Stosowanie nietypowych form zatrudnienia z naruszeniem prawa pracy i prawa ubezpieczeń społecznych – diagnoza oraz perspektywy na przyszłość
The use of atypical forms of employment in violation of labour and social security laws - diagnosis and prospects for the future
Contributor(s): Tomasz Duraj (Editor)
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Sociology of Law, Labour and Social Security Law
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: atypical forms of employment; term employment contracts; self-employment; employee outsourcing; fictitious civil law employment; legality of employment; working on digital platforms; labour law; social security law
Summary/Abstract: The monograph is a summary of the special 5th National Scientific Conference in the series "Atypical Employment Relations" organized at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lodz under the initiative of Prof. Tomasz Duraj, Ph.D., on 1-2 December 2022 by the Scientific Centre for Atypical Employment Relations and the Student Scientific Forum of Atypical Employment Relations of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz, as well as the District Labour Inspectorate in Łódź. The dynamic development of atypical forms of employment leads to the precarisation of the labour market, generating uncertainty and instability of employment for contractors. This results in a significant reduction in standards in the following areas: protection of life and health, protection of remuneration for work, protection of dignity and personal rights, and protection against discrimination and unequal treatment. Bearing in mind this situation, as well as taking into account the fact that very often atypical forms of employment are used in violation of the applicable provisions of the labour law and social security law, the authors of the publication reflect on the reasons for this state of affairs. The aim of the monograph is to attempt to formulate constructive de lege ferenda conclusions that will allow for effective enforcement of labour law and social security law. There is an urgent need for the Polish legislator to take specific actions to strengthen legal mechanisms for counteracting violations of labour law and social security law in connection with the use of atypical forms of employment.
Series: Uniwersytet Łódzki
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-396-2
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-395-5
- Page Count: 330
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Polish
Stosowanie nietypowych form zatrudnienia z naruszeniem prawa – wprowadzenie do dyskusji
Stosowanie nietypowych form zatrudnienia z naruszeniem prawa – wprowadzenie do dyskusji
(Use of atypical forms of employment in breach of the law – introduction to the discussion)
- Author(s):Tomasz Duraj
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Philosophy of Law, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:9-21
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:atypical forms of employment; term employment contracts; self-employment; employee outsourcing; fictitious civil law employment; legality of employment; working on digital platforms; misdemeanour and
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the chapter is to introduce the reader to the issue of the use of atypical forms of employment in violation of labour law and social security law, which was the subject of the 5th jubilee All- Polish Scientific Conference of the series “Atypical Employment Relations”, organised in Łódź on 1–2 December 2022 in a hybrid formula, both at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Łódź and via the Internet. The event was organised by the Centre for Atypical Employment Relations and the Student Scientific Forum on Atypical Employment Relations of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Łódź, as well as the Regional Labour Inspectorate in Łódź. The author presents his own reflections on the issues covered by the conference.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dylematy podstaw prawnych i ochrony nietypowych form zatrudnienia
Dylematy podstaw prawnych i ochrony nietypowych form zatrudnienia
(Legal basises and protection of non-typical employment – a few dilemmas)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Gersdorf
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Philosophy of Law, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:23-28
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:labour and non-labour law employment; the protection of the employed and its scope; types of contracts
- Summary/Abstract:The analysis tends to predict the future of employment and the scope of subordination. It also underlines the need for research on the types of employment contracts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kryteria efektywności prawa w rozważaniach nad nietypowymi formami zatrudnienia
Kryteria efektywności prawa w rozważaniach nad nietypowymi formami zatrudnienia
(Law effectiveness criteria in consideration of unusual/atypical forms of employment)
- Author(s):Krzysztof Brzostek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:29-42
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:effectiveness of law; atypical forms of employment; economic analysis of law
- Summary/Abstract:An issue of the economic effectiveness of law is not often analysed. It can be caused by the elaborateness and multivocality of the term “effectiveness”. The incompatibility in the interpretation of the category of effectiveness can result from adopting different research perspectives. The lack of consensus on how to deal with the ambiguity of the term “effectiveness” creates a theoretical and cognitive gap that influences difficulties, including designing measurement systems. The research perspective of the economic analysis of law may be relevant to the consideration and analysis of atypical forms of employment carry out to determine the effectiveness of individual solutions.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pracodawca jako zakład pracy informatyczny (cyfrowy) – stosowanie narzędzi matematycznych w nietypowych formach zatrudnienia
Pracodawca jako zakład pracy informatyczny (cyfrowy) – stosowanie narzędzi matematycznych w nietypowych formach zatrudnienia
(The employer as an IT (digital) workplace – the use of mathematical tools in unusual forms of employment)
- Author(s):Janusz Żołyński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:43-58
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:IT workplace (digital); digitalization; digital workplace; artificial intelligence; algorithm
- Summary/Abstract:Currently, civilisation and the development of the modern world have generated new, extremely dynamic phenomena (which are not, however, the consequence of some political and legal idea), which will force the participants to use various solutions, as well as technological tools closely related to the field of mathematics. This phenomenon is often referred to as digitalisation, which in the narrow sense of the term is equated with digitisation, otherwise known as the digital world. This results in the Employer becoming an entity to which it is legitimate to adopt the terminology – that it is an IT establishment. Nowadays, one of the elementary conditions for proper functioning of such an entity are certain obligations imposed by ius cogens regulations, the implementation of which requires the application of permanent processes related to the acquisition, collection, processing, analysis, archiving, transmission, dissemination, deletion and management of information (data) in all social and economic areas related to labour relations. The consequence of this phenomenon is that the IT establishment is not an idea, but should be understood exclusively as an economic, social and legal phenomenon. As a commonality of the fate of the employer and the employees (or rather the employed, since in the workplace not only the employees provide de facto work) and the social private actors (unions) which are actively involved in a wide range of processes concerning social labour relations To this end, using IT tools and making appropriate numerical (mathematical) calculations, they make intensive use of all sets of data (information), not only in the strictly labour-related field, but also in the social, social economic, financial (tax), health, sport or even cultural and religious areas.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wady konstrukcyjne umów o pracę na czas określony w polskim prawie pracy
Wady konstrukcyjne umów o pracę na czas określony w polskim prawie pracy
(Defects in the legal construction of fixed-term employment contracts in Polish labour law)
- Author(s):Jakub Stelina
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:59-68
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:employment contracts; fixed-term employment contracts; fixed-term employment; ter¬mination of an employment contract
- Summary/Abstract:The author explains what the defects were in the legal construction of fixed-term employment contracts in Polish labour law. With the entry into force of the Labour Code in 1975, the principle was adopted that contracts of this type could be terminated earlier if the content of the contract provided for this possibility. This solution, after 1989, contributed to huge pathologies on the labour market related to the abuse of fixed-term contracts by employers. The legislator has repeatedly attempted to rectify this situation by, inter alia, introducing restrictions on the use of these contracts. These attempts were mostly ineffective, and the reason for the popularity of fixed-termcontracts was that they could be unilaterally terminated. For incomprehensible reasons, in 2016 the legislator extended the possibility of such terminations and thus completely distorted the essence of the contracts in question.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nadużycie prawa do zawierania terminowych umów o pracę w kontekście ich społeczno-gospodarczego przeznaczenia
Nadużycie prawa do zawierania terminowych umów o pracę w kontekście ich społeczno-gospodarczego przeznaczenia
(Abuse of the right to conclude fixed-term employment contracts in the context of their socio-economic purpose)
- Author(s):Sebastian Koczur
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:69-82
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:fixed-term employment contract; employment stability; socio-economic purpose of law; abuse of law
- Summary/Abstract:Although the legislator in Art. 25¹ of the Labor Code indicates the limits within which it is permissible to conclude an employment contract for a definite period of time, however, the above does not mean that in each such case the conclusion of this type of contract will be correct. It should be taken into account that fixed-term contracts are a breach in the labor law in the guarantee of stable employment, performed on the basis of an indefinite employment contract. Therefore, for the use of a fixed-term employment contract to be correct, the parties must have a justification for choosing this type of contract. Otherwise, such an agreement will be concluded in violation of its socio-economic purpose, and as a consequence, constituting a manifestation of abuse of the law, it will not benefit from protection. Given the above assumptions, the author in this study considers under what circumstances the conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract may be contrary to its socio-economic purpose and what will be the consequences of such recognition.
- Price: 4.50 €
Stosowanie umowy o pracę na okres próbny w świetle przepisów unijnych i krajowych
Stosowanie umowy o pracę na okres próbny w świetle przepisów unijnych i krajowych
(Application of an employment contract for a trial period in the light of EU and national regulations)
- Author(s):Paulina Matyjas-Łysakowska, Anna Maroń
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:83-96
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:trial period contract; employee information; transparent and predictable working conditions; employee
- Summary/Abstract:On July 11, 2019, Directive 2019/1152 of June 20, 2019 on transparent and predictable working conditions in the EU was published. It replaced Directive 91/533/EEC on the employer’s obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to the contract or employment relationship of 14 October 1991. Directive 2019/1152 establishes minimum standards for informing employees about the essential aspects of the employment relationship and working conditions and guarantees all employees an adequate level of transparency and predictability of future employment conditions. The prepared study presents the assumptions of the directive with regard to a contract for a trial period and the method of implementing these assumptions adopted in the act amending the Labor Code act of March 9, 2023 amending the Labor Code and certain other acts (Journal of Laws, item 641). The latest changes to the Labor Code, which entered into force on April 26, 2023, pursuant to the Act of March 9, 2023 amending the Labor Code Act and certain other acts, are aimed at, among others: implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/1152 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union.
- Price: 4.50 €
Semi-dependent self-employment under conditions characteristic of the employment relationship
Semi-dependent self-employment under conditions characteristic of the employment relationship
(Semi-dependent self-employment under conditions characteristic of the employment relationship)
- Author(s):Łucja Kobroń-Gąsiorowska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:97-108
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:concept of worker; economically dependent workers; dependent employment self-em¬ployee; self-employed worker; “ABC test”
- Summary/Abstract:The expansion of non-standard forms of work-self-employment or work through online platforms-has created competition between the traditional contract labor model and the non-standard form, which also creates an employee-employer relationship. This article aims to suggest a different, complementary rather than antagonistic relationship between employment and labor law. However, I state that it is only a prelude to the polemic that is about to begin. In this article, I examine the legal construction of the relationship between traditional contract employment and semi-independent self-employment, which is based on the conceptualization of these two forms of labor as separate and at the same time having in common the labor entitlements derived from the principle of decent work.
- Price: 4.50 €
Stosowanie samozatrudnienia z naruszeniem przepisów BHP i ustawy o minimalnym wynagrodzeniu za pracę – wnioski z projektu NCN nr 2018/29/B/HS5/02534
Stosowanie samozatrudnienia z naruszeniem przepisów BHP i ustawy o minimalnym wynagrodzeniu za pracę – wnioski z projektu NCN nr 2018/29/B/HS5/02534
(Use of self-employment in violation of health and safety regulations and the Minimum Wage Act – conclusions from NCN project No. 2018/29/B/HS5/02534)
- Author(s):Tomasz Duraj
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:109-130
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:self-employment; protection of life and health; minimum wage; criminal liability
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this article is to show the causes and circumstances of the use of self-employment in violation of health and safety regulations and the Minimum Wage Act, and to try to find solutions to effectively and efficiently combat this pathology. The legal solutions in force in this respect are not sufficient and the scale of abuse appears to be significant. De lege lata, the Polish legislator does not guarantee gainfully self-employed people an adequate level of protection in such fundamental areas for every working person as life and health and remuneration – the pillars of a safe, honest and fair working environment. The presented considerations constitute a fragment of the research conducted under the supervision of Prof. Tomasz Duraj, PhD, of the University of Łódź, within the framework of a scientific grant financed from the funds of the National Science Centre (contract no. UMO- 2018/29/B/HS5/02534 for research project no. 2018/29/B/HS5/02534).
- Price: 4.50 €
Zasady zatrudniania pracowników cudzoziemskich – przykłady naruszeń prawa pracy
Zasady zatrudniania pracowników cudzoziemskich – przykłady naruszeń prawa pracy
(Principles of employing foreign workers – examples of labor law violations)
- Author(s):Michał Skałka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:131-140
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:foreign worker employment; labor law; migration; flexible employment forms; enforce¬ment of labor rights
- Summary/Abstract:This article examines the principles of employing foreign workers in the Polish and European labor markets, identifying violations of labor law. The regulations regarding the legalization of employment, flexible forms of engaging foreign workers, and the enforcement of labor rights are discussed. Special attention is given to examples of unfair practices by employers and temporary employment agencies, along with the consequences of violations. The article emphasizes the role of supervisory institutions and non-governmental organizations in safeguarding the rights of foreign workers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Stosowanie outsourcingu z naruszeniem przepisów o zatrudnieniu tymczasowym
Stosowanie outsourcingu z naruszeniem przepisów o zatrudnieniu tymczasowym
(Application of outsourcing in violation of temporary work regulations)
- Author(s):Ernestyna Pachała-Szymczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:141-152
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:outsourcing; temporary work; subordination; employer’s direction
- Summary/Abstract:Outsourcing is increasingly used in business practice. It is noted that due to fewer regulations and restrictions, this mechanism is beginning to displace temporary employment. At the same time, a significant problem arises with regard to the use of outsourcing, which is actually performed under conditions characteristic of temporary agency work. The author analyses selected elements of outsourcing (in particular the structure of employee subordination), the occurrence of which may indicate a breach of the temporary work regulations. She also attempts to identify the reasons why temporary work is being replaced by improperly applied outsourcing. She demonstrates that, although there remains space in the Polish legal system for both constructions to function, this involves the risk of violating temporary work regulations.
Outsourcing a leasing pracowniczy – zagadnienia praktyczne i formy naruszeń
Outsourcing a leasing pracowniczy – zagadnienia praktyczne i formy naruszeń
(Outsourcing vs. employee leasing – practical issues and forms of violations)
- Author(s):Monika Jurkiewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:153-162
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:employee outsourcing contract; employee leasing contract; application of employee outsourcing; application of employee leasing; differences between outsourcing and employee leasing; consequences of vi
- Summary/Abstract:This study aims to show the reader the differences between employee outsourcing and employee leasing, focusing on the practical aspects of the differences between these institutions, while also showing what the potential consequences associated with the improper use of these solutions may be. Thus, the purpose of this text is to show readers that the way to effective and efficient use of outsourcing or employee leasing is to have a good understanding of the differences between them. In this way, entrepreneurs can apply these solutions effectively gaining not only cost optimization, but also speed and flexibility in obtaining resources to execute the acquired contracts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Labor outsourcing in Brazil: an atypical contract that legitimizes the legal and social setback
Labor outsourcing in Brazil: an atypical contract that legitimizes the legal and social setback
(Labor outsourcing in Brazil: an atypical contract that legitimizes the legal and social setback)
- Author(s):Marta Zbucka-Gargas, Cláudio Iannotti da Rocha
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:163-170
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:labor law; outsourcing; temporary job; services provision
- Summary/Abstract:Labor law reform in Brazil has fundamentally changed the archetype of labor law, both in terms of substantive law and procedural law, from an individual and collective perspective. The new regulations have introduced the normative regulation of outsourcing in Brazil, which was previously absent. The issue identified in the following article is: labor outsourcing resulting from the Labor Reform can be considered a Brazilian legal advance or failure. Practice shows that Law No. 13,429 lowered the level of labor rights and allowing outsourcing in the main business of the borrowing company, without equalizing rights between the employees.
- Price: 4.50 €
Praca platformowa – kontrowersje wokół praktyki jej stosowania
Praca platformowa – kontrowersje wokół praktyki jej stosowania
(Platform work – controversies surrounding the practice of its use)
- Author(s):Grażyna Spytek-Bandurska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:171-184
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:platform work; modern technologies; providing services; algorithms; protection of performers
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to present the uniqueness of platform work as an element of the sharing economy. Platform work is one of the unusual forms of employment that is developing dynamically on the labour market as a result of progressing computerization and the emergence of modern technologies. Its essence is to connect (match) customers with service providers via mobile applications and online platforms. It is usually associated with on-demand passenger transport and food delivery. In fact, it covers a wide variety of specialized assignments. The complexity of platform work is evidenced by the difficulties in defining its conceptual scope and giving the performers the appropriate legal status. The role of algorithms is unclear. As a result, it does not seem possible to regulate this form in an unambiguous, precise and universal manner, which is confirmed by the long-lasting EU negotiations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ochrona przed mobbingiem w niepracowniczych stosunkach zatrudnienia
Ochrona przed mobbingiem w niepracowniczych stosunkach zatrudnienia
(Protection against mobbing in work under non-employment contracts/non-labour employment contracts)
- Author(s):Beata Dzięgo
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:185-196
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:mobbing; protection; constitution; human rights; dignity
- Summary/Abstract:Raising popularity of atypical forms of employment begs the question of applying standard regulations to them, such as the protection of worker’s rights, job security. One of the aspects is the use of regulations of mobbing and whether it can be used when it comes to other forms of employment. Character of this institution allows it to be used only in typical form of employment, which does not deprive others of the protection of their rights. It is possible to assert claims based violation on values protected by law, such as dignity or health. The legal definition of mobbing can be used as help to understand the situation of the individual and recognise the violation of one’s rights.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nietypowe stosunki zatrudnienia a status sygnalisty w świetle aksjologii whistleblowingu
Nietypowe stosunki zatrudnienia a status sygnalisty w świetle aksjologii whistleblowingu
(Atypical employment relationships and whistleblower status in terms of whistleblowing axiology)
- Author(s):Łukasz Łaguna
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:197-208
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:whistleblowing; employee; non-employee; whistleblower
- Summary/Abstract:Narrowing the phenomenon of atypical employment relations to civil law employment, the author poses the following research hypotheses, which will be analyzed in this text: “Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23, 2019 on the protection of whistleblowers does not distinguish between the rights of employees and those providing paid work on a basis other than an employment contract” and “The axiology, as well as the laws that are the source of whistleblowing and the Directive itself guarantee the right to report violations to allpersons, regardless of the basis of employment.” Equally importantly, despite the introduction of analogous mechanisms at the substantive legal level, neither the Directive nor the Code of Civil Procedure guarantees non-employees preferential rights of redress compared to employees’ procedural rights. The study’s analysis shows that all of the above research hypotheses are true.
- Price: 4.50 €
Granice rozszerzenia gwarancyjnych instytucji prawa pracy na zatrudnienie w stosunkach cywilnoprawnych
Granice rozszerzenia gwarancyjnych instytucji prawa pracy na zatrudnienie w stosunkach cywilnoprawnych
(Boundaries of extending labor law guarantee institutions to employment under civil law contracts)
- Author(s):Monika Banaś
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:209-218
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:civil law work agreements; labor law institutions; relationship between labor law and civil law
- Summary/Abstract:Given the everchanging nature of today’s reality as well as the inevitable evolution of the understanding of a typical relationship of employment, we continue to search for new solutions, that would enable a paradigm shift. The primary means of rendering it more flexible is the gradual decrease in adopting the model of work in strict subordination. In the following article we raise the question whether there exist a possibility of enlargement of the scope of application of certain labor law institutions to individuals performing work on a basis different than employment contract.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nietypowe formy zatrudnienia w praktyce kontrolnej Państwowej Inspekcji Pracy
Nietypowe formy zatrudnienia w praktyce kontrolnej Państwowej Inspekcji Pracy
(Atypical forms of employment in the control practice of the National Labour Inspectorate)
- Author(s):Bartosz Kopeć
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:219-228
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:new forms of performance and organization of work; atypical employment; non-typical employment; non-standard employment; flexible forms of employment; self-employment; digital platforms; platform work
- Summary/Abstract:Specific challenges of the labour market in the recent years favor the evolution of new forms of performance and organization of work, also known as atypical employment. Undoubtedly, the new solutions, together with the progressing robotization and algorithmization, currently constitute oneof the most important challenges for the labour market as their emergence provides for a number of opportunities and threats, for both workers and employers. It should be emphasized that non-typical employment contributes to making the labour market and new forms of professional activity more attractive, but on the other hand, it hinders respecting and protection of workers’ rights. Therefore, besides analyzing the pros and cons of new forms of working, it is necessary to raise the awareness of the fact that the lack of appropriate legislation not only limits the protection of the stakeholders but also prevents the activities of inspection authorities, including the National Labour Inspectorate. The importance of the issue is highlighted by the fact that the topic constitutes a challenge not only for Poland but also other EU Member States and other countries around the world. In this context, particular emphasis should be placed on the proposed Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on improving working conditions in platform work, which could serve as the basis for discussions on national-level solutions.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wystąpienie jako forma ochrony prawa do minimalnej stawki godzinowej
Wystąpienie jako forma ochrony prawa do minimalnej stawki godzinowej
(Enforcement notice as a form of protection of the right to a minimum hourly rate)
- Author(s):Łukasz Paroń
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:229-240
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:minimum hourly rate; State Labour Inspectorate; enforcement notice
- Summary/Abstract:The introduction of a minimum hourly rate for individuals working under civil law contracts represented a significant milestone in improving the legal protection standards for this group of employees. As part of the change, the State Labour Inspectorate has been granted the authority to monitor this issue and take legal action by issuing an enforcement notice. Rather interesting, this solution warrants analysis in comparison with another measure employed by state labour inspectors in the form of a payment order. Comparing these legal measures is justified due to their similar purpose of guaranteeing payment of wages to remunerated employees.
- Price: 4.50 €
Odpowiedzialność cywilna organizatora sieci franczyzowej za naruszenia praw pracowniczych wobec pracowników zatrudnionych przez uczestnika sieci na podstawie atypowych form zatrudnienia
Odpowiedzialność cywilna organizatora sieci franczyzowej za naruszenia praw pracowniczych wobec pracowników zatrudnionych przez uczestnika sieci na podstawie atypowych form zatrudnienia
(Civil liability of a franchise network organizer for violations of labor rights against employees employed by a network participant based on atypical forms of employment)
- Author(s):Monika Mielnik-Kurek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:241-254
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Franchising; employer; liability; labor law; network organizer; network participant
- Summary/Abstract:In the presented text, the author analyzes the possibility of attributing to the organizer of a franchise network liability for violations of labor rights against employees employed by a network participant based on atypical forms of employment. In principle, the franchise network is independent network participants as separate legal entities, thus they should be treated as independent employers. Nevertheless, this balance can be disturbed by the network organizer, which, within the framework of its contractual powers, can exercise control over the implementation of the franchise package, which consequently manifests itself as sovereign interference in the independent decisions of employer- participants of the network. This is important in the perspective of the increasingly popular atypical forms of employment, under which the application of flexible employment policies to the strategic resources of the company can lead not only to the “flight” of professionals of the organization to other employers, but also to other risks associated with the undertaking of competitive activities against the employer by people who, while occupying an important position in the network participant, are employed on a discretionary basis and do not identify with the implementation of its objectives. The purpose of this article is to analyze the admissibility of attributing to the organizer of the network the characteristics of an employer, as well as the possibility of attributing to it liability for damage caused to employees.
- Price: 4.50 €
Przetwarzanie danych osobowych w związku z samozatrudnieniem
Przetwarzanie danych osobowych w związku z samozatrudnieniem
(Processing of personal data in connection with self-employment)
- Author(s):Jakub Rzymowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:255-264
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:personal data; controller; processor; self-employed person
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter concerns the processing of personal data in connection with self-employment and in connection with cooperation between a self-employed person and another entrepreneur. In this chapter, we consider what roles a self-employed person can assume from the point of view of the GDPR. Much space is devoted to the self-employed person as a processor.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zbiegi tytułów do ubezpieczeń społecznych
Zbiegi tytułów do ubezpieczeń społecznych
(Convergence of titles to insurance Social Security)
- Author(s):Artur Brzeziński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:265-280
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:confluence of titles; social security; social security systems; legal aspects of confluences of titles; impact of confluences of titles on insurance; integration of social security systems; harmoniza¬
- Summary/Abstract:There is no doubt when determining what type of social insurance a given person is subject to, if we are dealing with employment that is the only source of income, i.e. employment under an employment contract, running one’s own business, performing work on the basis of a mandate contract, etc. The problem arises when a given person receives income from several different sources at the same time, e.g. he or she is also an employee employed under an employment contract and runs his or her own business, or is a retiree, works and additionally runs a business. Convergence of insurance rights occurs when one person simultaneously meets the condition for being covered by the obligation to insure under at least two titles. Insured persons whose basis for calculating retirement and disability insurance contributions due to employment, membership in a cooperative, service, receiving training benefits, social benefits per month is lower than the minimum remuneration for work – are also subject to compulsory social insurance for other reasons – art. 9 section 1a of the act on social insurance. The basis for calculating contributions is not subject to conversion if the employment contract is performed on a part-time basis, with the remuneration set at an amount lower than the minimum wage. A person employed by several different employers under different employment contracts is obligatorily subject to all social insurance and health insurance for the performance of each of these contracts. The issues mentioned in this study become particularly important in the context of possible violations of the law related to the use of atypical forms of employment. Incidentally, this is the main topic of my monograph. Problems also arise when there is an incorrect determination of intentional or unintentional coincidence of titles in the context of social insurance, or when the obligation relationship is constructed in such a way as to artificially generate convergence of titles to insurance. This is an extremely important issue that has potential legal consequences and consequences for participants of the social security system. This reflection raises questions about the need for precise legal regulation and monitoring of such situations in order to prevent abuses and violations of the law in the area of employment and social security. Research and analysis in this area are crucial to developing a more effective and adequate legal framework that can adapt to changing labor market realities and ensure fairness and transparency in social security systems, social protection.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kontrola pracy na rzecz własnego pracodawcy w rozumieniu art. 8 ust. 2a ustawy o systemie ubezpieczeń społecznych
Kontrola pracy na rzecz własnego pracodawcy w rozumieniu art. 8 ust. 2a ustawy o systemie ubezpieczeń społecznych
(Control of labour for one’s own employer within the meaning of Article 8 item 2a of the Social Insurance System Act)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Kiełbowicz-Dziwulska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:281-296
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:control; social contribution payers; labour for one’s own employer; civil contracts; rights and duties of contribution payers
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents the principles for performing the control of social contribution payers with regard to work for one’s own employer. The issue concerning work for one’s own employer is regulated in Article 8 item 2a of the Social Insurance System Act. The purpose of this regulation was to protect the rights of insured persons employed on the basis of an employment relationship and a civil law contract, for whom social security contributions may potentially not be paid on the entire income received. The article includes the origins of the legal regulation, the concept of work for one’s own employer and its interpretation. It would seem that the well-established line of court case law clearly indicating the obligation to pay social contributions for an employee performing the work for his own employer under a civil law contract should sufficiently clarify the application principles of this regulation. Therefore, this means that the reason for irregularities in this area may be the search for savings within the range of staff employment costs, which are, amongst other things, social security contributions in addition to salary costs and taxes. However, flexibility in forms of employment can not be used to circumvent the applicable regulations of the law. In this study, the arguments of social security contribution payers against the application of Article 8 item 2a of the Act on the Social Insurance System are presented, as well as the characteristics and subject matter scope of the control in field of work for labour one’s own employer, including the rights of social insurance inspectors to verify the correctness of the fulfillment of social insurance obligations by the payers of social contributions. In the article, the implications and results of a finding of performing work for one’s own employer in terms of the principles for determining the basis for social contributions are discussed. This article also addresses the judicial decisions that have been made in such law cases, as well as the conclusions and proposed solutions emerging in the associated literature.
- Price: 4.50 €
Niektóre prawne następstwa przekształcenia stosunku pracy w fikcyjną – niepracowniczą – więź prawną. Abstrakcja czy skuteczna praktyka?
Niektóre prawne następstwa przekształcenia stosunku pracy w fikcyjną – niepracowniczą – więź prawną. Abstrakcja czy skuteczna praktyka?
(Some legal consequences of transforming an employment relationship into a fictitious – not an employee – legal relationship: abstraction or effective practice?)
- Author(s):Andrzej Marian Świątkowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:297-310
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:activities in cases in the field of labor law and social security; violation of employee rights; employee; employment relationship; civil law contracts
- Summary/Abstract:The author compares criminal law norms (Article 218 of the Criminal Code) with the provisions of labor law (Articles 2 and 22 of the Labor Code) introduced and used by the legislator to prevent the use of fictitious forms of employment. Primacy should be given to the provisions of the latter branch of law. The legal and criminal norms protect only the signs of an employee misconduct, and not theemployees fictitiously positioned by employing persons and entities as persons employed on the basis of and under civil law contracts. We are dealing not with effective practice but with abstraction. He believes that the principles formulated in the aforementioned provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure are not automatically and effectively implemented.
- Price: 4.50 €
Przestępstwa przeciwko prawom osób wykonujących pracę zarobkową – uwagi na tle regulacji Kodeksu karnego oraz Kodeksu postępowania karnego
Przestępstwa przeciwko prawom osób wykonujących pracę zarobkową – uwagi na tle regulacji Kodeksu karnego oraz Kodeksu postępowania karnego
(Offenses against the rights of employees – comments on the regulations of the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure)
- Author(s):Jacek Izydorczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:311-320
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:przestępstwa przeciwko osobom wykonującym pracę zarobkową; ochrona osób pracujących; pracownik; dni wolne od pracy; Kodeks karny; prawo karne; Kodeks postępowania karnego; proces karny; aksjologia pra
- Summary/Abstract:Rozdział przedstawia aktualny stan ochrony przewidzianej (zapewnianej) w Kodeksie karnym (w rozdziale XXVIII) dla pracowników – wraz z nowym, kontrowersyjnym przepisem art. 218a k.k., penalizującym de facto samo wykonywanie pracy w niektóre dni wyznaczone przez ustawodawcę. W opracowaniu wskazano również na kwestię procedowania w procesie karnym w przedmiocie takich przestępstw.
- Price: 4.50 €
Multiplikowanie odpowiedzialności karnej związanej z nieterminowym wypłacaniem wynagrodzenia za pracę z perspektywy podstawy prawnej zatrudnienia
Multiplikowanie odpowiedzialności karnej związanej z nieterminowym wypłacaniem wynagrodzenia za pracę z perspektywy podstawy prawnej zatrudnienia
(Multiplication of criminal liability related to failure to pay remuneration on time from the perspective of the legal basis of employment)
- Author(s):Sebastian Kowalski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Labour and Social Security Law
- Page Range:321-330
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:criminal liability; employment remuneration; public tributes
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the criminal liability related to the non-payment of remuneration for work on time, as well as the non-payment of public tributes closely related to remuneration. The author analyses the scope of this protection depending on the basis of employment of the person whom the employing party has failed to pay the wages due.
- Price: 4.50 €