev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: artificial intelligence; ethical behavior

The report examines the possible security risks associated with ensuring the ethical behavior of artificial intelligence systems.

Artificial intelligence in justice and guarantees for the rights of citizens and legal entities

Artificial intelligence in justice and guarantees for the rights of citizens and legal entities

Artificial intelligence in justice and guarantees for the rights of citizens and legal entities

Author(s): Mladen Mladenov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: justice; administration of justice; AI; guarantees; risks; a judge

Artificial intelligence in justice must be introduced carefully, measuredly and limited. Therefore, the topic will have to be debated many times more, so that there are guarantees for the rights of citizens and legal entities in the ways of applying artificial intelligence in justice. Since progress is an invariable part of human existence, such a singularity cannot and should not be ruled out in the future, which would require a greater role for artificial intelligence in the administration of justice. The main structural elements of the present work are: public delusions about justice; the judge's discretion; the advantages of artificial intelligence in decision-making; the risks of empowering artificial intelligence to issue a judicial act; and the toolkit for mitigating the dangers of artificial intelligence in litigation.

Application of media monitoring platforms in crisis PR

Application of media monitoring platforms in crisis PR

Приложение на платформите за медиен мониторинг в кризисния PR

Author(s): Dimitrina Petrova Stefanova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: crisis PR; media monitoring platforms; insecurity

Digital interaction, new ways of processing and interpreting data, the sense of connectivity and the speed of over-response of stakeholders leads to the challenge of a „race against time“ in response to crises. The chain reaction of the movement of information leads to changes in crisis communications. Deeply influenced by these changes, the field of crisis PR seeks the most rational research tools in management practices. In this article, we claim that in case of systemic crises and threats to organization and trust, media monitoring platforms are a key tool. In the context of theoretical synthesis based on international studies, comparative and comparative analysis shall be used.

Result 318721-318740 of 319264
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