Managementul educational - perspective în Romania şi în lume
Educational management – perspectives in Romania and worldwide
Contributor(s): Cristian Mihail Rus (Editor), Laura Maria Cârstea (Editor), Antonela Cristina Sofronia (Editor), Puiu Petrică Sofronia (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Series: LUMEN PROCEEDINGS. Scientific Conference Proceedings
- E-ISBN-13: 978-973-166-476-7
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-973-166-451-4
- Page Count: 244
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Romanian
Şansa la o viaţă normală!
Şansa la o viaţă normală!
(A chance for a good life!)
- Author(s):Zita-Emese Andras
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:9-14
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:good life; chances; students; abilities; development
- Summary/Abstract:Special needs students can develop abilities needed for a normal life but the environment needs to change in order to allow themselves to evolve. There should be a continuously interaction and change between these students and their environment. The students learn to adapt to the environment and the environment changes due to interaction with these students.
Strategiile interactive – studiu de caz
Strategiile interactive – studiu de caz
(Interactive strategies – case study)
- Author(s):Florentina Artenie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:15-17
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Didactic strategy; means of education; teacher
- Summary/Abstract:The didactic strategy is constituted from a complex and circular ensemble of methods, techniques, means of education and forms of organizing the activity on the basis of which the teacher elaborates a work plan with the students, in order to efficiently achieve learning. The imperative of quality in education obliges the teacher's educational approach to be reconsidered, so that the didactic strategies developed are focused on learning and especially the learner.
Roluri şi competenţe specifice managerului şcolar
Roluri şi competenţe specifice managerului şcolar
(Roles and competences specific for the educational manager)
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:19-24
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Management; education; school manager
- Summary/Abstract:In education, the art of leadership is very important because it emphasizes much better the personality of the leader, and his personal example plays an essential role in achieving the goals set for unity. The art of leadership is actually the art of working with people, that is, the new, modern and distinct dimension of the educational unit leader. The school manager, in his or her capacity as a state representative in the school, public or private, must interpret and assume throughout his / her activity a set of roles, proving through them managerial skills, legal, psycho-pedagogical, economic-financial And administrative-household, managerial, cultural and socio-moral, and to be fully concerned with the problems of the community they manage.
Sisteme informale manageriale pentru instituţiile de învăţământ - canale de comunicare
Sisteme informale manageriale pentru instituţiile de învăţământ - canale de comunicare
(Informal managerial systems for teaching institutions – communication channels)
- Author(s):Maria Bălănean
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:25-31
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:communication barriers; communication relationships; public institutions; performant communication
- Summary/Abstract:Effective interpersonal relationships means, first of all, effective communication. Communication systems prefer to not only transmitting informations but also expressing oralli or writing methods. A good quality of expressing presume objective, strategies and rigurous, long established activites.
Rolul managerului în prevenirea şi combaterea actelor de corupţie în şcoală
Rolul managerului în prevenirea şi combaterea actelor de corupţie în şcoală
(The role of the manager in preventing and fighting acts of
corruption in school)
- Author(s):Viorica Barbu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:33-39
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Corruption; education; internal managerial control; organizational culture.
- Summary/Abstract:The main purpose of this conference paper is to highlight the problem of defining corruption, to identify the perspective of a theoretical analysis of corruption, the ways of its manifestation in school and the practical ways of controlling and preventing it. The abundance of personal information and experience makes the beneficiaries of education (students and parents) agree that corruption is a major ”obstacle”, not only in schools but also in other areas. Chapter 1 deals with the role of internal managerial control in improving quality and preventing corruption phenomena in schools. Chapter 2 deals with methodological issues and analyses, concrete examples of practices and abuses in various educational institutions, as well as the practical ways / tools that the school principal can use to create an organizational culture.
Managementul unităţilor de învăţământ care şcolarizează elevi cu cerinţe educaţionale speciale
Managementul unităţilor de învăţământ care şcolarizează elevi cu cerinţe educaţionale speciale
(The management of school units that teach children with special educational needs)
- Author(s):Vasile Florin Blăjan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:41-48
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Management; educational; special educational needs; inclusive education
- Summary/Abstract:Recently, the educational management received an important role in Romania, but also in european society. This article resumes the way in which this concept is presented in public educational institutions in Romania which admit pupils with special educational needs as well as the teacher's position who shapes the future generations and who manages the problems that occur in the classes which have children with educational special needs. Also, here are exposed some modalities to solve the problemes that may occur in the instructive educational process in the case of children suffering of CES.
Managementul resurselor umane în organizaţia educaţională
Managementul resurselor umane în organizaţia educaţională
(Human resources management in educational organization)
- Author(s):Silvia Botez
- Language:Romanian
- Page Range:49-54
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management; human resources; educational organization; initial training; continuous training
- Summary/Abstract:Human resources management plays a decisive role in the functioning and the development of an educational organization. This type of management involves assuring, developing, motivating and maintaining the human resources of the organization in order to efficiently achieve the objectives which were proposed and also to meet the needs of the employees. In order to achieve its goals, human resources management has to make the employees of the organization work the way they are required work and on the other hand the organization must also meet their needs. The development of human resources in education aims at diversifying the offers concerning the initial and continuing education and also at the career opportunities for teachers and other categories of human resources from the system of education, initial training and continuous training.
Management educaţional – perspective în România şi în lume
Management educaţional – perspective în România şi în lume
(Educational management – perspectives in Romania and worldwide)
- Author(s):Elena Mihaela Căpraru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:55-58
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:Due to the frequent changes in the political and economic area, problems have gradually emerged within the educational management from the highest structures downwards. Thus, research has been started, which is quantitatively reduced, on the important characteristics of the national educational-educational process. The education system has the primary role of preparing children for the future, so education can be adapted to the socio-economic-cultural conditions.
Managementul educaţional, perspective în România şi în lume
Managementul educaţional, perspective în România şi în lume
(Educational management, perspectives in Romania and worldwide)
- Author(s):Mirela Căpriţă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:59-65
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:ideas; relationships; people; resources
- Summary/Abstract:Educational management is, in Romania and in the world, the art of working with ideas (educational objectives, analytical programs, didactic strategies), relationships (organizational structure, decentralized links), people, resources.
Management educaţional – elemente introductive
Management educaţional – elemente introductive
(Educational management – introductive elements)
- Author(s):Silvia Caraibot
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:67-72
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management; education; innovation; communication process
- Summary/Abstract:Beneficiaries of educational services are increasingly demanding school requirements, requiring detailed information on their quality. Changes in the labor market in general and the European one in particular, as well as increasing mobility and professional and geographic migration flows, call for formal validated information on the quality of education and management in educational institutions. The article falls within the educational management domain and has the slogan of presenting some productive elements regarding educational education
Noi perspective în managementul educaţional- administrare sau inovare?
Noi perspective în managementul educaţional- administrare sau inovare?
(New perspectives in the educational management – administration or innovation?)
- Author(s):Alina- Ileana Cârje
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:73-78
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:educational management; leadership; organisation; identify.
- Summary/Abstract:Educational management is a field which must be learnt, which indicates its own managing strategy but, in the same time, it is the successful skill of connecting the resources with the organisation needs. As a manager in the educational field you must be flexible in making changes in your way of leading and you must identify the differences between management and leadership, so much discussed in the last decade. Each manager needs to identify his own strategies which are applied to his institution because they are all different.
Managementul imaginii in institutiile de invatamant
Managementul imaginii in institutiile de invatamant
(Management of the image in educational institutions)
- Author(s):Diana Viorica Coman
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:79-86
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:management; education; image; concept of quality
- Summary/Abstract:This study paper regarding the management of education focuses upon the importance of the preschool education and establishes need for the conceptual unity regarding the concept of quality. In a general sense, education is the process (action) by which development of the human personality is realized. It is a necessity for the individual and for society. As a result, it is a specifically human activity, carried out in the context of social human existence and at the same time is a specific social phenomenon, an attribute of society, a condition of the perpetuation and progression. Therefore, it is reported, at the same time to the society and the individual. As a form of education , the formal education can be identified by an organized, systematic and institutionalized characteristic. The whole process of permanent education, it is a period of intensive training which is a central goal of educational action.
Managementul educaţional – perspectivă în România şi în lume
Managementul educaţional – perspectivă în România şi în lume
(Educational management – perspective in Romania and worldwide)
- Author(s):Elena Drochioi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:87-92
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; management; school; innovation; society
- Summary/Abstract:Educational management requires an interdisciplinary approach, which studies the events that take place in the decision to organize a certain pedagogical activity and in the management of educational programs. Managerial leadership also involves emphasis on ideas, on a systematic approach, on change, on innovation strategy. Educational management is a methodology of a global, optimal, strategic approach to education, the set of principles and functions, rules and methods of leadership that ensure the achievement of the objectives of the educational system.
Învăţarea organizaţională
Învăţarea organizaţională
(Organizational learning)
- Author(s):Irma Ferencz
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:93-99
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:organization; education; learning process; competitively; management.
- Summary/Abstract:The paper addresses the concept of learning organizational emphasizing the following issues: the role of learning in ensuring the competitiveness of organizations; the currents of thought in defining organizational learning; the principles of organizational learning approach; types of organizational learning as well as the five disciplines of the learning set forth to Peter Senge.
Conducerea unei echipe
Conducerea unei echipe
(Team Leading)
- Author(s):Gianina Haciu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:101-106
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Management; education; development; innovation; team
- Summary/Abstract:The way you lead others will determine your success as a manager. Management is not a specialist job but rather a generalist one. It implies a generous overview and a lot of intuition. Team leadership is action-driven, being an illustration of our responsibilities to employees in the three key areas: good business development, human resource development and team building. “Team” and “teamwork” may sound the same, but each has a distinct meaning in the culture of success. In order to understand how to lead a team, it is useful to start by examining the behavior of the groups, then to create a proper team. Teamwork involves establishing objectives, strategies and values, regular sessions by reviewing performances.
Doar prin educatie se construiesc caractere
Doar prin educatie se construiesc caractere
(Only through education you build characters)
- Author(s):Carolina Ilie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:107-112
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; innovation; management; above the line; learning
- Summary/Abstract:“Above the line” the best way to encourage your students to self-correct when they fall short. Why we need innovation in our education management and how this could help teachers to be good guides in students life. I think children need more support also from parents and from their teachers, they need to grow nice and strong. This is all about education, about the way that they learn things and also about what they learn.
Parteneriatele şcolare - factori cheie în eficientizarea managementului educaţional
Parteneriatele şcolare - factori cheie în eficientizarea managementului educaţional
(School partnerships – key factors in making the educational management more efficient)
- Author(s):Gina Simona Iordache
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:113-117
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:efficiency; management; school partnerships
- Summary/Abstract:Society, not just the Romanian one, is in constant change. In order to adapt to these needs, tomorrow's man must be prepared to cope with change, be flexible, be informed, and above all, not to scare change and want to succeed.In this sense, school meets these needs, bringing it almost the main factors involved in the educational-educational process starting with family, local authorities, economic agents, various governmental and non-governmental organizations. Society, not just the Romanian one, is in constant change. In order to adapt to these needs, tomorrow's man must be prepared to cope with change, be flexible and informed.
Gândirea critică şi creativitatea
Gândirea critică şi creativitatea
(Critical thinking and creativity)
- Author(s):Mihai Iuga
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:119-122
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Free thinking; creativity and innovation.
- Summary/Abstract:People identify with their beliefs and opinions, so when someone criticizes their opinions, they think it is an attack on their person. But it must be noted that critical thinking does not mean "attacking the person" of the person expressing another opinion, sometimes even contrary to the opinions of others. Critical thinking is a condition and a way to achieve effective learning with an essential role in developing individual personality. Forming the critical thinking of students of all ages means first of all educating them in the spirit of critical thinking, later understanding them why it is necessary to act in one way or another.
Managementul educaţional - perspective în România şi în lume. Relaţia şcoală – familie - comunitate
Managementul educaţional - perspective în România şi în lume. Relaţia şcoală – familie - comunitate
(Educational management – perspectives in Romania and worldwide. The relationship between school-family-community)
- Author(s):Zoltan Kovacs
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:123-127
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:community; education; perspectives; management
- Summary/Abstract:The title of my article: Management, education, innovation - Relationship school – family – community. My article contains a chapter and a subsection. In this article I focus on management innovation. The current article study aims to catalogue the means of manifesting innovation at the level of the management of school and the effects and the family intervenes in the school`s life if his child goes to school.
Managementul educaţional - funcţii şi principii
Managementul educaţional - funcţii şi principii
(Educational management – functions and principles)
- Author(s):Lenuţa – Mirela Manta
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:129-133
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Management; education; Romania; evaluation; practice
- Summary/Abstract:Management of education is the theory and the practice, the science and the art of design, organization, coordination, evaluation, adjustment of the elements of educational activity (not only of resources) as a free, integral, harmonious, human, permanent development activity for the independent and creative assertion of the personality, according to the ideal set at the level of educational policies.
Managementul educaţional - aspecte specifice şcolilor minorităţilor naţionale
Managementul educaţional - aspecte specifice şcolilor minorităţilor naţionale
(Educational management – specific aspects for school of
national minorities)
- Author(s):Mircea Marilă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:135-139
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:minorities; education; management; school
- Summary/Abstract:This article is about the problem of education in language of minorities, in condition of descentralization and democracy of education.It follows legal and managerial problems, the impact of diminuation school population.
Program de educaţie antreprenorială în cadrul proiectului tematic: profesii si meserii
Program de educaţie antreprenorială în cadrul proiectului tematic: profesii si meserii
(Program of antreprenorial education within the thematic project: professions and crafts)
- Author(s):Graţiela Meşteriuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:141-143
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:antreprenorial education; professions; crafts; management
- Summary/Abstract:„Show them how they can make money, but also what they can make with them and how they can make the world a better place” Brad Hancock, directior of the Center of Neely entrepreneurship of the Texas University. Children from other Europeean countries are prepared like this since kindergarten for a career in entrepreneurship. Starting form the daily wishes of children we realized that money represent a frequent subject between parents and children and many times these discutions become the basis of how children think about money, how we get them, their purpose and who has financial succes in life. A good financial education assures us that the formed habits now will influence the way the child will decide how he will gestionate his money an entire life time, being know the fact that once begun, entrepreneurship education never ends. It is important to teach children at an early age how to administrate their money.
Management educaţional – perspective în România şi în lume
Management educaţional – perspective în România şi în lume
(Educational management – perspectives in Romania and worldwide)
- Author(s):Mihaela Mocean
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:145-152
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:trends; communication; education; adaptability
- Summary/Abstract:This paper aims identifying the main trends in educational management, after a short briefing regarding the meaning and action scheme of this type of management, alongside with its relevance for the XXI century. We are forced to adapt, to try new methods of learning, new abilities, to use new tools, and all this can be achieved only to educational management. Education sprouts in many forms depending on how you look at it. Our views of what it should look like and how it should materialize depend on our value of it and our experience with it. Education sprouts in many forms depending on how you look at it. Our views of what it should look like and how it should materialize depend on our value of it and our experience with it. The paper identifies the main trends in educational management, trends that can be applied anywhere, that are not hard to provide and are cost efficient. Education must change, and is our duty to be a part of this.
Managementul conflictelor în instituţiile educaţionale
Managementul conflictelor în instituţiile educaţionale
(Conflict management in educational institutions)
- Author(s):Daniela Iulia Mureşan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:153-159
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:management; education; conflict management; intrapersonal conflict.
- Summary/Abstract:Organizational practice shows that conflicting situations can be transformed into important strategies in achieving the best possible outcome. Consequently, conflict must be seen as an element of organizational life. It is normal to see differences between attitudes, goals and ways of acting against a situation in the management process. In these cases, stress management can make the difference between success and failure. When people analyze and discover the sources of a conflict, they are able to conceive and develop a method to face the dispute.
Relaţia familie - şcoală şi importanţa ei în dezvoltarea omului de mâine
Relaţia familie - şcoală şi importanţa ei în dezvoltarea omului de mâine
(The relationship between family and school, and its importance in developing the man of tomorrow)
- Author(s):Ionela Nedelcu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:161-166
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:family; school; development; education; management
- Summary/Abstract:A good management in education requires innovation and communication. It also needs creativity and observing what others cannot. It is not easy working with children, but it also is the most beautiful job in the world. Parents should be our main parteners, but this is not always what we get. They sometimes just forget or just don’t realise the mean of being a parent. Education si not just what children study at school, but it is also what they do at home, what they see or how they react in different situations. All children are unique, different, and they have to remain this way.
Managementul clasei de elevi: comunicarea profesori-elevi-părinţi
Managementul clasei de elevi: comunicarea profesori-elevi-părinţi
(The management of the class of students: communication between teachers, students and parents)
- Author(s):Maria-Brînduşa Nisioi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:167-170
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Management; education; communication
- Summary/Abstract:In developing the topic, I chose verbal communication as a subject and described some barriers to effective communication. To avoid these situations, we have presented ways to improve communication, focusing on the use of person I (knowing that the second person's language implies judging the interlocutor and interrupting communication due to the defensive reactions he triggers). Dialogue becomes a tool of knowledge and development only when it is carried out in a permissive atmosphere, without tension and fear of admonishment and punishment; depends on the nature of the interpersonal and group relations of the class and on the teacher's art to produce the communicative process in such a way that the values of the dialogue act productively.
Dezvoltarea personalităţii prin joc
Dezvoltarea personalităţii prin joc
(Personality development through game)
- Author(s):Ana Peleskei
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:171-176
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:development; personality; game; method
- Summary/Abstract:The instructive-educational activity is based on the game as a method to finalize concrete tasks in the didactic process, as well as for the knowledge of the children's psychic peculiarities. The evolution of the game (symbolic, imitation, competition) is the expresion of child's evolution. More games they play, the more their physical and mental capacities develop, helping them to adapt to any situation and gain self-confidence. The game is recognized as a human activity, being associated with the realization of human potential by developing feelings of dedication, modesty, temperance, patience, indulgence or love for others.
Management educaţional – perspective în România şi în lume
Management educaţional – perspective în România şi în lume
(Educational management – perspectives in Romania and worldwide)
- Author(s):Mariana Perniu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:177-183
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:education; management; perspectives; professional commitment.
- Summary/Abstract:The profession of manager implies a professional commitment so it becomes necessary to create a social-cultural image as well as its social status. As a conclusion, managers have a decisive role regarding the dimension and achievement of the performance of their team. In a world that is constantly changing, managers need to be aware of the importance of change. Together with the change, they need stability and continuity. In both the Romanian and the world educational field, the influence in getting good results can be put together, along with the competent institutions, also by the the family environment actively participating with children at various school activities.
Managementul educaţional – perspective în România şi în lume către o şcoală nouă ...
Managementul educaţional – perspective în România şi în lume către o şcoală nouă ...
(Educational management – perspectives in Romania and worldwide, towards a new school)
- Author(s):Dalma Peter
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:185-191
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:education; management; new school; postmodernism; creativity
- Summary/Abstract:In this study there is a brief presentation of the Romanian schools until 1990, where the appreciated pupil was good, conformist and was able to reproduce information. After 2000 school functions as a baby-sitting network; the children are supervised for 5-6 hours a day, the parents are not interested in what is happening there. Teenagers nowadays do not accept a school which is guarded militarily and it is torn away from life’s reality. We have to take an example from others regarding to education. The best example regarding to professional education is the German one, and also the Finns who are on the first place in resolving the PISA tests. We need to reform our educational strategies, our curriculum, and we have to stimulate self-studying and inter-studying. It is the chance of teachers of this generation to change education and to produce a model structured differently and functioning by new principles.
Managementul educaţional ca management al instituţiei şcolare
Managementul educaţional ca management al instituţiei şcolare
(Educational management as a management of the school institution)
- Author(s):Ion Popa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:193-196
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:management; school; institution; concept
- Summary/Abstract:Within the article entitled „Educational Management as School Institution management”, there have been analyzed the most important principles and functions which constitute the foundation of „educational management concept”. There have been analyzed a series of global issues and also strategies that aim to solve the multitude of problems per whole educational system. A very important role has been assigned to the assessment function, with practical applications within the educational system. Strictly following and applying these principles and functions during the educational practice helps shaping the individual`s personality.
Aplicarea noului curriculum pentru educaţie timpurie – o provocare?
Aplicarea noului curriculum pentru educaţie timpurie – o provocare?
(Applying the new curricula for early education – a challenge?)
- Author(s):Crina-Larisa Potorac
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:197-201
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Management; Evaluation; Decision making
- Summary/Abstract:The role of the evaluation in the management of the process of teaching consists in prolonging the operations of mesuring and evaluating in acts of decision making which contribute to the improvemment of the overall activity according to the macrostructural and also to the smaller scale goals postulated in the documents regarding the education policy. The value-related quantity evaluation involves all the three managerial operations: the mesuring (the quantity), the evaluation (the quality) and the decision taking – the begining of the improvement of the whole situation, according to the methodological and procedures and the pedagogical recomandations.
Management educaţional
Management educaţional
(Educational management)
- Author(s):Maria Pralea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:203-207
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:education; management; system; concepts; methods
- Summary/Abstract:The educational management is a system of concepts, methods and instruments for orientation and leading. The educational management is based on ideas, relations, people and resources. In order to get results in educational management it is necessary to have a form of management which represents a rationalization of paradoxes. The educational management is the leader’s art of reaching the goals through the mobilization of the efforts of all the members of the organization. The educational management is realized by following the accomplishment of an action under the best conditions, by acknowledging and assuming the responsibilities, the overachievements and the failures, being a process of guiding a group towards the achievement of the organizational objectives.
Leadership sau management educaţional în sistemul de învăţământ românesc?
Leadership sau management educaţional în sistemul de învăţământ românesc?
(Leadership or educational management in
Romanian educational system?)
- Author(s):Mirela Rotariu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:209-212
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:change; critical thinking; citizens; educational resources; education leadership; leadership; management.
- Summary/Abstract:The current transformations of society and the future, different points of view of current and future education in the world and in Romania, ask the educational managers the following question: "Leadership or educational management in the Romanian educational system?" The importance of leadership and effective management for success in school activities enjoys a special recognition in many parts of the world, the tendency towards autonomous management of school institutions in Romania has led to an increased appreciation of the importance of managerial skills of education leaders. Lately, there has been an increase in the differences between leadership and management, coupled with the understanding that school principals must be both good leaders and effective managers.
Relaţia şcoală-familie –comunitate
Relaţia şcoală-familie –comunitate
(The relationship between school, family and the community)
- Author(s):Clariţa Rus
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:213-220
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:education; school; community; didactic activity; pedagogical relations
- Summary/Abstract:Education is a specific, social human phenomenon that arises with society, from a certain necessity of its own - that of man's development as a man, as a work force and a social being. School and community make education possible. School is one of the central institutions of the community, it has specific roles but cannot function and cannot develop without taking into account the specificity of the community in which it operates. The whole didactic activity is determined by the pedagogical relations established between teachers and pupils, between pupils and pupils, as well as the relations between family and school, between teachers and parents, between pupils and parents. The school-family-community relationship is one where each factor interrelates with others. Collaboration between school and family requires not only mutual information about everything related to the child's orientation, but also the arming of parents with all the problems that this action involves.
Particularităţi ale imaginii de sine la adolescenţi din familii monoparentale - direcţii în managementul şcolar
Particularităţi ale imaginii de sine la adolescenţi din familii monoparentale - direcţii în managementul şcolar
(Particularities of the self-image in teenagers from monoparental families – directions in school management)
- Author(s):Elena Daniela Sandu (Calotă)
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:221-227
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:monoparental family; classic family; self-image; adolescent
- Summary/Abstract:The study aims to analyze the teenager from a single-parent family, in regard to the formation of his personality. In the same time, the study specifically examines his relationship with his parent/ the extended family and his attitude towards different social experiences. The results indicate that self-esteem in adolescence is directly related to the type of family, whereas self-confidence is independent of the type of family. Thusly, adolescents coming from one single parent families register lower scores than adolescents coming from traditional families, regarding the level of self-image.
Schimbare şi conflict în organizaţia şcolară
Schimbare şi conflict în organizaţia şcolară
(Change and conflict in school organization)
- Author(s):Viorica Ana Ştefu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:229-234
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Management; organizational culture; school; organization; conflict; organizational change
- Summary/Abstract:Living in a world characterized by change, we observe this phenomenon also within the organizational culture of the school. Organizational change is a permanent phenomenon that affects the entire organization or just its compartments. Management has an important role to play in making change effective. Planning and introducing any change contain a potential conflict. Conflict correlation - organizational change is a topical one for the contemporary organizational environment. Conflict states can be both a source of change and a determinant of resistance to change. The emergence of conflicts during the processes of change is inevitable.
Motivarea personalului - obiectiv prioritar al managementului resurselor umane
Motivarea personalului - obiectiv prioritar al managementului resurselor umane
(Motivating the staff – main objective of human
resources management)
- Author(s):Elena Toader
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:235-238
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:management; emotions; competences; motivation; communication; manager; relationship
- Summary/Abstract:Motivation is a major component of management and a subject frequently approached by specialists. Motivation is the action of motivating another individual, and motive represents all reasons (either conscious or not) that cause people do certain things, select from several options a certain behaviour, act in a certain way to reach targets. Motivation is associated to the reasoning action and possibilities to choose a certain action option. The targets that the individuals aim to through their work are of economic nature or could be connected to his own psycho-social development.
Managementul conflictelor
Managementul conflictelor
(Conflict management)
- Author(s):Mihaly Marcel Veres
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:239-243
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; conflict; solving; resolution.
- Summary/Abstract:The management of conflict involves the styles or strategies used to handle these conflictual situations and the intervention at every level (interpersonal, intragroup or intergroup). The organisation’s effectiveness can be enhanced if the manager decides to use a good strategy in solving or managing the conflict. A good manager knows when to intervene or whether there is need for intervention. The manager intervenes to reduce the conflict at all levels, he or she, in order to be more efficient, has to manage the conflict rather than solve the conflict.